Like episode 5 we were in for another emotional rollercoaster with an elimination :(( but we also got 3 more performances!

What did you all think about our last pre-recorded episode? Did you agree with the rankings? What were your favourite/least favourite parts of the performances? And did you think TOO shouldve been eliminated? 

Im thinking of making another discussion for all things related to the live final (songs, voting etc..) if anyone would be interested? Like usual dont be afraid to share all opinions, controversial or not! 

My final ranking for the cover performances:

  1. ONF/The Boyz
  2. Pentagon/Verivery
  3. Oneus/TOO

^wow that was tough! Already gone into detail of ONF, Oneus and TOO in the previous discussion so ill only talk about the other 3

The Boyz- soo gorgeous, every part was just beautiful. Like usual the softer concepts arent appreciated as much voting wise :(  maybe a bit of inclusion of the fans from Vixx's original wouldve been cool(cause that is ICONIC) but it was stunning

Pentagon- I actually really enjoyed this stage, the hand choreo was intense and the rearrangement hit so hard. ah it killed me to see them so upset at placing 3rd, i can see how they struggled to change it up (the original is so intense already). Also PentaONF was so strong, their cheering had me screaming (SOO CUTE haha)

Verivery- the concept was so fun! felt like a real stage show, storytelling was on point and all round very enjoyable. 

Honestly going into ep 7 i wasnt sure ONF would place first, but i was proven wrong! Their performance has grown on me so much, it really was a brilliant stage. As a Fuse i was overwhelmingly proud of them placing first, their whole montage had me in tears, they deserve the world and more <3

And of course we have to talk about TOO's elimination :( Unfortunately an elimination was inevitable, like last time no one deserved to go! I cant believe TOO have only been around for a few months, they did such a great job and have definitely earned my respect, it cant have been easy going straight into a competition after their debut. They just announced a comeback so i wish them all the best, hopefully theyve grown a solid fanbase to boost their career!

Next week is final week! I probably will start another discussion as like last time ive written farrr too much (sorry!) so keep an eye out for that :)

Ahh...this was another episode that was hard to watch. I'll be completely honest: I'm not that sad about TOO leaving because Oneus got to stay, but based on their performances TOO did better this time around (this is only my opinion of course). Also their interactions with Verivery were so wholesome and I'll miss that a lot ugh ;_; FRIENDSHIP!

My personal ranking would be:

1. ONF

2. The Boyz (omg it was soooooo beautiful and the choreography was espectacular and everyone looked so good!!!)

3. Verivery (weirdly enough the Aladdin concept worked out in the end and it was such a fun stage to watch, kudos for being able to do it in one shot!)

4. Pentagon (not a fan of the song but the arrangement was super cool and I loved the vibe and the confidence that they gave off, I was surprised that they ranked 5th in this round)

5. TOO

6. Oneus

I was so convinced ONF would get first place this time because their stage was incredible (and I've been listening to It's raining nonstop since it came out oops). Although will they get to keep their spot??? not so sure...

Like usual the softer concepts arent appreciated as much voting wise :(  maybe a bit of inclusion of the fans from Vixx's original wouldve been cool

Didn't they get second...? (they did great considering these performances tend to do much worse). Tbh it was a hard song concept-wise because they couldn't change it that much, so maybe they should've kept them in.

They just announced a comeback so i wish them all the best, hopefully theyve grown a solid fanbase to boost their career!

I didn't know about this! For the most part I think every group (at least internationally) has been gaining new fans, so hopefully this will be reflected on their comeback. I'll be waiting!

Y'ALL HAD THE SAME RANKINGS (basically) LMAOO mine is a bit different oops

Personal rankings:

1. ONF (everything was perf!)

2. TOO (they deserve better imo, i think im the only one enjoying too haha)

3. The Boyz (so. darn. pretty. oml. I expected nothing less.)

4. Verivery (better than I expected!! even tho it was a bit messy, bound to happen with one-shot and heavy performance, I liked it better than Pentagon's because it was still more enjoyable!)

5. Pentagon/ONEUS (follow isn't easy to change up, I personally think its the hardest song out of all to recreate - I'm a monbebe woo/oneus one didn't stand out that much aw)

I personally don't think TOO should've been eliminated performance-wise, they're so talented. Love love Rising Sun and the Hard Carry performances (I don't even like Hard Carry song but their performance made me love it). But I'm happy as a tomoon that ONEUS boys were saved. Someone had to go so...

Also I became a deobi recently :))) I know all their names yay, now I can recognize ONEUS and The Boyz members. 

I'll make a response for the final post too heh. Can't wait for the finale, its exciting to be part of this rtk fandom!!! <3

I'm not that sad about TOO leaving because Oneus got to stay, but based on their performances TOO did better this time around

I agree, honestly i wasn't surprised they went this round, however the more i watched their stage the more i enjoyed it!

Didn't they get second...?

Oh yea, my mistake, really the ranking system is messing with me haha 

wow we do all have the same ranking!! Im happy my bias isnt taking over lol

Verivery (better than I expected!!

Omg yes i had quite small expectations but they nailed the concept, it broke my heart that they were so upset over such tiny mistakes

I personally don't think TOO should've been eliminated

i do get what you mean, their performances have only gotten better. Though theyve got a comeback soon so maybe the elimination was for the best, or they wouldve had a super hectic schedule!

and congrats on joining the new fandoms! At the end of the day if the groups all get new fans then RTK has been worth it :)