This is probably going to come off seeming like too many bullet points, however, I am flexible, and dont need a perfect match (though one would, of course, be welcome)   So, Im looking for shows in which the male lead is treated completely different by the female lead than basically everyone else.  Maybe everyone thinks of her as the "Ice Queen", or a mean person, or whatever, but the she acts completely different towards the male lead.   Or, the exact opposite, where everyone thinks of the female lead as this amazing person, or super nice, or whatever, but, again, she acts completely different to the male lead.  I would prefer it to more or less follow the male lead, since the female lead is the one exhibiting the 'different' behaviour, it would be less 'different' if we follow her thoughts and feelings through the show. If possible, I would like it if the male and female lead are either newly acquainted or knew each other a long time ago, but having seen each other in a long time, so that it doesnt have that "oh thats just the way those two have always been" feel, so that it feels like its "weird" for her to act like that around someone.  

Im ok with any setting or genre, while I do prefer for "out of the ordinary" stuff, like ghosts, or demon-fighting, or vampires, or whatever, Im ok with totally normal also.

Try Healer - the main female character is not an ice queen, but other characters comment that she normally doesn't share personal things with other people and yet she very quickly became close with the male lead and she treats him differently than everyone else. It follows both the male and female lead and they knew each other as young kids but then lost contact and don't recognize each other when they meet up again.

The Producers might also meet your criteria (IU and Kim Soo Hyun's characters).