Synopsis: Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams) is a lazy but brilliant college dropout with an eidetic memory that has allowed him to pass the bar exam without attending law school. Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht), one of Manhattan's best lawyers, hires Ross as his new associate. Because of the firm's policy of hiring only Harvard Law graduates, Ross is forced to pretend that he has gone to Harvard.

Is anyone watching this new american tv show? So far there are only two episodes, but im actually really loving it.
I've never heard of this show.
Is that Gina Torres?!?! The show's premise doesn't really grab my interest (and I'm already addicted to its Korean cousin, Miss Ripley), but it's flippin' GINA TORRES! I will watch her in anything!
caiochaves wrote: Is that Gina Torres?!?! The show's premise doesn't really grab my interest (and I'm already addicted to its Korean cousin, Miss Ripley), but it's flippin' GINA TORRES! I will watch her in anything!

Who? And no no no, did i post the wrong synopsis? She's a minor character. And its more along the lines of Pothead turning lawyer and having to deal with a emotionally deprived lawyer who...hires a pothead?:d
handi5Prietrili wrote: Who? And no no no, did i post the wrong synopsis? She's a minor character. And its more along the lines of Pothead turning lawyer and having to deal with a emotionally deprived lawyer who...hires a pothead?:d

You wrote the right one. LOL, In Miss Ripley, she lies about going to a prestigious university to get a job.
I phrased that incorrectly... She lies about having graduated from a prestigious university. Was it Tokyo University?
handi5Prietrili wrote: Who? And no no no, did i post the wrong synopsis? She's a minor character. And its more along the lines of Pothead turning lawyer and having to deal with a emotionally deprived lawyer who...hires a pothead?:d

Gina Torres is big in sci-fi fandom. She's been in Xena, Hercules, Angel, Cleopatra 2525, the last two Matrix movies, Alias, and Firefly, the biggest cancellation mistake OF ALL TIME EVER. Oh, and she's married to Morpheus/Laurence Fishburne. She's basically awesome.

uxlhkpexoooq wrote: I phrased that incorrectly... She lies about having graduated from a prestigious university. Was it Tokyo University?

Yep, Tokyo University.
inciongmib wrote: Gina Torres is big in sci-fi fandom. She's been in Xena, Hercules, Angel, Cleopatra 2525, the last two Matrix movies, Alias, and Firefly, the biggest cancellation mistake OF ALL TIME EVER. Oh, and she's married to Morpheus/Laurence Fishburne. She's basically awesome.

Yep, Tokyo University.

Fangirl alert:D
I saw this advertisement on TV the other day and it looked interesting. Mainly because one of the characters is supposed to have a photographic memory.
I am currently watching it & I really like
I will probably watch it when the season is over or in re-runs.
hazelrea wrote: I saw this advertisement on TV the other day and it looked interesting. Mainly because one of the characters is supposed to have a photographic memory.

Hm, im not sure if it's photographic memory but he just has good memory and learns quickly.
ssecrecy wrote: I am currently watching it & I really like

Yay another fan!
inciongmib wrote: Gina Torres is big in sci-fi fandom. She's been in Xena, Hercules, Angel, Cleopatra 2525, the last two Matrix movies, Alias, and Firefly, the biggest cancellation mistake OF ALL TIME EVER. Oh, and she's married to Morpheus/Laurence Fishburne. She's basically awesome.

Being a HUGE Joss Wheden geek...Gina Torres is awesome and cancelling Firefly...still makes me sad to think about it! God she was creepy in season 4 Angel! Jasmine...shudder.
Personally, this show seems to be getting better and better in my opinion. I'm still loving it.
I'm currently watching this show as well. It's my favorite on USA, and I can't wait for next weeks episode! It looks intense ^.^ I agree it's getting much better as the series continues. Got me hooked now heh