Heey, I´m rewatching The Romance of Tiger and Rose again and just love this couple so much, that I can´t move on. 

I just freaking love the distant Male Lead that is rather cold at first and falls head over heels for the Female Lead and the Female Lead is just so innocent and cute, that she isn´t even guarded against him.

So I am searching for dramas, where the Female Lead is completely innocent, pure, cute and sweet around everybody and the Male Lead falls in love with her but she is so oblivious, that she doesn´t realise his feelings for her.

What I mean with pure, innocent and oblivious: As an example, the ML flirts with her. Something like "Maybe you could stand next to me on my wedding" and she would just laugh and be like " Why would I stand next to you, it is your wedding not mine :D" Or when he has a fever and she wants to take care of him and presses her forehead against his and he freaks out but she is just concerned, because his fever is high. Just an adorable bubbly girl^^

PLEASE it is SOO hard to find that kind of dramas cuz the Female Lead is always imagining things and I don´t like that!! She must be completely oblivious and innocent at that points(When it comes to his feelings)

Important things:

  • Male Lead falls first
  • No love at first sign
  • No weak/dumb Female Lead


  • No age gap (escpecially older woman/younger man)
  • If there is a Second Lead, he is a jerk or gets a different girl at the end
  • Young characters/Young cast (Between 18 and 38)

Just something like The Romance of Tiger and Rose would be great!!

Any country is welcome!

I’ll recommend:

Ashes of love 

Love and redemption 

Love better than immortality 


I’ll recommend:

Ashes of love 

Love and redemption 

Love better than immortality 

It doesn´t have to be necessarily a historical drama. 

I tried Love Better Than Immortality, but I really didn´t liked the Female Lead. 

I´m gonna try watching the other ones, thanks!

Maybe Boss & Me if you haven't watched it!


Maybe Boss & Me if you haven't watched it!

Thanks, It´s on my list!

I'm still watching it but I can recommend "Under The Power"


I'm still watching it but I can recommend "Under The Power"

Thank you

I know I'm late but I really recommend Kdrama He Is Beautiful (go watch if you haven't yet). The girl is pure naive and innocent while the man is really cold and arrogant. 


I know I'm late but I really recommend Kdrama He Is Beautiful (go watch if you haven't yet). The girl is pure naive and innocent while the man is really cold and arrogant. 

Thank you I always appreciate recommendations even if they are a bit late! 

Can you please link the drama? I couldn´t find it 


Thank you I always appreciate recommendations even if they are a bit late! 

Can you please link the drama? I couldn´t find it 

Maybe search You're Beautiful. 


Maybe search You're Beautiful. 

Oh is it that music drama where the girl dresses as a boy? 


Oh is it that music drama where the girl dresses as a boy? 


Love equations: its a cdrama about a female university student who takes literature as her major but also has a lot of interest in Forensic medicine. She loves mysteries and detective novels hence she's always trying to sneak into her the Forensic department in her university so that she can get ideas for a novel she's writing. The male lead is a Forensic major and kinda falls in love with the female lead instantly. He's completely head over heals and it's all new to him because he's never given girls another thought. But with this girl, he's constantly thinking about her and sneaking glances at her which is creepy to the female lead because along with being oblivious to his feelings,she also thinks he's out to murder her and hide her body :P. I actually dropped this drama because rom com isn't my thing but I think you'll like it since the female lead remained oblivious for quite some time

Flourish in time is another Chinese drama about a family that ends up injuring the male lead pretty badly in a car accident when is a little boy (he has to get his leg amputated) so they kinda adopt him as compensation. The male lead does have a father but that father is a drunkard (he does love his son but its kinda complicated). The male lead develops feelings for the female lead pretty early on but the female lead is somewhat childish hence doesn't clue in on it. He's also very protective of the female lead. The female lead isn't as oblivious as the one in love equations but the male lead definitely falls for her first and she's not always picking up on his feelings. There's There's second lead who likes her as well but he eventually realises that he likes another girl and it is implied that they get together

Go ahead: Cdrama about three youths, a girl and two boys, who although not related by blood end up living together. The female leads father basically ends up 'adopting' the two boys. The female lead hence grows up in an all boys household and is pretty much oblivious to the feelings of one of her "brothers". He likes her and confesses she only finds out afterwards that she likes him too. So she's pretty much oblivious for most of the drama. Her other "brother" likes her too but he eventually figures out that what he feels for her is no more than brotherly affection. So there's no love triangle I would say.

That winter the wind blows: kdrama. it's about a blind woman and con man. This is a melodrama and because the female lead was blind since she was little, she is very much a child who hasn't been exposed to much of the world. She's very cold though and pretty feisty. The male lead is pretending to be her brother, basically taking advantage of her disability for his own purpose but he starts falling in love with her. Since she believes that he is her brother, she is oblivious to his feelings buuuuut The one thing I didn't like about the show was how when the female lead started liking him back, she still believed he was her brother. It was only for an episode or so and it was revealed pretty quickly after that to the female lead that this man is not her brother. But I wish that this particular part had not been included in an otherwise good drama . The drama justifies it by saying that in her heart the female lead always knew that this man wasn't her brother and the male lead didn't really treat her like one would treat a sister since he was never her brother and fell in love with her.

School 2017: kdrama the male lead definitely falls for the female lead first. They are both high school students and the show is about the pressures Hugh school students go through when they are at such a young age. The disparity faced by the poor students and the perks given to the rich students. The female lead actually has a crush on another person (who is a cameo role so no second lead syndrome) but the male lead likes her and has ro pretty much scream out his feelings for her to get it.

Cheese in the trap: korean drama and its about a male lead who's well...kinda manipulative. He's grey but I absolutely loved his character and the way he pursued the female lead. The female lead is a student in the same university as the male lead but since she comes from a poor background  she only has her studies and scholarship on her mind. She's also somewhat prejudiced and scared of the male lead due to some of his actions but she agrees to go out with him when he asks her out. At this point I should add that she agrees only because she's started to somewhat soften towards but doesn't necessarily like him. Be warned however that there was stuff behind the scenes which resulted in the second lead getting a lot of unneeded camera time halfway into the drama. And yeah some people had second lead syndrome but frankly I didn't nor did I see any chemistry between them. I was team first lead from beginning to end. The ending is kinda vague but for me it was a happy ending 

Love equations: its a cdrama about a female university student who takes literature as her major but also

Thank you so much for your recommendations!

I already watched School 2017 and it is really like I want it. I just don´t like fast pasted romance (School 2017 is just a little bit fast for me, but still really enjoyable)

And that´s why I haven´t finished Love Equations. I absoluetly hate it when characters fall in love at first sight or just really really fast and in Love Equations he fell in love in like the first episode and that bothered me a lot.

I watched Cheese in the Trap and... yeah... it wasn´t really my cup of tea. I didn´t liked the ML nor did I like the FL that much. Their relationship felt kinda forced in my opinion tbh. And I would also say the FL is nothing what I am looking for. She is oblivious to the feeling from the SML but not the ML and that is a constellation I really don´t like^^" And it´s also the only drama where I ever had a Second Lead Syndrome. Usually I never have a SLS but with this drama I had one.  

But I must say I liked the beginning where the ML started to have feelings for the FL but it went downhill after they started dating imo.

I´ve never heard of Flourish in time but it looks and sounds interesting^^