Looking for a drama that focuses on the main characters. Melodramatic overacting of psycho type ex girlfriends is okay since they are part of the main characters but psycho moms are not okay. No talking to ghosts, aliens, vampires, kids, phobias (like scared of dirt), no gambling dads (unless its very very minor), abandoned kids who meet their parent 20 years later, no focus on jobs rather than (like if the title has the word doctor), no sudden cancer, no parents who start losing their mind, no guys pretending to be girls/girls pretending to be guys, no unmarried aunts who act strange, no low iq ppl etc. I also do not like dramas that focus on girly guys. I feel like these ppl making k-dramas are using computer programs to generate cliches then create a story around it. Although I said non cliched there are some cliches I am okay with like contract marriages since that focuses on the main couple.
King2Hearts is the only melodrama that fits your specific request. Melodrama, by definition, contains exaggerated characters and story lines. You'll get more results if you request dramas outside this specific genre.


Rom-com- All About My Romance
Romance- 101st Proposal

These fit your criteria, but not under the melodrama genre.
I did not mean just melodramas just that is what I have seen focus more on the main characters
When I read your post, I wanted to recommend Soulmate, but you've already seen that one... It's not that easy to find dramas without cliches, but I'd say the cliches in these dramas aren't shown in an overdramatic way that makes you want to hit your screen: All About My Romance I Need Romance That Fool The World That They Live In (this is not so much focused on the main leads' romance but their jobs, but they are drama producers so you get a look behind the scenes which i found very interesting. there are cliches but overall the drama has a very realistic atmosphere which is why i liked it so much) There's also currently airing Can We Love which I'd recommend but it does have a lot of cliches. The main reason why I enjoy it is because with the exception of a very evil mother in law the characters are very realistic and relatable. It's like they are real people who happen to deal with cliched events instead of the writer writing a drama around some cliched characters and events.
Reply 1997 is a sitcom but it has normal people.
Powster wrote: I did not mean just melodramas just that is what I have seen focus more on the main characters

AH! Okay, I get it. Then you must check out King2Hearts and All About My Romance. These dramas fit your request perfectly. If you do watch, let me know if you like them. Enjoy!