Looking for drama where the male lead is driven close to insanity and is making more and more impulsive, unexpected, suprising, possibly dangerous choices as the drama goes on. If it's the hilarious kind of insanity where you laugh out loud at all the crazy stuff he does, you get bonus points :) Also bonus points if it's romance related type of insanity.But really, anything goes, the crazier he becomes the better, but nothing too dark please :)

Thanks :D

Please Come Back, Mister - I think you'll love this
Remember – War of the Son - it's pretty serious and doesn't have much romance (except the ending)
Samurai Sensei - this one has the insanily good humour... like seriously, is so so funny xD
Kazoku Game - has some good insanity, the kind of unexpected, impulsive one, that's for a better cause, but there's no romance
God's Quiz - a little bit of insanity coming from a kind of funny guy
Cheese in the Trap - the main lead is basically a sociopath or at least, that's what we're supposed to think at first
Maou - kind of dark and has little to no romance
Gap Dong - pretty dark, but the main character is bold and kind of funny at times, and there's also some romance
How about the drama special My Wife Disappeared?  It fits that description pretty well.  Guy's wife disappears (duh, haha), he tries to find her, but gets more desperate as time goes on.  It's pretty funny too.  (Geez, that synopsis here is pretty uninformative.  Know that it is a comedy first and foremost, though.)

It's on youtube with subs from KBS World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S2kU98hIJE