This discussion will definitely contain huge spoilers for people who are watching then and not while the series is ongoing, so be cautious.
NOW Let's share our opinions here. I'll go first.
If you are familiar with some deduction games like Mafia or Among Us, your mind will be ready to suspect even the most unsuspicious ones. Well, I love these games and this genre, and I'm always trying to follow logic to guess who is the outsider.
Just like many people, my first guess is either Lyla or Lilly, or even both (or one of them with Bew :D). Yeah yeah, I know we've been told that both of the sisters are dead (Lilly drowning in Ep2), but nobody has ever found the corpses yet, although we all know that the sea would return dead bodies to the coast.
But if we come to think about it, it's kinda cliché in series and movies when the main dead character isn't actually dead but they faked their death just to take revenge on those who hurt them. Just in case somebody hasn't watched them yet, I won't name the same movies and series I watched with this scenario.
So I will really appreciate it if the writer and director keep this series far from the clichés and give us some real thrills and shocks. So far, they have done it well.
In this case, my second guess is Bozo. Yes, the one we don't have many ideas about so far (Ep4). As I said before, you should suspect literally everyone and try to omit them one by one from the blacklist, using logical reasons to find out who is/are the real one(s).
Until the end of episode 4, we are sure Dan wasn't the murderer because he was killed by another person secretly, and that doesn't seem like a trick, but the death of Lilly is strongly suspect, like WTF she was doing literally in the middle of nowhere in the ocean.
But why Bozo? Because he was always there with other people, but less amazed by the deaths, like when he met Bew, covered in blood, on the top of Dan's dead body. He was so calm! These are some of my clues. Also, as you can see in the frame of Lilly drowning in Ep2, everyone is trying to enter the sea to rescue Lilly, or at least they are shouting their lungs out worried about the girl, except Bozo. I think he just wanted to seem like everyone else, so he came to the edge of the water, but deep down he isn't that surprised, is he? or even when Mac was found dead in episode 1. Maybe I'm taking this seriously and pretty much relying on the facial expressions and the ability to play the role perfectly, but in fact it's a matter of the actor (he played well on TharnType2 and until we meet again tho).
On the other hand, the ones who act like they are abnormally surprised are suspicious too. So everyone else can be the murderer as well, who may have big secrets we don't know about yet. Through flashbacks, we eventually get to know all the characters and their intentions, but what do you think about the characters so far? We can share and update our ideas after watching each episode.
The series exceeds my expectations. I think it can be Bew, even though it may seem way too obvious and the story would never allow an easy solution. The same would go for Lilly or Lyla. At least partially. I'm so carried away. TBH it can be anyone. They probably all have a reason to kill someone. So my guess is there's someone who has another harrowing reason that we don't know about. Somehow everyone is suspicious. But I'm guessing Plato, the reason for that is the screenwriting of his scenes. The series leads us to assume that he's an innocent mediator. But what if not? I´m also very curious to find out. Nest and Bozo are also suspicious tbh
In the end, everyone's just aiming to kill someone for their individual/ group purposes and there is not only ONE murderer. Everyone is somehow guilty.
I agree with your last sentence. This series somehow wants to show us that no one is a pure creature and everybody has their issues, which is why I like this. The Superhero series/movies which contain a completely bad person fighting with a completely good person are not the apple of my eye.
Yes, Ken and Plato are shown to be really innocent, and that's strange.
Also about Nest, she had this strange look on her face when they went into the jungle and Sonar said she would go alone. Nest was like "Yeah girl, go alone so we can hunt you." But there is something about Nest and Plato, they never complain about anyone or say anybody is suspicious, while most of them do. I mean, if they mean to kill everybody, shouldn't they try to make other people suspect, fight, and kill each other? That would help with their intention.
Although one thing I'm sure about is that until the end of the series, everybody will argue with their friends or lovers, according to the trailer.
I'm so curious to know who sent that message and invited them to the island in the first place. I hope they won't be Lilly, Lyla, or Bew. If so, it would end up being boring. I think whoever did it probably couldn't predict the current chaos. I mean, they are hurting/killing their own best friends/lovers.
