I am seeing more and more subbers on MDL and while D-addicts has the market on this, I think having a section for MDLers (probably in forums)who do subbing would be cool.

This is the very fringe of what you guys do here, but it would be nice to keep it all in house.  Just a forums section is all i ask, with subsections like "In progress", "Completed", "Team Recruitment" and "Requests".  Which all subbers have the right to ignore. lol.

Rules would be we do not link the media file only the sub file, thus keeping everything legal. (unless of course the media is legal)

Just a thought as I start my part of Our subbing ( still havent really decided on a team name yet..Nihongo to Waffles?  )project episode 4


What about users using aegisub?

thats what i use too, but I don't think programs should be in a section, unless maybe a general where people can ask program specific questions.  There are so many programs out there, with tutorials.

Oh.. That'll be nice :)