Looking for a cute and funny and happy couple that you can actually see how that they are getting close and bonded and needed and be functional together. Something close to real chemistry. Tired of angsty couple, too-stubborn-to-admit-how-they-feel couple, couples that fall in love when one of them is not who they really are (like crossdresser). Don't really find a guy like QIHM's male lead attractive (I think he's too perfect and boring to be a rom-com's lead; nice heroic smart calm etc etc). I can gobble any drama from any country just fine as long as I can find it subbed in english or in my language. Watched: Full House, my girl, my girlfriend is a gumiho, ojakgyo brothers, lie to me, coffee prince, goong, meteor garden, corner with love, prosecutor princess. Mostly I was unimpressed. Now is considering: The Master's Sun, Man from Another Star, Miss Korea, Emergency Couple, Perfect Couple, In a good way, Just You, Sweet 18. LOVE:Full House Thai Ver Thank you :)
I don't think "Emergency Couple" is a drama with a happy couple. This drama is about a divorcee couple so you can expect a lot of hate and resentment between the leads. Then one of them realize that he/she (I don't want to spoil) still has feelings for the other one but this person doesn't. Of course, he/she doesn't want to admit at first. It was funny at first, but got tired and dropped it.
The first drama that came to mind was Protect The Boss.
thanks for the warning, kestrel, I'm spared :)
I don't think you'd care for Man From Another Star. I felt the same way you did about the male lead in QIHM, and the lead in MFAS is very similar. Both shows just dragged on for me, and if I hadn't been watching them with someone else, I would've dropped them. If you're looking for great chemistry, I'd recommend MARS. It's definitely not a light and fluffy drama, but I still think you might like it.
Kimi Wa Petto is really close to that, I suppose (I remember the manga better but I guess the drama wasn't too different.) This couple lived together for a long time and found peace and happiness in that arrangement (of an master and her pet... It sounds weirder than it is?). But they were simply happy together.

From the list you're considering... Miss Korea. I liked it but I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for. They've broken up in the past and the show is more about the beauty industry and stuff, rather than romance. They do like each other, sure, but there's still that past and different ambitions and stuff weighting the relationship down.

Also, I agree on what FullDex said about MFAS/QIHM male leads. Near perfect beigns and the supernatural/fantasy elements are not helping.
Smile,You - If you dont mind long family drama....The couple is cute and adorable..The chemistry between the main couple was great. .As typical family drama, their romance and relationship will get some opposition some family members....Once they got together, they loyal to each other and their feeling never wavered...
@FullDex cool. I was kinda doubtful about this drama too but it got high rating so why not, but then again QIHM also got high rating yet I could never get pass episode 4. Tank you :)
You could try Soratobu Kouhoushitsu, the first episode is a bit slow but it gets better quickly.
Those two dramas are with couples who were just happy together with no too much denial (well, at first of course but it's not for long) and you get to see them "function" a lot together, like you said. Padam Padam Scent of a Woman