Hello! This discussion thread was created so that we can have a safe space to freely discuss about our own theories and thoughts about Saiai without accidentally spoiling anyone who hasn't watched/caught up with the series yet. :)
So please be warned that there will be SPOILERS in this discussion thread.
Feel free to post and discuss below, who knows, we might figure out some plotlines before the episodes reveal it😁
Hello. I just finished Ep 4 and... YUUUUUUUUU OMG YUUUU 😭😭😭😭 man, they really have me crying for a different character every episode. Our theory has finally been confirmed. When Rio was talking about her brother's illness and the drama kept going back to Yuu's running in slow-motion??? That was one heck of a revelation, they didn't have to say anything and we just knew it, i loooved that part so much, I got goosebumps all over. And I thought that earpiece he wore all the time was for eavesdropping information but turned out it was a mini camera that is constantly recording because his memory still doesn't work?? Why is that so heartbreaking omg 😭 And the way I screamed out loud when Yuu phoned Daiki and called him Dai-chan... aaaahhh that scene was also so good.
The crosswalk scene with Daiki and Rio was good as well. The drama was being sly again with not showing Daiki's face when he said those words to Rio, especially after he promised his boss to use Rio. But somehow I still believe him though 😂 I see that he has his doubts, I hope Yuu's video will clear it all up for him. I don't mind if Rio tells him everything, I'm glad she finally felt like she wanted to open up to him about it. He's getting very close to being able to open that black box.
And Kase's relationship with Rio is getting quite... interesting. Seems like Rio felt uncomfortable even when she had dinner with her mom. She can only feel at ease when she's with Kase, to the point she could change her clothes when he's around, that's some high level of trust right there (and he was so flustered when she did that hehe) 😂 It was cute when she had the shrimps for Kase as well, good to see they're both looking out for each other. Ahh but the way Kase insisted that they're just 'family' made me feel like his feelings are much deeper than that but he keeps telling himself that way because of his duties. Not sure if it's a good choice burying your feelings like that though...
Also... Goto's kinda confusing to me. Which side is he on exactly? The side that protects the company but wants to bring down Rio so that he can be the CEO? Because if that's his motive, why is Yuu working for him? Or does Yuu not know that Goto wants to bring down Rio?
Speaking of Yuu again, he's so damn good looking. that last scene on the rooftop, his hair was so fluffy omg 😭 I was crying but also swooning at the same time, talking about puberty gone right! Also, his password to open the video was "YA55", right? I get that YA is Yuu Asamiya but I wonder if 55 is a reference to a date or some info I miss because I can't make the connection to anything, or maybe I'm just overthinking lol And that part after he ran from Daiki, he was wearing black clothes and then the drama's tone shifted, showing him wearing colored clothes. What was that for? 🤔
And sorry for being late to the thread! I overslept haha 🤣 didn't think that the fansubs would release that early (props to them though!)
I still didn't think that the earpiece was a mini camera! But if his memories didn't come back, how did he learn what happened? Did someone tell him or may be he recovered that video from that phone? Or did he really take that video cuz he can't remember stuff?
I think Goto just wants to protects the company and he feels that Rio is ruining it. He worked hard to make it profitable but ofc pharmaceutical companies have a really heavy budget. Now that it's decided that Rio will step down after a year, probably he'll feel relaxed and not try any underhanded tricks against her. But that journalist seems fishy now. Hopefully Goto will see to it.
Also would Azusa probably know that Yuu was working with Goto? Because earlier she told Rio that Yuu had someone talking care of him. Could that be Goto? Or may be Yuu went to Goto himself as he says asking Goto to let him work for him, telling that he would do anything. To look over his sister maybe?
I think Yuu was just wearing two different types of clothes to escape just in case. Those colorful ones under the black ones. Daiki informed the headquarters that Yuu was wearing a black parka and therefore he removed it.
Also Yuu was living in apartment no. 803, Watanabe Akira was killed on 8-03 👀 probably means nothing but lol interesting.
Hello guys! I'm so glad we could talk about it here. Anyways, thoughts!!
