Hello Everyone! I'm Pleased to speak with you! Now I'm not sure if anyone has created a topic on this exact subject before, but since I'm horrible at using all and any variant of forum I'll post hoping that someone can help me. A close friend and I have decided that when we get together we'll watch a drama. I was hoping that who ever is willing could help us decide on which particular one. As for myself, I'm really not too picky. The only prerequisite that I require is found within age. I would prefer a television series post 2010 at least. My friend told me that she was in the mood to watch something, "lighthearted, cute, and funny." She doesn't want to watch anything too serious, eliminating melodramas and almost every historical. I would really like to watch more Japanese and Taiwanese series, but I'm sure that her preference is mostly Korean. Although if you know of anything that fits the description, please recommend it! She has only completed one full drama (being 'My Girlfriend is a Gumiho,' which she enjoyed,) and a few episodes here and there of others. She actually walked in on me watching Liar Game, which for anyone who has watched it knows that without the story-line the maniacal laughter that goes off every 0.1 seconds can be a tad bit ridiculous. Which it actually is, but the amazing story gives a lot of leigh-way. I digress, but with no surprise, she won't let me live that one down. Thank-You so much for your consideration! Your fellow drama junkie, Jade~
Taiwanese Love Around I would call fluffy. It's currently airing so I'm not sure if that will be a problem.
A Gentleman's Dignity seams light and funny though I'm currently at 7th episode so I'm not sure if it will change.
Atashinchi no Danshi is a bit weird and it is from 2009. but I think it is very entertaining.

Also Rich Man, Poor Woman, Couple or Trouble (though last one is from 2006).
Here are some drama picks: Playful Kiss (Korean) Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (Japanese) Baby Face Beauty (Korean, 2011) ToGetHer (Taiwan, 2009) Miss No Good (Taiwan, 2008)