At the beginning, I want to tell you something interesting. As soon as I have published my previous review on the drama Twisted Fate of Love on this website, the very next day, early in the morning, russia has started to bombard the territory of Ukraine with missiles and drones. Obviously, someone got a big burn in one place from my review. :):):)

And now about the drama Story of Kunning Palace. What can I say about the beginning of this series. Two men turned against the woman because she didn't lift her skirts up in front of them and didn't choose them. The actions of these men can be described by one very famous phrase “so let no one else have you”. Men are such men. They always want what they can't have the most. That's why at the beginning of the drama they both loved and hated the main heroine.

In the history of mankind, I have never heard of a single case of an emperor repenting of the fact that he used people to gain power. But the Empress Jiang Xue Ning repented in the drama. Obviously, in the eyes of the Chinese, only a woman should repent of having gained power. And men, according to the opinion of the Chinese, have the privilege of not doing so. Men can do anything. Well, well...

Why is it that when a man achieves a high position in society, everything is ok, but if a woman achieves it, she must repent? What are these double standards? The protagonist Jiang Xue Ning is the smartest, most beautiful and strongest not only among women but also among men in the drama. Who was more deserving of becoming empress than her?

In the series, Ning said that in her previous life, using a handkerchief, she took the empress's place from her illegitimate sister Jiang Xue Hui. But her sister was never supposed to have that position, as the protagonist's future life showed. It should not be forgotten that Jiang Xue Hui took away from Jiang Xue Ning the status of the first legitimate daughter in their family. As a result, Jiang Xue Hui got exactly the place she deserved. The daughter of a concubine became a concubine. It is fair.

In my opinion, Ning should not have committed suicide at the beginning of the drama. Firstly, she wasn't as bad as everyone, even she, thought she was. And secondly, she could have changed her life by staying alive. It's never too late to change yourself. But under no circumstances should she have given in to Xie Wei and killed herself in front of him.

The drama Story of Kunning Palace in some moments resembles the plot of the Chinese series Bright as the Moon, Jun Jiu Ling and Twisted Fate of Love. If you have watched the listed dramas, you will notice these moments in Story of Kunning Palace. Just like in Jun Jiu Ling, several men at once fall in love with the main heroine, of whom one is a good man and two are freaks.

Those men were three, but as for me, the main heroine lacked a fourth man in love with her, someone like the general Muru Han Shan from Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy. He would have quickly dispersed that gang led by Xie Wei, who rebelled at the beginning of the drama. Such ones can only be dispersed with whips. :) In the absence of someone like Muru Han Shan, I liked only one of the three men in love with Ning. It is Zhang Zhe. He is the only decent man and honest official in the drama. It was for him that Ning sacrificed her life in her previous life. In my opinion, he is the one she should have stayed with in her next life.

Yan Lin is Xie Wei's hand-picked errand boy, a weakling, selfish and possessive person. From the very beginning, he considered the protagonist to be his property and was jealous of her to every pillar, even though they were only friends and not married. What kind of general is he? A milk sucker!

Xie Wei is a scary snake, a real dragon. No wonder that at the beginning of the first episode of the drama, a close-up of his neck was shown. His neck really does look like a dragon's. I shuddered when I first saw him in a drama. I thought: “Jesus Christ, what kind of monster is this?!” I wasn't afraid of him, but he looked like satan.

Throughout the series, I wanted to show Xie Wei the middle finger. I didn't understand why the main heroine was being so ceremonious with him. Do you know what nickname I have given him? “Demon”. This nickname suits him very much. It reflects his true nature. To top it all off, Xie Wei is sick to the head, in the literal sense of this word. In the drama, he suffered from schizophrenia.

For those who do not know, I will tell you a little about schizophrenia. It is a terrible mental illness that is practically incurable. It is characteristic mainly of men. Women should never marry men who suffer from this disease, otherwise their married life will be a solid hell. Men with schizophrenia are usually very cruel, sometimes they have no empathy at all. But they don't show that in public, so people may get the wrong impression that such men are kind, gentle, well-mannered, i.e., they wouldn't hurt a fly. But men with this disease are extremely cruel to their relatives. They are real tyrants in the family. They are also great egoists and first-class liars.

