Girls, guys and non-binary folk, who is the most attractive to you between (and I’m talking the characters):

1. Ray vs Sand

2. Top vs Mew

3. Nick vs Boston

4. Namcheum vs April


Please remember this is just for funsies and don’t be mean about any actor.🖤


1. Is the most difficult as I think the characters are very similar when you really think about it. They both know they’re hot, they’re both big drinkers, they are both a little antisocial despite being out all the timE and they’re both sex positive….. It’s gonna have to be a threesome, as my personality is similar to the characters and I can not choose.

2. Easy, it’s Top. I like a person where what you see is what you get. I feel like Mew is the onion type with lots of layers and that makes me suspish!

3. This was hard as I don’t like Nicks clingy behaviour (he was told what this relationship would be from the start), but Boston is a manipulative dick! I love Bostons ego though (I know I’m weird). I’ll go with Nick because he’s more transparent than Boston and like I said I like people where you know what you’re getting.

4. April. Even though we don’t know the character that well, she’s just cooler.

My KING OF HOTNESS is Khaotung!! How someone can be hot’n’sexy and so cute at the same time is beyond me!🖤

Omg this is difficult 

I’m rooting for Sand and Ray you can’t deny chemistry 

Boston needs therapy  Nick needs a hug 

Top and Mew are cute but………. Idk something still off

My girls are like the only sane people in the group 

1. Sand, no contest. I love this tired, stressed out man. He's so wonderfully forthright and he's very good at gently telling it like it is without coming off like he's lecturing or dismissing the other person's feelings. He's gonna get hurt so badly but I think his forthright nature will make it less bad than it could be (or I hope). I love him I love him.

2. Top. He's awful but he's very hot. Those *arms*. Mew is great too, though, ha. I want him to hook up with Sand.

3. Boston. Nick is a cutie though. The cute face hides the evil beneath, trust and believe. :D

4. April. There's just something about her - she's only been in the one scene and I could barely take my eyes off her. 

King of hotness? Force, I guess? Everyone else is gorgeous but in terms of just raw "I would climb that like a tree" energy I think I have to go with Force. 

(okay so I willfully misunderstood the assignment. I like everyone okay I'm easy like that)


I have to say its three way tie between

First ......Khaotung......Force  

and  Mark as a bonus 

The Hottest Characters


 Old lady STAYTINY:

Girls, guys and non-binary folk, who is the most attractive to you between (and I’m talking the characters):

1. Ray vs Sand

2. Top vs Mew

3. Nick vs Boston

4. Namcheum vs April


Please remember this is just for funsies and don’t be mean about any actor.🖤

Oh, this is fun

Sand. Sand. Sand.

Definitely not Top. I like Mew, he has a solid set of values and ideas he abides by and upholds, i like that.

Again, not Boston. Nick is also cuter

Namcheum! April is kinda a scene stealer though. I'm still pissed that it was Top who saved Cheum, not April just so RayMewTop could get their conflict *eyeroll"

Actor... First! His eyes are so beautiful

1) Tie

2) Toss em both out the window

3) Boston when you just want that wild crazy break him in half f until the next day sex, Nick when you just want that pile of goo to sink into after having some wild hot sex.

4) WHO?? Sorry was distracted by Neo's new found abs.

5) Five way tie if you count First, Khaotung, Neo, Mark, and Drake. They're already hot and sexy on their own, but the way they've all managed to break so far out of the good boy vibes they've had in every other series just reves up the hot / sexy. If I really had to only pick one, it would be First. He has this way of looking at the camera that just sucks you into the depths of his eyes. Some of the others does that as well, but he does it best.

1. If we're going based purely on physical attractiveness: Ray. If we're going based on all around attractiveness: Sand. He's attractive in his own right, but he's also more mentally and emotionally stable. He's a very genuine and confident person and I appreciate that.

2. Based on physical attractiveness alone: Top. All around attractiveness: Mew. Top's too much of a red flag for my taste and while Mew's throwing some red flags as well, he seems less overtly problematic. We have some common opinions and behaviours which make him more appealing. And he is cute.

3. Based on physical attractiveness alone: Boston. All around attractiveness: Nick. Both are massive red flags and not ideal, but Nick is moderately less so. He has an obsessive and possessive personality, but at least he's not looking to actively cause pain.

