Hi, anyone know any good (not too old) movies or dramas about pilots or generally about flying a plane/helicopter? Not an action genre, but it's ok if it is. I'm looking for something along the lines of the story of becoming a pilot or flying for passion, that kind of thing. There seem to be extremely few dramas about that. I only found some old war movies and ONE single drama called Miss Pilot. Anyone know others like that (preferably Korean, but not necessarily)?

There's the 2003 J-drama Good Luck!  

(There's also Attention Please though that's about flight attendants.)
Take Care Of Us, Captain
The rating on here isn't the best, but I actually really enjoyed it and it seems up your alley. 

Also, not exactly what you're looking for but Air City takes place in an airport, it's a bit more action-y though and the focus is more on the security side of things.
This one is on my plan-to-watch list that has a male lead pilot: http://mydramalist.com/6290-soratobu-kouhoushitsu
Thanks everyone! It really helped me find some good stuff.