This is how Xie Wei is in the drama. And such a monster was shoved into the pair to the main heroine. To say I have been shocked is to say nothing. Having been tricked by the high rating of the drama, I chose it for watching, hoping to rest my soul after Twisted Fate of Love. As a result, I stumbled upon the same crap. Xie Wei is even worse than Feng Xi. Story of Kunning Palace is a complete disappointment for me. Society has gone completely crazy nowadays, and so has cinema, if such absolutely dark characters as Xie Wei are romanticised.

The West has long since gone mad in this regard. They make films not about Batman now, but about Joker. It is not heroes who are praised, but villains. Even the evil witch Maleficent was made an angel. Unfortunately, that contagion also reached the East. Let's take for example the Chinese drama Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy. In it, attention is constantly focused on the fact that Muyun Sheng should be pitied. But in reality, he doesn't deserve pity. As the Prince Lu rightly said, Muyun Sheng was born to be alone and die alone, just like Xie Wei in Story of Kunning Palace. And where are those good values that the Chinese boast about? Is leaving the main heroine with a mentally ill degenerate the true Chinese values?!

You know, back when I have been watching Tribes and Empires, I have come to the conclusion that the three main male characters could destroy the world only if the three other male characters of this drama, namely Muyun Lu, Muru Han Shan and Muyun Han, have died. Otherwise, these three characters would not have let those three jerks destroy the world. This is the difference between good male characters and bad ones. And do you know why I don't like Maleficent so much? Because I associate myself with the Princess Aurora, who, however, has not been woken up by a prince charming, because there are none of them, but by the Lord Jesus Christ.

One of the promotional photos for the drama Story of Kunning Palace shows three men in love with the protagonist Jiang Xue Ning behind her, but her hand is reaching out to another man who is standing in front of her and reaching out his hand to her too. The body of that man is not visible, only his hand is. Guess who that man is. No, it is not Shen Jie, and not Muru Han Shan. It is Christ.

It is the same in real life. Christ is the Only One who has helped me; He is always with me, always reaching out His hands to me, and I reach out mine to Him. My feelings for Christ can be described in the words of the song Намалюю тобi зорі (I will draw you the stars) by the Ukrainian singer Tina Karol (I'm giving you the link: And I don't give a damn about all those nobodies who have rejected me.

It seems that the directors and screenwriters of Story of Kunning Palace are schizophrenic, just like Xie Wei, to make a drama with such a plot. Then it would be better if the plot of this drama ended at its beginning with the death of the main heroine. It's better to die than to be with someone like Xie Wei. If in the book it's the same as in the drama, then the writer Shi Jing is also sick to the head.

I don't understand the high rating of this series. Does no one really need good, kind and brave male characters anymore? I certainly need them. For those who admire this drama, who have given it high marks and written praising reviews, I advise to think about whether they would give their daughter in marriage to a beast like Xie Wei. I think for many of them the answer will be obvious.

I understand that a lot of girls are fans of Zhang Ling He (although in my opinion, there's nothing to be a fan of), but his character in this drama is a rare cretin. In the series, he was made too handsome. His real-life prototype, the real Xie Wei, is one hundred and fifty centimetres tall, with skinny, crooked legs and an eight-centimetre “sword”. :):):)

While watching the drama, something caught my attention. In the fourth episode, at 19:46, the English subtitles say that Lyu Xian is the master of Youhuang Store. However, when Ning and Yan Lin were leaving that store at 22:15, the sign on top of the store said “Yousheng Store”. What do you think of such game of words? In addition, during the period I was watching the drama, I stumbled upon a video on YouTube about the twelve clear signs of bad people. As an example, the video mentioned a man named Huang. As Shen Jie rightly said in the twenty-sixth episode, there are no coincidences. God left me the signs everywhere.

