This is my third attempt, both previous time I lost the text while almost finishing up. Let's hope third time is indeed the charm.
Because Of Love : She breaks up and lives a hard life, but he's properly destroyed multiple times in the drama. She makes him cry and beg many times.
Summer's Desire (2012 is best) : She is caught between two guys. Both beg, threaten and bribe.
I Have A Lover (at first he makes her beg, then mid-drama the roles are reversed and he almost goes crazy)
Jealousy Incarnate (same, he makes her sad, then he almost goes crazy with regret, begs and cries for a few episodes)
Hua Jai Chocolate (thai drama), they date, then she dumps him (and replaces him) for noble idiocy reasons. You can see him descend into madness. You don't have to watch the beginning, just the 3 to 4 episodes following the break up.
Queen Of Ambition : I've not watched it but I know she plays men.
Mrs Ripley: same.
Roy Leh Marnya : Unfaithful husband meet his karma (and then some), begs for her.