Bring back the watchlist link in users profile

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When i find someone with similar show taste, i open browse there watchlist with their top rated show and this helps me to find most of the shows i am going to watch. 

But somewhere last year the link in the user profiles to the watchlist was removed


What link are you talking about ? Sorry, I don't want to sound rude, it's just I don't seem to understand your question. To me you can still access to users watchlist when clicking on the button below the profile picture (on desktop mode, not using the app), and you can then sort their shows by ratings. 

Can you precise more what you want back?

I don't think we removed them. 

ohh, i think i did mix something up with myanimelist ^_^ yes, its there and it works, sorry for the confusion :-/

xxmai locked this Mar 23, 2022 04:51 pm