You can write psychiatry textbooks on Xie Wei, both on the Xie Wei in the drama and the one in real life. It made me laugh that he had a lookalike in the series, just like putin. Why should I be surprised? Both of them are abnormal. By the way, while I was watching the series, putin went on an “excursion” to Mongolia. What could I say about that trip: the russian serf came to the Mongolian khan with the tribute. :):):) For my part, I want to thank those Mongolians who came out to the rally with Ukrainian flags when that ghoul came to their country.

In my previous review of Twisted Fate of Love, I told you that I found an interesting book with an interesting cover in Ukrainian translation, namely a book by Maggie O'Farrell called The Marriage Portrait. As I promised you, I bought that book and read it while watching the drama Story of Kunning Palace. I stumbled upon that book for a purpose. The Lord specially lured me with its cover to read it. I advise you to read it as well.

The protagonist of this book, Lucrezia, is suspiciously similar to the protagonist of the drama Jiang Xue Ning (and not only to her). This book clearly and truthfully describes what happens in real life to women who tie their lives to such dark men with two faces as Alfonso ІІ d'Este and Xie Wei. 

No wonder that I laughed at the phrase “the socialite lion”. Alfonso is not a lion, but a real dragon, just like Xie Wei. No matter what such men pretend to be — tigers or lions, dragons are still dragons. A dragon will never become a lion. Those born to crawl cannot fly. And in this case, it is a lion who can fly, not a dragon, especially a Chinese dragon, which crawls on the ground like a cripple. :)

In the drama Story of Kunning Palace, I didn't like its title (I still didn't understand what was that Kunning Palace), the visual design, including of the opening and final credits, and even more so the plot, as you might have guessed from what I wrote above. This drama has a distorted moral, just like Twisted Fate of Love. In the final episode, the main heroine says that people are not divided into good and bad, although this is an outright lie. In fact, it's simple: people do divide into good and bad, no matter what anyone thinks or says. This is the truth of life. Anyone who thinks otherwise is mistaken and deceiving themselves.

In the twenty-sixth episode, Ning asks Lyu Xian how long a love out of pity can last. At that scene, I couldn't stand it and shouted out loud “not long!” And it is. Never love out of pity. It will not bring you any good, because you can pity someone who does not deserve it at all. Ning herself warned not to love out of pity and fell for that hook herself.

She had no love for Xie Wei. She just pitied him. She loved Zhang Zhe throughout the series, even though she didn't stay with him. Jiang Xue Ning's main problem was that she could neither forget her past nor forgive herself for what she had done in it. Because of that, she rejected Zhang Zhe cause she considered him perfect and herself — spoiled and unworthy of him. A silly girl. It is impossible to change the past, but we can change the future. The end of the drama is completely illogical. The main heroine has been reaching for the light so desperately for the entire series, but in the end she still chose darkness. Then what is the point of this whole story? To go back in time, to rewrite history to make it even worse in the end? This is bullshit!

Morality is distorted not only in the plot of this drama, but even in the lyrics of its songs. For example, Zhou Shen's song Borrow Dreams has the following words: “I knew there's no right or wrong”. But that's not true. There is right and wrong in the world, as well as good and evil, and there is a big difference between them. Not in vain did the Apostle Paul write the following in his First Epistle to the Thessalonians (chapter 5, verses 21-22): “Examining everything, hold fast to what is good! Beware of evil in every form!” Zhou Shen disappointed me with that his song. The Chinese do nothing but disappoint me all the time. Story of Kunning Palace is the only drama whose songs I haven't wanted to listen to.

The cast of the drama is also about nothing. I liked the acting of Bai Lu, who performed the female lead, Wang Xing Yue, who acted Zhang Zhe, Zhou Da Wei in the role of Shen Jie, Liu Min in the role of the Empress Dowager Xue, Cui Shao Yang as Xue Ding Fei and Yang Gen as Zheng Bao. All the rest are worthless.

I really liked Bai Lu's acting. It was very strong and realistic. However, I have a complaint about her, and at the same time, it is a piece of advice to her. I don't advise Bai Lu to act heroines who choose men like Xie Wei, because what her characters choose in dramas, she can draw to herself in real life. And bad men in real life are far from being as romantic as they are in dramas... to put it mildly.