TBH my first guess was Plato, but at that time I was still watching episode 3 and didn´t know if he´d survive. (That´s why I changed it back) I think all of them are guilty somehow. It´s just a question of mistrust and time until they start to build separate camps and degrade into an "antagonistic civilization" again. They have nothing they can rely on except for themselves and the parents who will hopefully find them soon. At this speed, there won´t be many people to find left.
Edit: I am right now watching the 4th episode and they are already splitting up.
Nest is the most sus. Her disability most likely makes people think she's weaker and people keep protecting or confiding in her. She could most likely be the person who put the rat poison in Mind's bag since Mind uses that powder in her drinks which leads to her choking to death(?). But then again, I have no idea why she would want to get revenge FOR Lyla's death and also kill her boyfriend Mac (who loved Lyla).
Mind is also weird because first of all she has a brain tumor so she probably feels less of the consequences of killing others, knowing she's already going to die. There might be something else connected to this. Then she tells Nest that Sonar hated Lyla, but then again why would that make Sonar the killer since the killer wants to avenge Lyla? So it's strange she outs Sonar like that. Also she profitted off Nest's disability...huh? That seems way more heartless than what Sonar did to Lyla.
So in summary, what I think is Nest is maybe one of the killers and she killed Lyla a long time ago accidentally or purposely, staging it as a suicide because she loved Mac but he was too attached to Lyla. I'm not sure what the killer(s) motive could be now except maybe some if not all of the other characters wronged them in a way and they wanted to expose everyone's lies. They probably invited everyone to the island because it would be easier to kill the people they want to kill and make everyone suspicious of each other. It seems unlikely the killer is getting revenge for Lyla in my eyes.
I think Lilly faked her death because she wants the real killer to think she's dead. She seems like Final Girl material so she might show up somewhere a long the way to help someone. This is far fetched but I think the ghost of Lyla is helping others or whatever that is that people keep seeing isn't a bad omen, since the preview for ep 5 shows Fone is still alive even after seeing that ghost.
I agree that Ken and Plato seem too innocent but I think they're the most normal out of them all, their largest secret being a homosexual relationship. Bozo is weird for helping Bew cover up the murder of a friend, but I think he just really loves Mind and doesn't want her to get caught up in Bew's mess so he's playing on Bew's side for now. Some people also deal with stress or deaths differently than others.
@perfect Your point of view makes a lot of sense to me. I think they all just hold grudges from their 15s against each other and now kinda everything is escalating because in this chaos they are given the chance to take revenge on each other. The turning point, and therefore the starting point of the climax, was Mac's murder, even though it may have prevented worse things from happening. Through that, everyone had the access to weapons and they all are emotionally confused and drained going as far as to even smash their best friend's head with a rock. (TBH most intense scene I came along to witness because it was in such a contrast to their friendship and the editing made it so horrifyingly emotional, I had to pause so many times. Still a masterpiece in terms of editing to disgust viewers but at the same time make them sad lol)
I still think Plato is very suspicious and I don´t believe that this series would use sexuality to portray a character's bad side/ dark secret. Sexuality and your personality/ personal grudges most likely have nothing to do with each other. As for Plato's and Ken´s Love is a secret, that is more understandable. If the series intended to trick the viewer into thinking that it´s something wicked like the past of the others with bullying, harassing, etc. then that would be also a use of mind games. However, I think there is more to those two characters than their mere love interest. Especially in a series like this, love is the least problem. (Not the revenge because of it) BTW I love that LGBTQI+ is part of the series.
I am glad I am not the only one that invested. Can´t understand why this isn´t blowing up. On the other hand, it´s a tough thing to watch.
@Lin Remind me what 15s is- because I didn't understand what the drama name meant. Is it their age when they were in school?
Yeah I agree people are slowly getting anxious and the human survival instincts are kicking in leading to the pressure to commit murders. They are also running out of food/clean water which will most likely have more impact later on.
I didn't necessarily mean that their homosexuality is a dark secret but mostly because they were in love behind their girlfriends' backs. Although I think they were hiding it due to society norms so it's like an innocent little secret compared to the more harmful secrets of the other characters. I just really want normal characters like them who don't have huge dark secrets for once to balance the show out haha so I'm a little biased. Though they're still free game, and Plato can definetely be sus. I want to find out how Bew knew about them and what Ken knows about Bew.
