Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
I think this episode is entirely focused on the idea that all the autists are not the same.
First of all, we have Myung Seok. When he takes this case, he thinks that Young Woo will be able to understand the defendant because he is an autist like her. And we can see that even Young Woo has to ask for help to her father, because like she herself says, she can see their points in common, but there are huge differences between autists. All the interactions between the defendant and his lawyers, one after another, are breaking that belief.
Second, the prosecutor. I don´t know if this man believes the words he says at the trial. But his actions are low and cruel. He doesn´t hesitate in his attacks on Young Woo, and he only wants to confuse the judge and the jury about the central idea of this episode: are all the autists the same? He uses autism as a weapon only to win.
He is the only responsable for making Young Woo to leave the case. Hanadan, reluctant, only can do what the client is asking for. Even the parents know Young Woo is capable. But all them have to discard Young Woo for the defendant´s interest. I think, Hanadan and the parents are not discriminating Young Woo. I think they are reacting to the prosecutor´s actions to protect the defendant. But her coworkers know that´s and injustice and among them, there is Myung Seok, trying to stand for her.
At first, the father attacks Young Woo because he´s so jelous of her. This is not discrimination. This is a bad reaction. Jelous people attack other people when they´re not autists too. That´s the way jelousy works. But at the end, he understands that she only was trying to help his son, and even when he can´t appologise, the mother does it. I would liked to see him appologising, but only the mother has the guts.
The worst, cruelest and evil discrimination I can find, are all those coments on the Internet. And that´s a lesson for all of us. It´s so easy for us to sit in front of a keyboard, and carelessy write anything, without thinking about the pain you can cause to other person. And is even worst when you don´t have any idea what you´re talking about.
This episode has an amazing variety of lessons for everyone. For people like the prosecutor, who only wants to win at all cost. For people like the parents. For those who think thar reality is everyting about rainbows and justice.
I love Myung Seok. He at first had his objections about Young Woo, but now he knows that she´s capable, that she can make the difference to win a trial. And he wants her in his team. He stands for her. Not only because he´s nice or he likes her, but at least, because he thinks Young Woo is a good lawyer. Maybe not for this case, because of the prosecutor cruel words, but she is good in her job, and he protetcts her for that reason.