I didn't reject everything in Story of Kunning Palace. I have liked some things, but this is not the merit of the drama and its creators, but the merit of God. As you can probably guess, it's about His signs that He has left me even in such a bad drama as this one. I have already mentioned many of them, but there are still many more.

In the first episode of the drama, there was a scene in which a large butterfly flew into the writer's apartment and sat on her laptop keyboard. Then the butterfly flew away. In the last episode, that butterfly transformed into a much prettier one and returned to the writer's apartment. Over the last three years, I have also had butterflies come to me twice and land on the front door of my apartment.

The first time I saw a butterfly sitting on my apartment door was in 2022 (I think it has been the summer of that year, if I'm not mistaken). It was a large black and red butterfly, one of those that are not found in Ukraine. I had never seen such butterflies before. Later I found information about it on the Internet. This butterfly is called Papilio rumanzovia, the Scarlet Mormon, which is found in Asia. It is most common in the Philippines, but it can also be seen in other places in Asia, in particular, in the south of Taiwan. This butterfly is widely known among the people as a symbol of passion. It took a long time for that butterfly to fly from Asia to my home. :)

I think you can guess why exactly this butterfly has landed on my apartment door in the summer of 2022. I made a lot of splash among Asian male actors back then. :):):) The song I Need to Know by Marc Anthony suits those male actors. Keep guessing, burdocks. Yeah, Jiang Xue Ning still needs to learn from me how to seduce men. :):):) Even the real-life Xie Wei couldn't resist, but who needs him now? :):):):):) The second time a butterfly landed on the front door of my apartment was in 2023. That butterfly was also big, but it was a different, brighter butterfly, similar to the one that came to the writer in the last episode of Story of Kunning Palace. It was already one of those found in Ukraine.

The drama again mentions Jiangnan, the Yangtze River and Suzhou, as in other Chinese dramas. Jiang Xue Ning grew up in Jiangnan, as did the main heroine of The Sword and the Brocade, Luo Shi Yi Niang. It seems that the whole history of China revolves around the historical region of Jiangnan, which is so similar to Ukraine. I'm not joking. Anyone who knows Jiangnan well and will come to Ukraine will immediately notice the similarity. Story of Kunning Palace, as well as The Sword and the Brocade and Twisted Fate of Love, also mentions plum blossom. In the thirteenth episode, Xie Wei carved a plum blossom on wood with a saw.

In the first episode, at 3:25, the Empress's official seal features two phoenixes facing each other. I have seen the same image on the gate of a house not far from where I live. Also, in the first episode, the protagonist mentions her red Ruyi jade pendant. The series also mentions the Ruyi jade scepter. I have heard the name “Ruyi” (or “Ru Yi”) in many Chinese dramas. That was, for example, the name of the main or secondary characters, the title of the jade bracelet and the palace, etc. I have encountered that name in such series as The Empress of China, Story of Yanxi Palace, and in many other Chinese dramas.

In the drama Story of Kunning Palace, I saw lion statues again. While watching the drama, I also saw lion statues in one of the YouTube videos about China. And again, I saw a lion in a YouTube advertisement while watching the drama. :) It looks like God is taking over the advertising. This is good, because sometimes such ads are shown that you can't help but fall down. :) Then I sit and think: “Who writes these stupid ads?!” :)

Speaking of China and YouTube. Recently, in another YouTube video about China, I have found out that thirty-three million people live in the Chinese city of Chongqing. Again, Christ's age. And again I found out about that from YouTube. But YouTube is unfairly blocked in the PRC. The Chinese don't know what they are losing. YouTube promotes them all over the world, and they block it. :)

The series often referred to three hundred faithful souls. That story reminded me of the story of the three hundred Spartans. In the fourteenth episode, Ning gifted the Princess Le Yang a shadow puppet of a woman. I saw the same puppet in Twisted Fate of Love. Also in that same episode, the scoundrel You Yue was replaced in the palace by Jiang Xue Hui. Likewise, the traitor Judas was replaced by another apostle, the Apostle Matthias.

