I'm looking for dramas (any countries) in which the female character is strong willed and more agressively pursuing the male lead and in which the male lead is more passive and shy. Basically the opposite of classic gender roles in the seduction process. 

Don't give me any "playful kiss" kind of drama : I didn't say "loud dumb girl is head over heals in love for quiet smart guy". I just say that when it comes to seduction, she's the one taking action. 

In short, I want the woman on top.


Good Doctor 

She actually brutally rejects him at first and then realizes her feelings.

ugly alert

maybe Temptation i'm not sure if u will like the story 

So i guess basing from 'not-like Playful kiss' description, then master sun, another miss oh and oh my ghostess, and what planet are you from, are out? Cause the female lead did pursue the male leads, but sometimes to irritating to idiotic-playful-kiss level. Though these dramas were more entertaining than PK

Anyway, I second Ugly Alert. Also try an oldie kdrama titled sweet 18.Then there is a chinese drama tirled Ode to Joy, the story of Wang Ziwen and Wang Kai. Those are probably the sure same to the ones you are looking for drama.

And maybe Lovers in Prague, though there were times of idiotic stalking by the female MC and the guy wasnt really passive, it was more on the fact that he has yet to get over his first love, but as narratives go, theirs were so endearingly funny. And the maybes are Man from another star, or my name is kim samsoon

Another miss Oh

Stay with me (China-she is like the female in You who came from the stars- She is brave and funny and follow the guy, and not afraid of rejection,but not a stupid and useless female character like Playfull kiss)

After looking at my watched list, I notice that I didn't watch a lot of drama like you describe, so I'm waiting for other people's suggestion.

@Juniko It doesn't seem like you watch Thai dramas, but I'm still putting it out here: 

Tawipob was the first thing which came to my mind. I thought it seems very fitting of your request !! Fem lead takes a HELL LOT of initiative (all without being annoying) while the male lead is passive and conservative, but quite obviously mutual in feeling - it is super adorable.

Other dramas which I can think of, may or may not fit, but I thought might fulfill that feeling - or someone else might find these of interest: 

Kahogo no Kahoko (jdrama)

Go Princess Go (cdrama): fem lead is technically possessed by a guy but at least you get to see her being the one getting really enthusiastic over male lead. not to be taken seriously, the crack is quality if anything.

The Fox's Summer (cdrama): fem lead initiates a lot of things in a romantic relationship which are traditionally expected to be done by men (eg. proposal) - male lead is really precious - relatively shy and adorable - but the drama and story on the overall was a drag (especially the second season which was a pain to watch). nevertheless, I still loved the fem lead for taking initiative - absolutely worth mentioning. but only if you're really bored and want to waste time on an average romcom, this is your thing.

Ban Shu Legend (cdrama): still don't think there are Eng subs for this but if anybody understands Chinese and is interested. I enjoyed this one.

I love this trope too - would love to hear everyone else's recommendations !!!

Princess Man 

East of eden 

Innocent Man

Try Queen In Hyun's Man. The male lead is quiet and smart, and the female lead is a slightly vain actress, but I didn't find their dynamic annoying the way I did with playful kiss. The time travel element helps even the playing field, they have good chemistry, the female lead grows, and she definitely makes the first move.

Suzy's character in Gu Family Book, IU's character in the Producers, and the main couple in Introverted Boss might also match what you're looking for.

I'm not sure it would match the "woman on top" dynamic you're looking for, but To the Beautiful You might also be worth checking out. 

Que sera sera (at some point in the drama.he's not shy but he doesn't wanna risk hurting her and she's the one who pushes for the relationship)

Ojakgyo Brothers.... 

I also agree with Ugly Alert and You Who Came From the Stars. Cheong Song Yi is my favorite character ever! You Who Came From the Stars is my favorite kdrama ever! Ugly Alert's Na Do Hee is very assertive as well and never wavers, even when the second lead repeatedly tries to drive a wedge between her and her man. <3 them both. Hate indecisive female leads.