I love slashers especially with these types of storylines so I was looking forward to it. At first I was honestly expecting there to be some other outside force (not within the group) to be murdering them since Chai the boat dude was talking about noone going near the island for a long time.
BTW Mac's head being on a stick wtf? Apparently a head on a pike is a form of punishment and the killer was really showing it off/warning them. Whoever this killer is has complete hatred.
@perfect Yes, 15 refers to their age when they were in high school, as the poster says "What did you do when you were 15, as soon as you remember"
Also the title "REMEMBER" is in 2 colors, which wondered me until I watched the teaser and found out:
There is a hidden "LYLA".
Your POV about Lilly faking her death not to take revenge but to help her friends is thought-provoking. But whom would she help? Definitely not Dan, because during the argument she didn't show up (maybe couldn't) and she never loved him, as Bew said. Lilly also doesn't seem to be close friends with anybody else.
I really want Ken and Plato to be as innocent as they were until now (except for the fact that they hid their love, which is understandable because of the social pressure on LGBTQ+). It doesn't seem like they were purposely cheating on their girlfriends because after Plato kissed Ken, he apologized and said they agreed to stop this in the past. (although Ken continued the kissing. lol)
Note: If you haven't watched the kiss scene because it's been cut from ep 4, you can watch it here.
I thought you already watched ep4 when you said they're gonna separate their ways. That was a good anticipation.
Yes, almost every episode has a murder. Who knows, they may all be dead at the end of the last episode.
And I think they would have started starving by now because they were meant to be on the island for just a day and a half. They must have been prepared for that planned short time, but now it's been 3 days and they still have food and water awaiting theft.
BTW happy to see you guys here. I know, this series deserves to get more attention.
@MBN Ahhh that makes sense, thanks! I didn't even question what it meant when I started haha.
Yes true, but it feels like Lilly has a plan somehow. She probably doesn't trust anyone so she had to fake it to get away from them. Though this is just all speculative theory.
Same here, I really want them to be the normal people of the bunch.
Can't wait for ep 5.
perfect:@MBN Ahhh that makes sense, thanks! I didn't even question what it meant when I started haha.
Yes true, but it feels like Lilly has a plan somehow. She probably doesn't trust anyone so she had to fake it to get away from them. Though this is just all speculative theory.
Same here, I really want them to be the normal people of the bunch.
Can't wait for ep 5.
Don´t get me wrong. I don´t wish for Plato or Ken to be wicked in their behaviour as well, personally saying. However, when I think about how to build up a story full of tension, then there might be more to those two than we may know.
I´m also glad that you two are here to discuss this. :)
@MBN wow, the hidden details of the series are on point. Can´t wait for Tuesday ;_;
I am 100% positive that Lilly killed Mac. She seemed very manipulative and she told him what he wanted to hear so that he'd lower his guard. As everyone said, Lyra being alive might be a bit clichè but so far is what makes the most sense to me. When Lilly saw her she might have instructed her to fake her death by drowning so that she could join her behind the scenes. What intrigues me the most is finding out what Bew did to Lilly in the past, since it's been referenced but it hasn't been revealed yet. I'm sure Bew hasn't killed anyone other than Dan since he seemed extremely distressed when he did that. I have a feeling that Mind poisoned herself and knew that Nest was watching, and she only put enough to throw up but not to die. She'll still be around too. Sonar seems to be the smartest and most badass so far, and there have been hints that she's had a dark past (when she said that she's been through worse) that made her this tough. Really looking forward to knowing what that's about. The scene between Gel and Fone really got to me, it was incredibly well acted and the makeup/costume were incredible. It seems to me like Lyla or someone else from behind the scenes (Lilly?) might help Fone with the wound.
Another thing I thought about is that all of them might have gotten additional texts about what to do on the island other than the invitation, and they haven't told anyone else.
Also, if the boatman is dead where's the boat? And man we really don't know anything about Bozo.