I noticed something funny in the drama. The characters, among other things, used a paper called Bailu. The actress who portrays the female lead in this drama is called Bai Lu. :) In the twenty-ninth episode, Xie Wei mentioned March twenty-first. It has been exactly on March twenty-first, 2023, that I have signed up on this website under the nickname “Blue water tigress”.

There was a lot of rainbow in the series, and there was even more sun than moon. I also saw in the drama Ukrainian flags, slippers with tigers, jewelry with butterflies, and many other interesting things.

For me, the most disgusting scene in the entire Story of Kunning Palace series is one in the fifteenth episode. In it, Xue Ye punched Jiang Xue Ning in the face. It was horrible. A man who hits a woman is not a man, he is a scumbag. A real man is kind and gracious to women. I was extremely happy to see how in the twenty-sixth episode Xue Ding Fei “avenged for Ning” and slapped Xue Ye in the face so hard that he almost flew away. :):):) And he kicked his ass well. Nice job! I laughed so hard at those scenes... :Cui Shao Yang generally did a good job. His character made the drama more fun to watch. But in general, Story of Kunning Palace is a dark drama with the dark ending, as evidenced even by its visual design. I don't advise you to watch it.

I have watched all thirty-eight episodes of the drama, but I will not watch the special episode with Ning and Xie Wei's wedding. I don't want to watch how the main heroine marries the demon. I even regret having watched this series. The high rating of this drama has played a cruel joke on me. Although, probably, according to God's plan, I was supposed to watch the drama in order to see what I needed to see and tell you about it.

Even though I didn't like Story of Kunning Palace at all, I liked Bai Lu as an actress. So I will risk watching another drama with her participation. I also want to say something else, which I ask you to pay attention to. Remember that the human heart is a great mystery, and only God knows whether there is light in this heart or whether it is completely dark. But in order to avoid this darkness, you need to obey God and not make mistakes that you may regret very much later. So I ask you to think twice before watching such dark dramas like Story of Kunning Palace and not to admire men like Xie Wei both in dramas and in real life.

I have long ago chosen a side, in my early childhood, as soon as I could think and understand things, and this is Heaven. And I will never change the side, because I know from my own experience what is Heaven and what is hell.

In conclusion, I dedicate the Ava Max song called Kings & Queens to the protagonist of the drama Jiang Xue Ning, myself and all other women, because every woman is a queen. And yes, girls, we are worth it! :)

P.S. My review of the drama Story of Kunning Palace turned out to be obviously much better than the drama itself. :):):)

Was this review translated from a different language? For example with Google Translate which doesn't always do a good job getting all the nuances and meanings right.

It's just that some paragraphs read a bit strange... I'm quite confused what they mean in the context of a drama review. Hope you don't take offence at me for saying this.

Just to name a few examples:

I understand that a lot of girls are fans of Zhang Ling He (although in my opinion, there's nothing to be a fan of), but his character in this drama is a rare cretin. In the series, he was made too handsome. His real-life prototype, the real Xie Wei, is one hundred and fifty centimetres tall, with skinny, crooked legs and an eight-centimetre “sword”. :):):)

 I stumbled upon a video on YouTube about the twelve clear signs of bad people. As an example, the video mentioned a man named Huang. As Shen Jie rightly said in the twenty-sixth episode, there are no coincidences. God left me the signs everywhere. 

I made a lot of splash among Asian male actors back then. :):):) The song I Need to Know by Marc Anthony suits those male actors. Keep guessing, burdocks. Yeah, Jiang Xue Ning still needs to learn from me how to seduce men. :):):) Even the real-life Xie Wei couldn't resist, but who needs him now? :):):):):)

In the drama Story of Kunning Palace, I saw lion statues again. While watching the drama, I also saw lion statues in one of the YouTube videos about China. And again, I saw a lion in a YouTube advertisement while watching the drama. :) It looks like God is taking over the advertising.