Search by TV Channel/Network

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Hessa Volunteer Staff
It would be a good idea to be able to search by the TV channels/Network. If I want to watch all "OCN" dramas, then I can easily search for all the dramas aired on "OCN". Maybe make the name of the TV Channel/Network clickable in the drama pages, and it takes us to the TV channel search result page.
I've wanted this for a long time - I love looking for dramas in certain networks and it would make it a lot easier to search by network/channel :)
The networks' names are already blue/underlined on the drama pages, so they look clickable but they aren't. So I have assumed that this is a planned feature that's not yet ready to be used... I've been wondering about that, actually!
Jin once told me that he's been keeping this at the back of his mind. I hope it will jump priorities soon.
I seriously need this so bad I hope they do it soon
Lately I've also been thinking that I would like to be able to check out drama's by their networks
Love this idea. It would also be cool to search by producer/director or screenwriter as well!
Definitely! For a while I have had to use other sites to find the dramas of specific channels (e.g. tvN). It would match well with MDL's other features - sometimes I want to find the most popular or top rated dramas of certain channels so it would definitely be very convenient, especially for people who enjoy dramas aired on e.g. OCN.
I really like this idea as well
It will be great if you could add information about the production company for Chinese drama. In my opinion, for them it is more important than a channel, since production quality depends on them, while drama may be bought by several channels.
so when is the next MDL update?
Hessa Volunteer Staff
This month.
@Igemona Production company is listed on Cdramabase.