Hi C

I know now! the black sugar is known aa Chinese brown sugar or brown candy. It’s pricey, more expensive than the brown sugar in the supermarket. Gula melaka (palm  sugar) is used in Cendol . Same sugar used in ABC but some use brown sugar. I love Nyonya desserts-Singapore and Malacca have good ones. They are expensive here and not so good so when I crave for them I will make them. I plan to go to the city this Friday -I can get some Thai dessert. Have you tried Korean shave ice?( bingsoo) . It’s so good. 

Doubt third person is Song’s father otherwise he will refer to him. If you look at the cast there’s one more person that hasn’t appeared yet -from the Li family. May not be the villain.  

Did FIL act in I have fallen for you? He’s always playing with the crickets, so funny. Yes A Shuang has a funny accent like some village girl’s accent.

I re-watched the trailer of FL about the jewellery that I mentioned to you before. So funny when the bracelets tumble out from her dress and when ML found that she wore them on her left wrist as well-she wrapped the necklace on her wrist! So funny! I like that she only need to look to ML for help and he will rescue her. 

Hi C & K

I was watching the trailers for Ep 21 & 22. 

In Ep 21 A Shuang and her funny accent is back. FL follows Song brother after losing the bet. 

Ep 22 FL’s back in the Li mansion, now BF with third uncle. Song girl yet again shift her interest, to third uncle. I think third time lucky. Anyway no men left for her to choose. She’s been there for a long time. As predicted we see FL’s jade pendant . I don’t know how Song brother got hold of it but he’s returning to FL but refuses to let go of her hand. 

It’s going to be more interesting from here on. I enjoyed this drama a lot because it doesn’t have much heart breaking scenes and the humour is good. A Mao and Mei Xiang are trustworthy and loyal to ML and FL.

In fact the entire cast is good. It’s a good script and costumes are nice without being overdone. 

Looking forward to the new episodes. 

Yo M!

Yeps. gula melaka is more commonly used in Malaysia for the chendol and ice kachang. Yeps in Singapore we have the Peranakans or Nonya areas with really good authentic Nonya cuisine, some really upmarket ones as well. Enjoy you thai dessert, you going for red ruby? Yes I had Bingsu, Korean food is so popular here as well.

Oh, so there may be another spy besides the first uncle. I just know that there is one more villain that hasn't appeared yet.

Yes he acted in I have fallen for you if I remember correctly, I dropped that one after 5 episodes. The style for OMSL is similar but definitely much better. A Shuang's accent is the reason for the Luohan misunderstand LOL.

The funny thing is that the ML and the parents didn't see that bad side of her wearing the jewellery. This Lee family is really very cool.

So I guess the song brother likes the FL as well.

The FL is really pretty at the scene where she drew the red symbol on her forehead and fell asleep. I did a bit of research and she was a model. She is 1 year older than the ML?

I finished some anime and the latest episodes of Record of Youth last evening, then I caught half an episode of Love is sweet. Not really in the mood to watch a first episode of Chinese dramas where they always have "a lot of pattern" (what we use here for exaggeration) acting cool etc... Stopped halfway and went to sleep at 130am.

Hey C,

When I look up the name of FIL it doesn’t show Fallen for you as one of the dramas he acted in. But he’s good. 

FL maintain that she did what A Shuang asked her to do -draw the naked men. So funny! She still doesn’t get it that she misunderstood. I like A Shuang’s accent. 

I think with FL’s character it would be difficult to accept her in another family. She’s unique. No wonder Song brother likes her.

Her reasoning for the jewellery was acceptable . Too many choices.lol. I particularly like that she’s quite unrefined. When her mother visited, she just propped up her one leg on the chair and she sits with one knee up.

They are both same age, 26. I don’t like her with short hair .

Yes she looks pretty with the painted flower on her forehead. She looks good in red and green. 

Not going for red ruby-can make it myself. Not difficult. Depends what I feel like having. I usually buy the Thai donut, similar to one like ‘you tiaw’( chinese crullers but the ones that are shorter, direct translation from Cantonese is horse leg), do you which one I mean? 

I only watch half of Ep 1 of the new drama . 

Hi M,

They are definitely both inside but not added in MDL I have fallen for you cast.

Haha, she thought that the painting will fetch a lot of money since it is the most handsome dude in town.

Think it is quite nice to have a nice family, many other similar plot we also see the family against the FL of the same type.

Based on where she is from, of cos not refined and it makes sense.

Oh, probably the ML bday hasn't passed. She was with the Momo models.

You Tiao 油条  or 油炸鬼 as in fried dough fritters... the thai style is more dense I think.

Same I watch until the ML flashback and I stopped.

I am so tired now... still gotta rush out a report

Hi C

Happy Mid-autumn festival.

I had to queue and waited for the freshly baked Shanghai savoury mooncakes. I am glad I bought the snowy skin and HK mooncakes earlier. They have sold out.

FIL and who else in Fallen for you? Thanks for the screenshot.

I have downloaded Perfect and casual. May watch it tomorrow when I take the train to the city. The Thai donut is not as dense as our you tiau. 

ML’s birthday is in November.

Even DITK the ML’s mother is against the FL. 

Better unrefined with a good heart than ladylike and evil heart like evil cousin. 

