A few weeks ago I decided to give a chance to sageuks and I started to watch the most popular ones. But something troubled me -- most of them are actually fusion sageuks and I cringed with the nonsenseness. I mean, bullying for homosexuality in Joseon era? Really? For a bro hug in a male-full university? Cut that shit out. Even when they're not fusion sageuks, generally it still contains a high dose of fiction. By fiction I don't mean gumihos and ghosts (I actually like that, there's a lot of culture to be learned from it), I mean like ridiculously benevolent kings; common peasants who conquer a high position in the palace through their goodness and force of will; things like that. It may have ocurred, but let's get real, what were the chances?

TL;DR - I'm looking for a historical drama with realistic events and accurate relations with the period.

* Preferences:

- Period: It can be from any period really, but I like the Joseon era. Recent times (post Japanese rule) kinda bores me, as well as pre-Goryeo (and oh man, the difficulty to accurately represent ancient times). Either will be gladly accepted with open arms, though.

- Category: I'm longing for romance and I'm particulary fond of major struggles to get together and mild tragedies, but is not a rule. Romance doesn't have to be the main focus, it can appear as a lighthearted backup.

- Protagonist: I'm tired of kings and powerful people, as will almost certainly turn out to be about gaining/maintaining power (while trying not to get assassinated, trustno1). I'm interested in merchants, servants and people with ordinary life in general, like you and me would probably have back then. But, again, I will embrace gisaengs, scholars and bastard sons.

So, any suggestions?

Painter of the Wind (This one sounds perfect for you. it was extremely realistic in the relationships, the plotline, and the whole gender bender thing. She did a bang up job being a man and I feel that that was a first in a kdrama because usually everyone figures out the main lead was a woman by like the second episode so when she actually pulled it off for pretty much the entire drama I was amazed and dancing with happiness at how realistic everything was. The ending was realistic and there were a lot of things that they kept historically accurate which was nice.)
goddess of fire
jewel in the palace
hwang jin yi

For realistic, gritty, a touch of romance, try CHUNO aka The Slave Hunters. Also Queen Seon Duk for excellent fight scenes, The Iron Empress follows history fairly well. Let us know what you think!
Almost every Korean historical has the things you talked about, I liked The Duo, Emperor of the sea about slave who becomes great merchant. Also Merchant Kim Man Deok, and Damo. Those are 3 of my favorites but there are kings or royals in there just the main characters and the stories are not about royals. I am a drama collector so I have watched all of the Korean historical dramas available and I totally agree with your assessment. I know it's drama but the scheming, killing and chaos to get to the top gets old. Hope you enjoy. Sorry 4 of my favorites.
The Princess's Man? maybe? might not quite fit.
You might want to check out Maids (early Joseon) and Jejoongwon (late Joseon-early Japanese occupation). I don't know if you'd find it realistic enough, but I like it that they didn't whitewash certain aspects regarding power relation in that era (how they treat women or the lower classes, be it servants, slaves, and the so-called untouchables; how under the authoritarian power--be it an absolute monarchy or an occupation government--you can lose everything at the whim of the ruler).
Thank you! I see some classics there, some even was already on my to watch list. Honestly, most of it seems fantastic, I'm looking forward to it.