Hi all

Happy to meet you again here,after a long gap.

Recently i watched the drama Falling for innocence.I have few doubts in understanding the entire business plot that is going on from first episode to till the last.I am complete zero when it comes to business and big company's matters.First off all i would like to know who exactly Kang Min Ho is. I mean what exactly is his job.For which company he is working and what is that company does with other companies and especially here what is their connection with Hermia.How can they bankrupt the company.Please explain me in detail,if anyone knows.

who are the members that we see every time in the meetings.i.e.board of directors ( means who..are they employees of Hermia.Or some branch heads of Hermia.or what exactly there ). Please explain their role in saving a company and as well as in bankruptcy.

Sometimes i heard the terms Shareholders.who are they.what exactly meant be shareholders in a company ( i have already mentioned that i am zero in business matters.)what is their role in making a company bankrupt.

Here in this drama,Min Ho at first aimed to bankrupt this Hermia,How can he thinks that.what exactly his whole idea on it.*sorry for asking more someone please help me.please.At one point in the drama ( in the early episodes only),Min Ho goes to middle branch factory and starts a fight with the workers.and Secretary Kim talks about factory members emotional attachment etc.( why did he do like that in the first place.He is dealing with higher authorities.so i did not get the connection between middle branch factory and main Hermia.How they are emotionally attached.why he directly went there to attack them..)

I am very sorry to ask so many things here.And in one incident,middle branch factory members do some kind of voting and elect Min Ho as president.* please explain business related reasons here.

Here one important doubt is..After Min ho came to bankrupt this company.He is appointed as some director for which he ask Secretary Kim to assist him.( Explain me about this whole process..what exactly he did to stay in this company as one of the directors.Please)


Thanks in advance.

Kang Min Ho's father was the founder and former president of Hermia. When he died, his uncle stole the company and made himself the president. Kang Min Ho has vowed revenge against his uncle so his initial plan is to ruin the company and ruin his uncle. In order to do that, he became a very powerful merger and aquisitions agent in another company. That means thet he will go in and perform hostile takeovers of other companies. That is his plan with Hermia.

Shareholders are members of the board that hold a high number of shares in a company. Meaning, stocks. They have the financial power, so they have the authority. Like, in the drama, because they hold the money and power, they can vote who will be president of the company.

I think you are also talking about investors. Their role in saving the company is purely financial. They can decide whether or not to invest their money into the company. If they invest, it will help the company not go bankrupt, but still. If they invest and thngs go wrong, they themselves could lose all their money. It's like, say you opened a lemonade stand but you didn't have the money for lemons. So, you would ask someone who give you money for the lemons and promise them a percentage of the profits you make from selling the lemonade. However, before they give you the money for lemons, you must show them that your business will make a profit and prove to them that they can earn money and not lose it.

About the Middle Branch Factory vote. While the company has a group of people who make decisions, the workers do as well. This is called a Union. The union is when workers come together to protect their rights to the company that employs them. Thus, they can decide that they want a different person as thier president and protest and strike if someone they don't approve of is named instead. They don't always get their demands met, but unions are still very influential because they put pressure on the executives. If they decide to strike (which they did here) they are halting production and causing the company to lose money.

Finally, Min Ho was able to be appointed a director with Hermia because he was the represenitive of the takeover company and that company had aquired enough shares to gain power. It was done without his uncle knowing what kind of company it was. Basically, he offered them shares in the company for the money without realizing they were an M&A company. Min Ho orchestrated that himself because of his revenge and so was sent to be the one in charge of the takeover.
Everything CherryBunny just said. 

Falling for Innocence was actually my first drama ever :)
wow..Thank you so much
Really thanks a lot.