4. Based on physical attractiveness alone: Namcheum. All around attractiveness: April. Honestly, they are both gorgeous, but I vibe more with April as she seems more introverted and chill. I really want to see more of her because we've barely gotten to know her, but she just seems really sweet and authentic. Cheum is definitely more extroverted and wild, which I love for her, but, for me, that level of energy would get exhausting fast.

King of Hotness: toss up between First and Khaotung. Besides being physically attractive, they both just have such vibrant personalities; it enhances the physical aspect.

1. Ray, although I don't care about either. I'm a First fan, but he's dull in this.

2. Top, purely on looks, although he's played by a vastly superior actor than is Mew, and Force isn't really a great actor.

3. Nick by a mile, and I'm usually a Neo person. Mark is cute and sexy and a good actor. 

4. I don't know who these are.

King:  Purely on looks, Top, but that would only work in photographs where you can't tell he has only one facial expression and no personality.  If I were choosing one myself, no question, Nick by a mile.

If I were putting them in order, and this is hotness, so all physical and attitude:





Sand (would be way higher if I was rating who I want as a boyfriend)

Mew (he's an absolute zero for me)

How about Boyfriend order?







So I guess Nick wins all the prizes.

 Old lady STAYTINY:
1. Ray vs Sand

2. Top vs Mew

3. Nick vs Boston

4. Namcheum vs April

1. Sand is like someone took a list of "perfect bf traits" from when I was 16 and made it real. Thin built, sarcastic with a warm heart, cute when smiles - cute when pouts, likes BritPop, plays guitar and sings in a band. Even the fact he is always in jeans and band T-shirts. YES PLEASE!

2. Easiest question ever. Of course Mew. First of all, he's DAUM both with and without glasses. I'm also a sucker for nerds. He is very much attractive to me in general, but then almost anyone would win (imo) against Top. Just, nope! Nothing about him seems attractive to me.

4. We haven't really seen much of April as a character, but from the opening titles, she looks more like what I'd like if I were attracted to woman

And now, I haven't forgotten about Nick and Boston. But, I mean, just - how??? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CHOOSE!?! I could watch only their footage from the opening credits for hours!

King of Hotness - Ok so, this is also answers the prev part, but I think it's Boston for me. Even just the way he looks at the camera can kill me

 Old lady STAYTINY:

Girls, guys and non-binary folk, who is the most attractive to you between (and I’m talking the characters):

1. Ray vs Sand

2. Top vs Mew

3. Nick vs Boston

4. Namcheum vs April


Please remember this is just for funsies and don’t be mean about any actor.?

1. SAND. as much as i love Ray and would love to see his character development. Sand caught my eyes since the very first appearance. He's zealous, works hard for what he wants without depending on anyone. Does what needs to be done unapologetically and tbh i see more maturity in him than any other character.

2. TOP. It might be unpopular opinion but he did give efforts for Mew if it wasnt for Boston being Boston it wouldn't have happened. He knew what he wanted and went for it. Meanwhile Mew's character is kinda deceiving he puts up a different front and is something different.

3. NICK. Istg I'll never forgive Boston for hurting this cutie, although i dont understand why he's so obsessed with him even after Ray exposed his usual luring tactics at the party.

4. CHEUM. the only sane person in this insanely hot yet psychotic friend group.

KING OF HOTNESS and cuteness apparently is definitely Ray lol the way he looks at Sand melts me .... in all ways

 Old lady STAYTINY:

Girls, guys and non-binary folk, who is the most attractive to you between (and I’m talking the characters):

1. Ray vs Sand

2. Top vs Mew

3. Nick vs Boston

4. Namcheum vs April


Please remember this is just for funsies and don’t be mean about any actor.🖤

1. Sand without a doubt

2. Mew, because I just don't like Top

3. Nick, I feel like I'd get in so much trouble with Boston lmao

4. April, because Namcheum is too energetic for me 😅

First/Sand wins for me!!

1. Sand. Because not only is he hella handsome, but also  he is a beautiful person overall. He also ended up being my favourite character, for so many vivid reasons. 

2. Truly neither of them, as their personalities are not my vibes.

3. Boston because he is hot atleast for a night but not as a friend. Plus, I found Boston to be less annoying than the entire TopMew's drama.

4. April because of her cool vibes.