I'm so glad we got the Yuu theory finally confirmed😭 the last 5 minutes of Episode 4 was so well done tbh, from Saiai's twitter account, it seemed that Producer Arai Junko really made the deliberate decision of removing music from the scene after much thought and it freaking works coz it made the entrance of Utada Hikaru's Kimi ni Muchuu all the more poignant. What an ending.
About the camera and with Goto, I have a feeling that Yuu was set up. In the first few minutes of the episode, Goto called Yuu and asked him to do a background check on Shiori. Yuu was hesitant and Goto said, "You were the one who said that you'll do anything, right?" and that made me think this:
Theory on Goto: What if Goto knew that Yuu is Rio's brother and they had an agreemet regarding Rio? Yuu's compliance is due to his desire to keep his sister safe. And - what if Goto knew about the whole Watanabe issue beforehand and he set Yuu up. What ifYuu really isn't the one who took the video of strangling Watanabe Akira, what if that was just blackmail by Goto, and Yuu didn't know the truth because his memory is still spotty (as evidenced by his use of cameras)?
Idk, was this theory pretty crazy? Hahaha just taking my chances🤣 but nice catch on the Azusa-Yuu-Goto plot line! Maybe that's what she meant!! I need to revise this theory now and take Azusa into account haha!
AND AAAAA yes Rio and Daiki!!! The way I screamed at their scene haha. I'm happy as qell that Rio still wanted to open up to him! And tbh, I think that crosswalk scene is very telling. See how Rio and Daiki were both motivated after that little exchange? Even with all those years of separation and with Rio keeping her secrets close, she was still able to find strength in his belief in her. Daiki, in turn, began running greater lengths (literally lol) to help prove her innocence. It's very endearing albeit painful at the same time haha.
I feel like Rio views Kase as more of a family member, but Kase has buried feelings for her.... and I think that it will come bite him back in the butt later on.
That Apartment 803-killed on 8-03 bit is interesting!
@GK170502: He's probably been using that earpiece everyday to record events through out the day and watch everything later to make sure he doesn't forget anything. I think his memories about the incident 15 years ago actually came back, but not all memories can. Or maybe it is as you said, he still doesn't remember the memories that are lost but with his IT skill, he had recovered the video from his phone.
Anyway, I really hope he still keeps that traumatic video from 15 years ago though, because it might be the only evidence to prove his and Rio's innocence.
Yeah... Azusa might know about Yuu and Goto, that woman seems carefree but I have a feeling she knows more than we think. The way she reassured Goto about Rio's one year agreement was kinda hilarious lol
I keep wondering about that freelance journalist, the way that she's so keen on about anything related to Sanada Holdings is very sus. There must be some intentions behind making her a regular character of the whole story. Hmm.
@sunflowershine: You're still wild on the theories I see hehe. I think the chance that Goto faked that video and blackmailed Yuu is a bit low, because of the scar on his hand... And I don't think Goto would go that far to get rid of Watanabe... Hmm I'm not sure, but it's not impossible. We'll see.
My theory is just a little bit different, I still think Yuu didn't actually killed Watanabe even after seeing the video because there's still possibilities something might have happened after that video ended idk maybe Yuu already saved Watanabe after that but he was still killed later by someone else lol. Anyway I still don't think he died that easy, there must be something else. And the fact that the video has no audio could be a plot twist later when we actually hear what their conversation was about.
Ahh of all theories, Yuu being the culprit is one of the theories I don't want to come true the most but here we are 😭 And the E05 preview looks kinda scary.
I love this show so much!! I want to talk about it so much haha
First off when Daiki was going to the apartment to watch the video Yuu told him about I thought for sure it was going to be the video from when Yuu killed the son! So when it was the video from the father's murder I was pretty surprised. Yuu knows a lot about computers and stuff, when he left the house he still had his old phone so I believe he probably figured out a way to recover the deleted video and that's how he found out about what he did.
