Hi :DD

I'm in a mood for some good serious j-drama like Liar Game or Ouroboros (I'm currently watching it ^^). I haven't seen many titles, so I'll be gratefull for anything you share with me ^^

What do you mean by "serious"? (because that's not the word i would have used for Liar Game or Ouroboros). Well, at least i would recommend some who might remind you of what you're currently watching or have liked:  Kurosagi (which is on your Plan to watch list), Kazoku Game, Maou, Kazokugari, Bloody Monday (2 seasons), Keizoku 2 : SPEC, Ando Lloyd (on your PTW if i remember well). Maybe Hanzawa Naoki, not totally the same, but one of the best.
Those are dramas that I really enjoyed, as well as the two you mentionned.
Hope it could help, and have fun watching some of those dramas.
Thank you!! ^^
I meant j-dramas that aren't comedies ;)
as SumiTheCat said i wouldnt call these 2 dramas serious...
anyway maybe give Zeni Geba a try
I wont call those serious too, they are mangaish type of drama those over the top acting you know. Serious are like the commenter above mentioned Hanazawa naoki, byakuyakou is serious too on and we have this serious sad drama like one liter of tears and sekachu.
You might find something to watch from this list I created  while ago.

kazoku game
bloody monday
Thank you, guys! ^^

I didn't mean serious like melodrama or 'let's kill most characters or make them suffer from illness", so everyone would cry over them. I've meant these dramas that aren't comedies or sugar romance. I probably described it wrong :(
bwahaha. don't worry DarkZone, those i suggested won't make you cry :)