After one had watched a lot of dramas, sometimes there is one that sticks out. Sometimes you might have liked it and sometimes the drama just utterly disturbed you for one reason or another but  it got stuck in your memory.

For me this has recently become the thing I look for in dramas.
Something that is different, where you think back to for a long time.

Sadly, I have had not  a lot of luck finding that in recent years.

Therefore I'd like to ask you for your 3 special dramas.
Dramas that you think back to often because that moved you so much that it will never be forgotten.
 And maybe a reason as to why it is to special for you.

It can be from any year, any country, any genre.

Thank you for your help :) 

Moonlight Chicken.  A new online friend has just found this so I'm watching it in full for a fourth time and know the plot so well this viewing is savouring every emotion, what the characters feel and the actors depict so well and what it evokes in me. Each time I watch it it speaks to me in a different way. It's rich enough and complete enough emotionally it can do that.

The Broken Us, Thai PBS. Found family. Difficult subjects, gently, beautifully told and surrounded with love. Let's be afraid together.

Am trying to decide on one for the third. There are 9 candidates and they can all make a case for why they should be included. Bokura no Shokutaku (found family with the World's Cutest Kid and Most Adorable Wingman), My Fairy Ghost, and the current 3-9 on this list  if anyone is curious enough to peek whilst I'm debating with myself :)  Maybe Khun Chai, which is really a story about women, although it's benefitting from recency bias as I just finished it. Or maybe the movie May Who?, as it's such a good example of the clever goofiness, warmth and generosity of Thai humour.

P.S. I like the way you phrased your question. What are your three?

Thank you for your answer! I have added them to my list. They all look very wholesome and Thai dramas! I enjoy them a lot but it is especially hard to find some gems in Thai-dramaland. So thank you very much for your answer!
My three most memorable dramas are not wholesome, they are more shocking at time but I keep thinking a lot about them.
Present Perfect.....this is a Thai movie and probably more fitting for the "wholesome" genre. It is about a girl learning to be an adult, while taking care of her niece and thus coming to understand her own past.
Ai, Her  , a futuristic drama where plastic "brain" surgery is possible. It talks a lot about what I means to be perfect and why we truly want to be perfect,
 The Uncle .... a special needs girl and her uncle that is released from prison after being accused of killing . her mother. This is quite shocking really is a fantastic story and so many layers.

You're welcome. I hope you enjoy them <3

The Thai Drama Club has been great for exploring the ones fewer people talk about in English. I like found family, strong friend groups and youth series so GMMTV's offerings are a good fit for me but since I found my way outside of that bubble I'm even more taken with the way Thais tell their stories.

Present, Perfect is high on my list, probably in April. I'm so impressed by what I've seen from its director I'm rationing his work :)  The Library (already on your watch list) is a masterpiece of beautiful, poignant economic story telling while Bad Genius manages to turn an academic cheating scandal into an edge of your seat how is this all going to turn out thriller. The Library is one I think about a lot.

I've added your other two to try. What else do you like in a series? That might help me pick my third for your question or suggest others which come close.

Healer - I do consider it as a timeless series, because the plot is very unique. Yes, romance-action genre isn't new, but Healer literally created a story which has equal percentage in terms of action and romance. It was all 50/50 which is a huge PLUS and I personally haven't seen it happen since Healer. Often we usually get 70 percent action plot and only 30 percent romance plot, which I am not a fan of and that's why K2 or City Hunter failed me.

Next, One Spring Night - It is slice-of-life series and I am sure years ago I wouldn't like it, but as I get older I tend to reach out for my age category stories and stories about struggles of life. The huge plus in this series that basically carries the show is the somewhat complicated romance? FL is in years long relationship having a fall-out with her BF when she meets ML and he boldly confesses to her and the whole process of them getting together is just so satisfying to watch and very realistic. There is not a single character there that isn't flawed and that's very realistic. 

The third series would be Red Sleeve which is basically a sonata for yearning I would call it. It also contains very mature romance and the setting of the series is perfect as well. People who don't know the history and the nuances of it might be lost with the romance aspect or the political aspect of the story, but as someone who is studying Korean history it is a true gem. 

Out of everything I've ever watched, Healer is the one that's stuck with me most over the years. In a way that no other series has.

  • Bloody Romance - unique (some might say odd) aesthetics/color palette, aching longing between the leads, and a hauntingly open ending
  • Just Between Lovers - exactly the kind of drama I want but almost never find, the perfect mix of bittersweet, heartbreaking, and hopeful
  • The Princess's Man - so exactly the sort of relationship dynamic I like to watch it's like it was written for me. This drama absolutely consumed me the week I watched it and I still can't stop thinking about it.
  • Runner up: Go Ahead