please recommend me some dramas as well as movies (2015-present if possible) where female lead/female side lead/ female villian  kick/knee/back kick someone in the groin ( korean,japanese,chinese) etc.

here are some examples

1-SWDBS (korean)   2- player (korean) 3-  Strongest Deliveryman  (korean) 4- the k2 (korean) 5- search www (korean) 6- f4- thailand boys over flower( thai) 7- suspicious partner- (korean) 8- happiness (korean) 9- my name(korean) i like korean dramas so that's why more examples

thank you so much in advance for all your responses thank you

Korean ones;
Miss Hammurabi
Inspector Koo
Lawless Lawyer
XX - this one is very similar to Search WWW

And since there is also a Thai drama in your listed examples;
Klein Cheewit - female lead is superb in this one. She does not take anything and deals everything double back to males and females. 


thank you so much lou please let me know if you know any more and everyone else please recommend me more thanks

hm. bit tricky. I know some that are more angst/intense like but not per say where they kick them.

Graceful Friends - this one may have such a scene but i cant remember it well. There is a story between a woman and a guy, and he blackmails her and is truly awful to her and they have a few physical fights.

The World of the Married - similarish story. Female lead fights constantly with the male lead and it does get physical quite often

The Good Wife

Big Issue - female lead in this one is very cunning and has multiple master plans. I do know she fights with a lot of people but I cannot say if she physically hits?

Some of these were comedic kicks

I searched up
1. 7th Grade Civil Servant(It happened so many times, I feel bad for him(Clip))

2. The K2(Clip)

3. Player(clip) at 02:02

4. Mad Dog(I'm  sure it happened)

5. Lucky Romance(clip)


awwwwwwww thank youuuuu soooooo much  I AM SHOOKETH  i dont know why you did it ( because even my friends wouldn't do it for me lol) but I am literally crying i am really grateful to you I AM SHOOKETH  thank you (:

Ummm u welcome, I don't know how to react, Ummm... like I said before I enjoy doing this

Okay I‘m not 100% sure…

Go Back Couple 

Someone mentioned Military Prosecutor Doberman and that's true. The female lead kicks another male character in the groin in the first or second episode from what I recall. 

Does it have to be the female character doing such acts?  Because there is an interesting scene in Taxi Driver that you might enjoy but it's by the ML with another male character.

These are all that I recall off the top of my head. 

  • Itaewon Class
  • Lucky Romance
  • My Unfortunate Boyfriend
  • The Uncanny Counter
  • The Guardians

Together with Me  - episode 11 and 12. If not 11 then episode 10.

Love at first hate(thai) - i'm not really sure. Its just a faint memory.