Do you know any drama where the female is aggressive, badass, doesn't care what others think, doesn't beat around the bush, always straighforward?

No love triangles please.

It's Okay, That's Love
Reply 1988 
And maybe... 
Queen of Ambition 
Qi Lin from Perfect Couple has that, female lead can kick ass, is sassy and blunt but not necessarily straightforward (but that's because she was in the middle of a 'covert op' so some secrecy is required) I loved the banter and snipe between the OTP its hilarious she gives as much as she's given and more

Bai Qian from Eternal Love (I feel like I'm biased as I rec this all the time) but I'm really impressed by the female lead. She's not one of those  damsel-in-distress getting into one scrape after another for the purpose of making the male lead more 'heroic'. She had 3 'incarnations' and even in her weakest she had enough courage to propose to the guy she liked (that's how blunt and straight forward she is). She can kick ass and is a powerful character in the story and she follows through with what she says. She gets her justice herself and doesn't depend on others to feel sorry for her to get it and if something is taken from her she gets it back with enough coldness to feel frostbite (one of the most defining moments for the OTP was when she was injured fighting an army and the male lead asks her who it was that hurt her, she said 'I already killed them all' and when the late-to-the-party male lead asked if she would like him to finish the boss or would she like to do the honours, that made me quite giddy)

Kim Hang Ah from King2Hearts, bad ass special ops from North Korea, is also a good one. She takes no shit and can kick  someone's ass from here to next week. She is also blunt, smart, and snappy. 
Medical Examiner Dr. Qin
Rookie Agent Rouge 
The Mystic Nine