Goto and Yuu... good catch with Azusa! I think she probably did have Goto looking after him. From the previous episodes I thought it was possible Yuu was working with Goto knowing that he wanted to take Rio down, possibly because he thought maybe her not being president would bring his old sister back to him or because he didn't want her creating the drug because maybe he felt happier not having his forgotten memories or because he thought she could be happier without all of this weighing on her. BUT after this episode I don't think that's the case, I think Goto led him to believe by helping him he would also be helping Rio and left out the bit about him wanting to take over as president.
I feel like Azusa is a bit of a mystery right now. I've seen people with theories that she's running everything and responsible for anything bad that's going on. But I'm not sure. Is she a bad person? Or is she just old fashioned/conservative like Goto and wants her daughter to constantly prove herself to her just like she probably feels she had to prove herself to her father. She is so ok with seeing her children so miserable. I wonder about the feelings Kase and Goto have towards her. Originally I thought maybe Kase liked HER romantically and so that's why he views Rio as family but that's looking less like the case, he seems to see her for what she is. I think it's possible her and Goto are in a relationship.
About Yuu being set up, I think it's a really interesting theory. It would HAVE to be by someone very familiar with his injury, who knows he loses his memory completely, who knows he can become violent at times and then forgets about it, and knows he uses that camera to record his memories. It also would have had to happen during an exact time that he would lose his memory of... it's that part that seems a bit of a stretch, he doesn't lose ALL of his memories, things would have to happen so at that specific time he would lose the memory of what happened. Maybe there's something that can trigger his memory loss?
I don't know. We're only on the 4th episode here if everything is as it seems right now how will they fill the rest of the episodes? Will it just be Rio and Daiki finding ways to cover for Yuu? For sure there needs to be more twists and turns coming up.
Yeah right, we're not even half way through the show and they have already revealed the culprit. And don't forget that scene at the beginning of E01. Like, what kind of twists and turns are they gonna throw at us for the rest of the episodes? I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it 😫
Azusa being in a relationship with Goto is an interesting theory hahaha. She made it clear that she always ended up thinking about the company so she couldn't be a good parent, I assume that applies to her relationships as well. But who knows, that theory might be true since Goto also thinks about the company all the time, meaning they have the same ideal lol 🤣
Oh, but the apartment Yuu was living was 205, not 803. 803 was the video file's name, he probably named it according to the date. There was also file 827, 823 and a video name 'secret' on his computer though. interesting.
Yes I saw the episode again and observed that. It was the file 803. I read about the apartment in someone's tweet.
I think Yuu already knows that Goto wants to bring Rio down cuz he clearly says that he's going to continue till he can crush her.
Azusa, did she smile a little looking at that article when Masanobu left after complaining? Probably it's just her usual expression.
I don't think Goto and Azusa are in a relationship though. Neither of them seem interested in anything but the company. Also in the beginning Goto said that he has nothing other than the company that is precious to him.
I was wondering, whose house did Tachibana go to? One of her parent may be? Cuz they were mentioned too. She is def going to be a part of the mystery from next episode.
We still have the division head and Kuwata. As per the producer, each character has a secret. Those two should be no exception.
And they mentioned in the first episode that the trigger for Yuu's memory to go all hazy was anything that would excite him, that would release adrenaline. That would obviously be the case if he saw Watanabe Akira grabbing his sister.
I wonder if Goto's saying "until I can crush her" can be interpreted as something else, since Japanese can be a little ambiguous sometimes.
Azusa did smile a little after she read that article. But there could many reasons though. Is there any chance she knows Tachibana, the one that wrote the article?
As for Tachibana, I think she was trying to check out people related to the list she was holding?
I was thinking that the scene where Yuu took his jacket off and color tone shifted, he probably got switched to his other personality (? not sure what i should call it). He was running from Daiki so maybe the adrenaline triggered his brain again. Seems like the normal Yuu wears mostly black clothes, and the other Yuu wears colorful ones? He wore all black again when he met Rio on the rooftop. I mean, it seemed like a director's intention, maybe the other Yuu will make another appearance in the future. But if that's true, I wonder if he remembers the phone call with Daiki.
