A little gift for drama fans from the screenwriter of Love's Rebellion. Side stories... 

Easter Egg 1: Nan Yan, Ji Yang, Yin Ya, and Mu Zhanting reunited in Lunar Sect to make up for the Mid-Autumn Festival. After eating hot pot and moon cakes, they played Xichuan Mahjong. If one door is missing, three chapters will be changed(relating to the game play). In the first round, the opponents exchanged cards. Yin Ya and Mu Zhanting both offered ten thousand. However, Nan Yan and Ji Yang tacitly gave each other the cards they wanted most. Yin Ya immediately protested, "If you cheat with the Romance Seal again, I won't play anymore!" Mu Zhanting teased, "That's it, are you two bullying the fox?" He’s a single fox. Very quickly after that, Ji Yang continuously fed Nan Yan cards, turning her into a hook attracting gold. Yin Ya lost ten thousand, and was forced to take on the full cards. He complained endlessly, saying that this round didn't count, and he would start over! Mu Zhanting couldn't help but take out money, “Seeing that you have such potential, consider it a wedding gift!” Yin Ya reluctantly took the spirit stones. Ji Yang and Nan Yan smiled at each other, and the mark on their palms lit up again.

Easter egg 2: Nan Yan and Ji Yang revisited their old place and went to the Xiagu Street Market. They passed by the woods they had first seen. Here, the shrine was still there. Nan Yan stopped, knelt in front of the short statue, and winked at Ji Yang. Ji Yang immediately understood and knelt down devoutly according to Nan Yan's actions. After the ceremony, the two stood up and left. Nan Yan spoke truthfully, "I just took you to fulfill your wish." Ji Yang was puzzled, "What wish?" Nan Yan replied, "I once made a promise with the Holy Master to do 100,000 good deeds to bless you to return safely." Ji Yang was stunned, "100,000 good deeds?" Nan Yan nodded, "Don't be afraid, doing good deeds is like piling up sand to form a tower. Do three good deeds a day, which is 1,095 good deeds a year, and 109,500 good deeds in a hundred years." Nan Yan walked while talking, and unknowingly walked in front. When she looked back, Ji Yang was looking at her with burning eyes and smiled, "Then may I ask, can we start with the most important event of our life?"

Easter Egg 3: In March of the following year, Yangyue Sect gathered together to play mahjong again. Mu Zhanting didn't have to coax Aotian or be scolded by Nian Nian. It was rare for him to go out for a stroll and he felt very comfortable. Yin Ya was forced to choose a concubine recently, which gave him a headache. Even if he came here to lose money, he was happy. At this time, Nan Yan from the Hu Man Three's family suddenly felt unwell, with a fever all over her body and flushed face. Ji Yang saw the clues and asked faintly, "What day is it today?" Nan Yan was puzzled, "March 3rd, Shangsi Festival." Ji Yang's face was stern, and he quickly found an excuse to send the guests away. Yin Ya muttered, "If you win money, you will drive people away. It's like this couple is running a black shop!" Mu Zhanting didn't ask much, just did as he was told and forcibly dragged Yin Ya away. Nan Yan was confused and asked the reason, but Ji Yang didn't say anything. It turned out that he remembered reading in the ancient book "Five States of Saint Demon Illustrations" that the Chongming bird had a period of thinking about love every year around Shangsi Festival. Now that A-Yan's bloodline has awakened, if it is not dealt with in time, she may suffer the pain of burning her body. Nan Yan blurted out, "How should I deal with it?" Ji Yang was quiet, took her hand and said gently, "Let's go into the house and talk."  

thanks so much. such fun and cute side stories. i'm considering reading the novel, is there any more detail about their life together after ji yang comes back to life?


thanks so much. such fun and cute side stories. i'm considering reading the novel, is there any more detail about their life together after ji yang comes back to life?

Not really, it's pretty close to how the script's ending was. But you will get more fleshed out details of the main plots that weren't explained well in the drama. Plus NY's father was someone else different and not JY's master.


Not really, it's pretty close to how the script's ending was. But you will get more fleshed out details of the main plots that weren't explained well in the drama. Plus NY's father was someone else different and not JY's master.

oh ok thanks for letting me know. I want to read it bc I feel some of the main plot points weren't really well explained, especially in the last few episodes there wasn't enough time for all of the scenes. I almost definitely have to read it now that I hear that Ying Zewei is not NY's father, I thought that it was so weird and random when I first watched it. another question, does it have more details of the time before JY fully turned into a demon i.e. their wedding?

I haven't read it yet myself, so not sure. But from people's comments that I saw, there were a lot of changes. Like they actually met when they were really young and grew up as childhood sweethearts. NY's cultivation dealt with themes of Buddhism which they changed to pass censorship. I think it's more poignant since it felt like she was ascending to the higher heaven while he went to the depth of hell. Ji Yang also faked losing his memories in the novel and not real memory loss.

it'll be interesting to read the novel and compare the two. usually what I do is take things I like from the novel and take things I like from the drama and combine it to make my ideal version of the story


it'll be interesting to read the novel and compare the two. usually what I do is take things I like from the novel and take things I like from the drama and combine it to make my ideal version of the story

yeah and it's easier to imagine scenes and faces reading after watching because you already have these ready


yeah and it's easier to imagine scenes and faces reading after watching because you already have these ready

you're absolutely right, because due to the translation or writing in general it can be hard to understand from reading