Please recommend romance dramas where the FL got to know the ML very well. His likes and dislikes, his sense of humour, etc. but something happened. The FL travels through time, the ML gets amnesia, or something else along those lines. When the FL reunites with the ML he has forgotten her or doesn't know her, and she has to try to pretend not to know him or has to try to hide her feelings for him. But sometimes she slips and there's a moment between them, the ML is given a glimpse of the FL's true nature or feelings, or the ML has a chance to realize the truth. 

Bonus points if the moment happens because the FL knows what food the ML likes or doesn't like, his fears, things that will make him sick, something that will make him laugh.... anything like that. 

A few examples of dramas that have dynamics that are somewhat like what I'm looking for:


Thanks! It looks like some of these are the reverse, with the FL forgetting the ML? Is that right?

I can't believe I had no idea they made a second HYD!

 AH :

Thanks! It looks like some of these are the reverse, with the FL forgetting the ML? Is that right?

I can't believe I had no idea they made a second HYD!

No, they all have the ML forgetting the FL. 

  • Hana Yori Dango 2 (ML gets into an accident and forgets her. He then falls in love with another girl, and FL tries to stay out of his life because she thinks he's happy without her but he keeps encountering her and ends up remembering her.) Meteor Garden Season 2 (the Taiwanese version) actually takes it a step further if you want even more and has an entire season of this, instead of just a few episodes.
  • Orange Marmalade (in the second half, ML forgets both their past and current lives and FL pretends not to know him even though they keep encountering each other at school)
  • The Last Princess (the leads get married, ML is wounded and missing, FL thinks he's dead, becomes a spy. ML then turns up and FL pretends not to know him to protect him but her behavior makes him curious. He eventually remembers her in the nick of time to save her life when she's going to be executed as a spy.)
  • Well Dominated Love (ML forgets FL, she becomes his secretary to hope that he'll remember, her behavior toward him intrigues him and makes him think they know each other before)
  • One Week Friends (there's a big twist At first you think FL has the memory loss. Turns out ML is the one with amnesia. The leads were close, then ML felt such guilt for someone's death and was injured so he forgot the FL, and the FL pretends not to know him to protect him, and fakes the memory thing to keep him from befriending her)

Oh and I thought of some more!

  • An Ancient Love Song in the "first" meeting, FL has meet ML many times, knows, and loves him, but the messed up time travel means he's meeting her for the first time. She pretends not to know him but you can see how much it's hurting her
  • Lost Track of Time kind of fits FL dies and time travels to the past, she falls in love with the ML but keeps herself distant from him and doesn't tell him about about the original timeline for quite a while, to the point that he has to fake his death to get her to confess because he suspects she has some secret
  • Jun Jiu Ling  not amnesia but similar - FL returns with a new identity/face and stays by the ML's side but he doesn't know it's her and is mourning for the original her who he believes is dead
  • and I have an amnesia list here but some are the FL instead
No, they all have the ML forgetting the FL. 

Oh and I thought of some more!

Thank you so much for the recs and extra details!

Mild spoilers hidden below

Autumn's Concerto - Amnesia

Someday or One Day - Time travel but it's more complex than that 

An Ancient Love Song - Time travel but again it's a bit more complex than that lmao

The Last Immortal - he doesn't forget her but something happens where he isn't able to tell who she is but she knows who he is


Mild spoilers hidden below

Autumn's Concerto - Amnesia

Someday or One Day - Time travel but it's more complex than that 

An Ancient Love Song - Time travel but again it's a bit more complex than that lmao

The Last Immortal - he doesn't forget her but something happens where he isn't able to tell who she is but she knows who he is

Thank you!