I just rewatched E01 again and according to the police, apart from the compression mark on Watanabe's neck, there were also contusion to the back of his head as well. It's true that it could be caused by hitting a rock when he was thrown to the pond but I think there's still a possibility someone else caused it. (Trying my best to prove Yuu isn't the real culprit lol) But either way he would still be charged with attempted murder, poor Yuu :(
First off, I'm so happy that many of us are here talking about this drama haha! @nhii I'm going wild with the theories again here🤣
Yuu being set up: about him being set up by someone familiar with him, I can't help but think of the track and field members. There's no way they aren't important to the story, especially Okayama Amane's character, Fuji. I've been lurking in the Saiai tag and local viewers have been speculating that he's the murderer of Kosuke. Hmmm. He's alsoa police now, isn't he?
Tachibana Shiori: Episode 4 revealed a bit about her background, and Yuu found that she took a year off from university in 2006.... which is also the year when Kosuke was killed. Do you guys think that she's somehow connected? Perhaps she's also an acquaintance that became a victim as well? Or someone close to Kosuke and wanted to know the truth about what happened?
Azusa: She's right, she sucks at being a parent haha she doesn't know how to handle her children. Pehaps this is why she chose Rio to be her successor, as a way to atone for her not being present as a mother for her during the past few years? Her secret might be that she deliberately kept Yuu away from Rio. She seemed upbeat and carefree enough but I feel like she's sneakier than she lets on. She's the former president of the company, after all.
Goto; In episode 4, Azusa mentioned that Goto was supposed to be the successor to the company as per her father.... so maybe this is another thing that prompted Goto to do the things he did. Aside from protecting the company, he holds bitter feelings towards Rio for snatching everything away "through connections" (which is true, but Riomade effort to get this place as well, right?). The company is all he said he had so this makes sense.
Kuwata and Chief Yamao: Some viewers have mentioned that the placement of theirhands on the posters (Kuwata hiding her left ear, Yamao hiding his right eye) may mean them turning a blind eye to Rio/Daiki's relationship/dynamic, but considering their natures, this may be too reaching? But possible haha. Also, Kuwata seemed to be passionately speaking out against Kosuke in the 2nd episode (or was it the 3rd?) so....maybe the secret she's hiding is that she was also a victim, probably not of Kosuke, but of assault and harrassment?
Good catch with the contusion on Watanabe's head, though! I'm hoping it's not Yuu as well. But if ever he really is the murderer, I feel like there's a chance that he only did either of the two and not both. Aside from Yuu, For Watanabe Kosuke, the most probable suspects are from the track and field team, while for Watanabe Akira, the most probable suspects are from Sanada Wellness (even Kase). Hmmmm.
Hi everyone i'm excited to discuss about Saiai
I think the future episodes will talk more about what actually happen that day. I felt the drama still left some questions about the first murder case:
'What actually Yuu's father did back then?' : The scence where washing machine washed clothes full of blood stain. I still wonder if that Yuu's father clothes or Yuu clothes
'What the track and field members are hiding?' : The 2nd or 1st episode we could see their face. Some of the members seems worried after the murder case. I felt they are hiding something.
'Who takes Rio's good luck charm?': This question is very important because we could discover the real killer.
My thoughts about episode 4 is i think Tachibana Shiori know Sanada Holdings family very well. I think her personal target is the company which remind me of Azusa. I actually kinda believe Yuu isn't the killer because of the good luck charm. So yes, he might be set up by someone from the track and field member. People who knows about Yuu's condition & Rio's good luck charm is only track and field members. Also, Kase-san feelings sometimes he admires Rio like having a crush but, maybe because he knows her since she was young he start to think it as a 'family love'. Goto motives i think it's more simple, competitive behaviour. Especially he doesn't have anyone like friends or lovers. I really want to know who kill Tachibana Shiori. I personally think Goto wouldn't want to do something that is threatening his reputation. So it might also be the track & field member. Can't wait for the plot twist they will give us :)
Oh... good catch with Tachibana taking a year off in 2006! It was shown that her break started from September 2006. But her hometown was a different place and her college was in Tokyo, I wonder if there was any connection. Did they state exactly which month Kousuke went missing? I feel like they did but I can't find it anywhere in E01.