At this point I am basically suspicious of everyone other than Sonar, Bew, Ken (I don't know about Plato, getting wounded but surviving and looking weaker makes him sus, just like Nest or Mind), and Gel (just like Bew, she seemed really shocked when she hurt Fone, and I do think she's mean and a bully but not a murderer).
My running theory at the moment (ep 4) is that Lyla actually organized everything to get revenge on all of them. I know it's probably a ghost that we're seeing, but so far I'm choosing to believe what they're feeding us lol. Lilly killed Mac and faked her death and everyone else is just sort of killing each other because of the mood and insanity that's fallen upon them. Lyla (or maybe it's just Lilly) is the one who moved Mac's head to spur them on and cause even more tension. It makes sense that Lyla (or Lilly) would help Fone, maybe she's trying to get her to go against Gel and separate them as revenge for what they did to her as friends. Not sure about Lyla appearing in front of Bew. He seems to have done nothing wrong to her, but the show also hints that he might have been more interested in Nest and again we don't know what he did to Lilly. I think Lyla appearing to Mac at the cliff, to Bew and to Fone the first time might have just been illusions caused by trauma, but Lyla appearing to Lilly and now to Fond might actually be real.
Super excited to see how this continues! I love the stranded vibes without the sci fi element, it's just pure lord of the flies and I am here for it!
@torfight Exactly my point. The ones who are obviously morally wrong already or focused by the storyline might not be the mastermind. It would just make sense to leave the reveal and reasons to the end of the series. Your view on the entire storyline makes sense! The more I think about it, the less important it seems to me who initiated this blood bath. The main issue is, that everyone is holding grudges and trying to survive. Basically, any one of them could kill someone in such a situation. What they are facing on the island, with all their primal and survival instincts kicking in, it´s basically just a matter of time until they all start going berserk. The worst weapon we saw was revenge, followed by mistrust and jealousy. This series is actually so on point with portraying all the inner feelings that are boiling over and despair in a hopeless situation. I am quite hooked.
It'll make the series more interesting if your idea comes true about them getting messages secretly. For example, when Mind told Nest and Sonar to move the corpse of Mac, it could be just an order received. So the person could easily cut off Mac's head.
And what you said about Bew and Gel when they got to hurting some of their close friends may make sense because when Bew killed Dan, he was shocked and looking at his bloody hands like "OMG, is it really blood on my hands?" and not like "OMG, did I just kill my BEST FRIEND?". It's the same with Gel. They may be terrified because they hurt someone special to them and not some random guy in the jungle, but it's enough to assume they weren't the ones who invited all of their so-called friends to the island, because they didn't actually want to see their besties getting hurt, especially by themselves.
Although looking so calm when seeing a horribly killed person like how Bozo was is very sus.
And you said that maybe it's Mind poisoning herself for some reason. I think that could be a good possibility. When I was watching episode 4, I thought she wanted to put a powdery medicine for her headache in the water because it was her own bottle. Then, Nest drew out the rats' poison from Mind's bag and after that, Mind collapsed. At that moment, I wondered if somebody had exchanged the medicine for poison without her knowing, because she seemed a little shocked and started to blame Sonar. However, that could be a fake play.
Speaking of which, it's weird (or good?) to see that episode 4 doesn't contain any new murders, just some grisly injuries.
@MBN You know, from watching the scenes of the old teaser, of which some might not be contained anymore, it will get even more gruesome. Teaser spoiler: In the teaser you could literally see the guts of someone hanging out and Sonar´s detached fingers.
Another question is, who’s gonna die next? I believe that Gel will not survive the next episode, because of the way she’s been already plotted as the main bully of Lyla. She’s already a "bad person", killing her would kinda lift the curiosity of the masterminds intents even further. Leading us back to Lylas story. Since in the 4th episode, the main problems weren’t centered on Lyla’s death anymore. What do you think?
Honestly, I hope Bew will live longer, not because I like the characteristics of him, but I am mindblown by Zee’s performance and would love to see him on screen longer. Because of the secrets with Lilly, I believe he will not die in the next two episodes. At least not, until that dark secret was revealed: The reason why Dan wanted to kill Bew.
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