It's nice to have recommendations go both ways imo.

I did end up finding Ao Haru Ride and watched it last night. I liked it a lot better then L*DK the story seemed to make more sense to me. The story seemed more complete and I just understood the relationship more then L*DK.  I got a better feel for the main characters. There relationship and personalities made scene. I'm sure it left stuff out but I didn't really find myself asking many questions at the end. They could of told us more about the co-characters and what happened to the mains after but even a few of the 20+ ep ones I've watched left me with more questions about what happen then Ao Haru Ride did. Over all I'd say it was a well done movie and as a movie is about the same time as one ep of a drama that's makes it all the more worth the watch. It's one I wouldn't have minded being a small series. 13 eps would have gave them more time to get some pointless scene in there lmao. The movie didn't say one thing about the main girl family and I don't think it wast really needed in the move but think if it was a longer drama/anime they should at least tell you she has one lol. Scene of them having dinner once or something. Now that I think about it I don't think they ever even showed you where she lived or if it was with anyone.

I had to look it up as Blue Spring Ride to find it. It however was a movie I shouldn't have watched yet.

Not really a Spoiler per say but...
Even tho none of the main actors got sick or anything the person that did get sick was the same as the family member I mentioned earlier so was to close to home atm but was still a good movie just got me a little sadder then it would have at a different time.
I think the saddest I've got from a drama was Our Happy Time tho idk why. I didn't find it the best drama but the ending really got to me.

Hope links are ok here. Here's the link so if anyone watch to watch it they can. The link didn't seem to work for me I left it but if you go to dramago . com   and look for Blue Spring Ride you can find it.
To tell you the truth, I don't know in which part of the story the movie ends and how it is alike to the manga, so I can't talk openly, but one thing I didn't like about this story, is the unnecessary drama...I'm glad you liked it though!

I mean it's really common the male protagonist to have dead or sick parents, but sometimes it gets annoying. Most times I get angry with the female lead that keeps loving him no matter what and never get angry and forgives every single stupid or bad  thing he does. Sometimes she finds another guy, much better than the protagonist but at the end she ditches him for the protagonist.  It doesn't happen everytime of course, but they mostly follow this pattern, that I guess I don't like :p

Bokura ga ita, for example, is a story with much drama too, but even though I don't prefer sad stories I think I liked it more, because at leat there was much plot than if the girl would end up with the first or the second lead. 

Also, if you like watching movies, Hidamari no Kanojo is one of my favourites. It's a very cute and different story and it's easy to watch :)

Our Happy Time seems very sad, but interesting.
Almost all dramas seem to have the pointless parts but I really didn't find it as bad. They really didn't go much in to others trying to break them up. Story was mostly her trying to get him over losing the mother. I would have to say it had less drama then BBF but that could just be because it was shorter and they cut most of it out. But every ones views are different. If you find a point where your bored and want something that you wont get caught up watching ep after ep you may want to try it to see how you like it very the manga. 

That's part of why I like small series or movies I can get done with them faster. I normally watch them win my bf is out with friends or sleeping and when hes back I stop watching them to watch stuff on tv/movies and some times don't get back to them for days and I'm one that really likes watching 6+ eps at a time don't always find the time to lately tho. With movies I know 2 hours or so and I'm done so I don't have to worry about stopping at a bad point lol. I still like some longer ones but I never want to watch them cuz I don't want to get pulled in for a long time (cant help it). With just you there was points I only watched half a ep then didn't watch it for a week till I just gave up and watched it will he played a few games. He ended up watching the end with me over playing the games lol. He doesn't dislike drama he's just not big into reading subs. He has liked all the ones I had him watch tho. City Hunter, BBF, Kimi wa Petto, end of Just You and Operation Proposal. He just likes ones that he doesn't have to read playing on the tv will he listens and watches his game lol.

I'll check the movie out still have to finish the chocolatier to and try a few of the other dramas others listed but as I said movies are easier to fit in imo. I know I like the main male he was in both Kimi wa Petto and Hana Yori Dango. Hes also the chocolatier in the one I have to finish.

Nere seen Bokura ga ita. Is it anything like Koizora? It sounds like it maybe kind of along the same lines.
For me, even though sometimes it's taking a long time finishing them, I don't mind how many episodes a drama has, as long as it's a completed story :|
But it's sure tiring to have to wait a week to see a half episode :\

As for Koizora, I haven't seen it yet so I have no idea...