And I agree that there are still so many unanswered questions about the case 15 years ago. I've been assuming that Yuu killed Kousuke and then Tatsuo hid the body and evidences. But they never let us know what exactly Tatsuo did, what actually happened when Rio passed out or how her amulet ended up near Kousuke's body. There could be a plot twist about all that. And yes... adding Fuji to the current storyline seems to be intentional as well, so far he's the only dot that doesn't connect to anything apart from being in the same track & field team, that alone seems fishy lol
@freakintrash: the thing in the washing machine was the university's cheering banner, at around 36:00 mark in E02 you can see Kousuke use it to hold the blood. I think it was wise of Tatsuo that he chose to wash it (and maybe return it to the original place later) instead of disposing it along with Rio's bloody clothes. If that banner went missing, it would cause questions among the university.
I feel like I don't have anything other interesting insights than what's already been said here and in the comments section but as I was reading your guy's comments, I do wonder why Rio decided to delete the video Yuu took from the phone when it can be used to prove their innocence as someone pointed out. Also what do you guys think about Rio's note appearing at the scene of the murder when it was revealed Yuu was the one that killed Akira. Do we think it's actually Yuu that killed him or someone trying to set him up? What are his motives for working with Gotou? Is it to check up on Rio now and then? Why did he disappear from Rio's life for 9 years without a word other than postcards? I know it's because he feels guilty of killing Kousuke but maybe there's something more than that?
I can't wait for future developments! Really looking forward to next week!
@Aimer_is_life: Hello! I think Rio's just too traumatized at that point, which is why she irrationally deleted the video. It's something that I think she would want to forget no matter what, hence she deleted it. It's an important evidence though so I'm hoping they could retrieve it!
I feel like someone's trying to set Yuu up, somehow I feel like this could be done by someone who has ill feelings o r intentions towards Rio.... kinda like, they're trying to get to Rio through Yuu. Most sus as of now are Goto and her older brother.
And yeah, personally I feel like Yuu did work with Goto to protect his nee-chan, in a way. That kinda explains why he looked tired when Goto asked him to research about Rio again at the end of episode 1, kinda like a "you're making me research about my nee-chan again?" look haha. Considering that we're only halfway through the series, I feel like there's really a lot more in store for us.... a lot more to the story than what we see👀
Sameee, I can't wait to watch it! But I'm getting sentimental coz we're already at the series' halfway point, it feels just like yesterday when the cast was first announced.
-----------------------EPISODE 5 SPOILERS STARTING FROM THIS POST--------------------------
I just finished watching. Another emotionally intense roller coaster, especially the bus scene (I forgot to breathe fr). And the episode cleared up a lot of questions we've been asking about Yuu's motive behind working with Goto and what Tatsuo did after that incident.
The star of the episode was, no doubt, Yuu. He actually restored the video from his old phone as we expected! Good job, Yuu!!! And when they watched Tatsuo's video, Takahashi Fumiya and Yuriko did a solid performance here, they looked so small and helpless that my heart ached 😢
Ah Daichan... I was both disappointed in him and empathize with him in this episode. I bet he was probably disappointed in himself too, for having to see what's happening to the siblings and not able to do anything. The conflict was so real in his eyes and his voice's break after he saw Yuu get on the bus (seemed like it was also the moment he finally believed Yuu was the culprit in the video?) And looks like someone's about to be dismissed from the case starting next episode.
And now that we're sure Kousuke's missing happened in Sept 2006, the same month with Tachibana's break from college, I wonder if it's connected? And Kase hahaha... although Goto tried to give him doubts about Rio, I was afraid his loyalty would shake, but it seemed like he's now even more invested in the case. I wonder what Rio whispered to him? He was even at the crime scene (the pond) rewatching Yuu's video, probably trying to find some new clue to prove Yuu's innocence lol. And I love how he was so composed after seeing Rio's "Help me", anyone would have definitely freaked out seeing a message like that.
I'm emotionally drained, can't come up with any new theory rn but I can't wait to read more thoughts and theories from you guys! ^^
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