
This user named Lex, who appears to be using multiple fake IDs to upvote her own reviews. This has been happening for quite some time, and he/she is doing it with every review she posts. 

You can verify this by checking any of her reviews. Even for older shows, her reviews quickly reach the top due to the upvotes from these fake accounts. 

For example her review for Lovely Runner has an unusually high number of upvotes.


Here is the link to her reviews. Please investigate this and take strict action.



I have filed a similar complaint previously. MDL took action against the user but that user temporarily deactivated their account and have now returned to avoid further action. 

Note: When that user named Lex found out that I had filed a complaint against her, she heavily downvoted my review. Initially, my review was in the 4th position, but it suddenly dropped to page 11. She also blocked me directly, which proves that she has been engaging in this malpractice for a long time.

Look at the number of downvotes on this review from her fake accounts.


Please investigate into this matter and take action immediately.