Ai wa Mieru is really good. It's more like a movie though.
nekoblah wrote: the only drama i watch on your list was shi5uya
i liked it cuz it was different, if you ever play the game "the world ends with you" then you might find something similar about it .... and yea its not funny or sad its just really different

i've tried to watch some few minutes of shi5uya but didn't like it..
but again,,maybe i should try to watch more before i like

Lylina wrote: I liked IWGP way more, maybe because the story has a bit of detective/mystery too ^^
You should really try Keizoku 2 too.. but only if you like sci-fi and detective/mystery drama (it has lots of funny moments too)

ah,,i have enough with detective...too many detective dramas these days..
but maybe i'll try the 1st minute...only 3 episodes left for samurai high school and i need another jdrama.. :P

AThirteenBox wrote: Ai wa Mieru is really good. It's more like a movie though.

ah, special and sad...ok, i'll try it before i sleep tonight.. :)


so far, those that already mentioned are..
edison no haha (not sure if it's funny or sad)
keizoku 2 spec (2x)
kisarazu cat's eye (1x)
ikeburo west gate park (1x)
joker (2x, but not really funny (?) )
untouchable (not sure if it's funny or sad, but wasn't bad)
ai wa mata noboru (sad)
shi5uya (not funny, but good)

still waiting for more votes.. :)
From the list///// i only watched -Keizoku 2 -Marumo no Okite -Yuusha probably the most i liked was Marumo>Yuusha>>>>>>Keizoku 2 ^^ from the list i will probably have will to watch this... -Iwgp -Guilty -Kizarasu Cats Eye
bokami wrote: From the list/////

i only watched
-Keizoku 2
-Marumo no Okite


the most i liked was Marumo>Yuusha>>>>>>Keizoku 2 ^^

wah..yuusha is historical drama!!??i've never seen japanese historical drama before.. (i don't put JIN as one.. :P )
but it seems to i'll skip it for now..but i'll watch it someday..^^
and then, keizoku 2 is mentioned again...but it's detective..again, not in the mood for it..
and marumo no it sad?i've seen the kids in youtube, singing the OST..they're so cute! :D