what are good and bad things about marathoning a completed drama?

what are good and bad things about watching an ongoing drama?

which among these do you prefer? Wae? Why?

I always marathon-ed dramas for two reasons. Firstly - i hate suspense and secondly - i don't have patience.

Admittedly, i have marathon-ed a few that i think would have been better had i have watched it episode by episode but they are very few and far between.

Bad things about matathoning ... it is the biggest time waster ever. Out of my 14 hour day i spend a fair bit of this time watching dramas. This is why i'm called an addict. There have been nights i've stayed up till very early hours to complete a drama. My love life has taken a nose dive but fortunately my husband is now used to it (good or bad i'm unsure haha).

My excuse for watching dramas .... so that he can have the TV to watch what he likes without bothering him. Think it would have been more exceptable if it was in English so at least he would try and watch it with me. The fact that they are subtitled, is a huge :-(

Hard question, because both have their benefits and issues. I love doing both - it's just depends on the mood I'm in when picking up a drama. ...I could talk about this all day.

I prefer marathoning a completed drama when I need a full story just thrown in my face, as it's the most able to do that. You get the full series without waiting and without having any real issues of it. So you can go through it non-stop, and you can pick it up whenever you want happily, knowing the next episodes are there waiting for you. 2am and want to watch it? No problem, the subs are there for the people who don't know the language and it's already aired - so no worries about there being no episode there. Secondly, people already know whether the full series is good or bad in reviews, which means you have a more accurate view of whether you will like the series or not. Not saying reviews will be 100% accurate mind you, people already having fully formed opinions on the series is also an issue as well as a benefit, because some will say it's good, some will say it's bad. It's mixed, and you can have no idea which is correct. It can be just as much as a leap game as an airing one.

The bigger downsides I've found are that you can complete it at speed which means it will be gone quicker and you'll have to find something else that replaces it - which is a bummer if you really liked the series. There's also sacrificing your sleep - especially without realising. ("Oh God, it's now 4am. When, and how?") It can be horrendous the next day, especially if you have something important to do. 

Nevertheless, I like ongoing for the excitement factor and for it's schedule format. For ongoing you get an episode (or a couple of episodes, depending on the place it comes from) every week. You're not going to have any worries for a good amount of time about having a drama to watch because it's airing on a schedule for you and you have a full week to be excited about it, and make up your own theories as to what will happen until then. It has current people in, so you're learning more about the current industry, and you get to see the raw versions of the episodes (which is kind of cool) which I don't see frequently with a completed series as it's already subbed. On top of it, you get to talk to people about your current opinions and see how everyone's reaction changes depending on how the series develops. That, for me, is the most interesting part to watch.

The downsides are bigger though, in my opinion, especially if you don't have any patience in you. You are restricted to the amount of episodes you're given, schedules can change unexpectedly (due to events in the place the drama is airing) and you're waiting for that next episode, next week instead of this week. There's also waiting for the subtitles to be done if you don't know the language, which can end up problematic too if they stop subbing for unexpected reasons. And lastly the spoilers - ugh. You get spoilers with marathons, but the ongoing ones are critical hits instead of just "spoilers" because everyone is talking about it. There are spoilers everywhere waiting to creep up and spoiler you. The only way you can avoid them is staying away from the internet, and that is such a big sacrifice. 

(Spoiler talk: Reply 1997 was my worst hit - I found out who she got with, an episode before she got with him, after waiting all that time. I was so annoyed. I already knew who she was going to get with before the spoiler, but that's not the point. Darn you spoilers!)

And that is the longest post I have probably ever posted on MDL. ...Whoopsie.
I am very new to Asian dramas so almost everything I watch is a completed drama because I feel like I am catching up.  So I generally binge watch shows.  Its really satisfying to be able to watch a drama from beginning to end without having to wait, HOWEVER it is such a time suck.  If I find a drama that I love that keeps me on the edge of my seat I could spend the whole day watching it or stay up to all hours watching it, which is not good because I have to be at work pretty early.  When I watch a show or movie that is in my language I can multi task and have it on in the background while I get things done around the house but since these dramas are not in a language I know I have to keep my eyes glued to the screen to read the subtitles so I can't get anything done!

Cheese in the Trap was the first ongoing drama I watched and I really did enjoy the experience of watching an ongoing drama.  It really got me through my Mondays and Tuesdays.  No matter how frustrated or annoyed I got at work it didn't matter because I knew that evening I would be able to go home and watch my drama! Now that Cheese in the Trap is finished I am going to miss that.
I like both for different reasons. Some times I hate both for different reason. If I can't find any good ongoing drama and I have plenty of time, I will binge watch completed drama. And I am selective when it comes to watching a drama. So I prefer completed dramas after reading ratings and reviews. As above persons mentioned both have their own pros and cons.
I also like both for different reasons. Watching completed dramas give me time to watch them, but on the other hand it also means I can get distracted and not end up finishing it before I start getting into something else (I have the attention span of a fly)

Then again, watching drama while it airs means I can keep up with it and generally manage to finish it because I'm wanting to see where it goes and there's not too much to watch in one go! But then again, waiting for episodes for a week sucks too. xD So I think it depends :D
these days i preper on-going dramas bc i dont have so much time,even if i want to keep watching,on going shows prevent me from spending my time too much
Since Reply 1988,I HATE ongoing dramas.Reason---->I simply don't want to be hurt again.(P.S. The only ongoing "thing" I LOVE & NEED is __RUNNING MAN ^^__)
Advantage: joy talking c other fangirls, sharing thoughts about the drama, control, no sleepless day, u have life, low possibility of reading spoilers
Disadvantage: waiting the cliff hanger, lost interest in a snap not end up finishing it

marathoning: complete opposite of what I wrote about ongoing

I think ongoing is much better
Pros: Never have to experience the agony of waiting to find out what happens, can avoid the inner turmoil of imagining what could happen, instant satisfaction
Cons: If the show is properly paced to be an on-going drama, some of the episode endings will have less of an impact on the viewer, the chance of bumping into spoilers is probably more common. 

Pros: Easier to find gifs for specific scenes, get to join in on the hype train with all the other on-going viewers, get the latest and greatest stuff as soon as possible
Cons: The wait, not being able to find subs, the chance of spoilers because of people who watch it RAW (if you can't understand it w/o subs), sometimes you'll be in the middle of watching a show (like episode 6 out of 12 or something) and then someone will make a copyright claim and it'll be taken down from most (if not all) of the sites you watch it on.

I prefer marathoning because then I get to watch shows at my own pace, but when I'm watching with friends I like to do on-goings. It also depends on how the story's pacing is, but that's my general preference if the story pacing isn't affected either way. 
I've rarely ever watched an ongoing show, i don't have the patience to wait a week for the next episode. On the other hand, if you have friends who also watch asian dramas/movies you could always talk to them about the latest episode.

i tend to stick to marathons due to the whole series being readily available but also because the show tends to have reviews. this helps me to filter out shows that originally look promising but turn out to be mediocre/shit.
btw, those that do read this, check out 'Carnation'. it's a really good series. it's long but it's worth it!
I prefer to marathon them after they're finished because I don't really have the patience to wait for a new episode each week and also, I won't have to deal with a week's worth of suspense after the latest episode ends with a cliffhanger xD

However, I don't always stick to this rule because sometimes I'm just too excited about a drama and I can't keep myself from watching at least one or two episodes to see if it's good, but that's enough to get me started. Also, I think the popularity of an on-going series can influence you to watch it before its ending date because everybody's talking about it and you just want to be on the same page as them.