Hi M, yeah happy mid-autumn festival. I bought the sweet ones with salted yolks here, saw the shanghai style one for delivery as well but didn't get them. Durian flavored is very popular here though not my taste. I just had a wedge for tea 30 mins ago lol.

FL's mom? She is paired with ML's dad in that drama.

Perfect and casual the ratings are not too bad. Love in time ratings in Qianxun is good too.

Thai donut, probably like bread?

DITK is ending this week, so you completing it?

Haha the cousin is not evil, she is obsessively crazy.

Hi C

Thai donut or Pa Thong Ko is similar to our you tiao but softer . It goes with pandan dipping sauce made from coconut milk. 

We get durians and durian mooncakes here. Durian is popular with Hong Kong Chinese and mainland Chinese but my whole family don’t eat durian. I cannot stand the smell.

Yes cousin is a bit cuckoo-she’s obsessed with marrying ML.

I just watched up to Ep 12 and then 24 for DITK. Suddenly ML’s brother turn up, must be half brother. 

Yes you did mention about FL’s mom. There’s always a few of the same casts in another drama together. And the mother is always the same people like the mother for FL in Skate into love is the same as FL’s in Love Equations and FL’s mother in Sparkle Love. 

I don’t really feel up to watching DITK but just I’m already more than half way so may finish it.

It’s almost weekend. You’ll get your rest soon. It’s a struggle at first, going back to the office.


Okay I googled it, it looks exactly like our you tiao just shorter... and the dip is different. Anyway how you tiao is eaten also differs between countries.

Oh the durian in Malaysia and Singapore is very different from China and Thailand... I do eat them but I am not a fan.

The cousin is just like many of the crazy stalkers, no one can have him if I can't have him.

Haha... Mr Honesty I dropped it with 5 episodes left - just didn't feel any urge to continue.

Yeah the supporting cast always appears, but for this I think the production team is the same.

I am working from home these few days, am having my wheat beer now. :)

Hi M&C:)

i started on Love is sweet, up to episode 12 so far and I really like it. The FL looks so much better w/out the wig she wore in Luckys first Love.. I kept wanting to brush her hair.

 She looks very pretty in LIS. I like her independence And her friendship.it’s  nice  how they speak to each other w.out talking 

..Her friends crush is a  Bit awkward.. I don’t feel like 2nd ML really likes her and she’s fawning all over him so I’m not sure if that’s gonna last. I thought he was some sort of playboy with all The names of the girls or was that just for his dating site?

im not familiar with ML  but he is doing a a good job they have great chemistry.  He does treat her like  hes almost like a kid rom a teenager  (kind of an immature love) like when he pulled her pigtail but I get that he never let her grow up and now that she has he doesn’t seem to really get that he liked her all that time and still sees himself as her protector/guardian/how to I make her get stronger so she doesn’t cry /I can’t believe she grew up and is her own person.......I’m. not sure if there’s more:) But u get  the gist:)

the second ML,has the most awesome eyes.. really beautiful. It was like Superman.. when he took off his glasses I was like..wow..those eyes are stunning 

. I think his sister is in love with him..half sister?  I’m not sure if he’s good bad or on the cusp..like..does  he likes FL but Yet  still like his  step sister?  They seem very close. She obviously likes him ..

OMSL didnt look like any new episodes came out this week. Maybe theyll finish it next week.. subbed up to ep 11 so im really understanding lots more.. he really is sweet. Love how he lights up when he’s proud ,of her.. ill look for the latest trailer 

boba  tea is  popular here, they sellit at the mall.  we have a very diverse community so lots of Korean, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, food places all around. I have a Number of Indian Japanese and Chinese clients and we are always talking about recipes, they sound soo good:)

C..I’m going out for my walk right now.. I’m not a good morning person. :) I’m more of a night owl  & the weather here is perfect we’re going into Fall so it s about 65 F (18C).

?im completely confused  why FL would have to go to another mans house bc she lost a bet? What was the bet and was it just to visit?

Ep 22 FL’s back in the Li mansion, now BF with third uncle. Song girl yet again shift her interest, to third uncle. I think third time lucky. Anyway no men left for her to choose. She’s been there for a long time. As predicted we see FL’s jade pendant . I don’t know how Song brother got hold of it but he’s returning to FL but refuses to let go of her hand.

oh new K drama coming up 9 tailed fox...so going to watch that ...one my favorite K actors (Grim reaper from Goblin) :D

Hi K,

Song brother in the first place didn’t specify the terms if he’s the winner. When he won the bet he wanted FL that’s why she has to follow him. I think it’s temporary ML tailed them but Song brother later took her to somewhere remote. Don’t know how she got back home.

I hope they show the  arrival of the baby.

Hi K,

I tried watching LIS again last night, maybe not in a mood - couldn't finish the first episode still. Long time in a while I went to bed before midnight. Feel fresher today though the weather is super warm. Guess I haven't warmed up to any characters in LIS yet. I kept checking if OMSL or SL got updated but nah... I completed something about 1% last evening.

How much does a cup of small sized Boba Milk Tea with pearl cost over there (both K and M)? Over here prob 4-5USD. How I envy the cooling weather, I need to put on sunblock when I go out for lunch later.

Yeah, 9 tailed fox is in my PTW. I started a bit on 18 again... also can't finish the episode.

I didn't watch the previews of 21 and 22 OMSL.

Hi C Where did you find previews of ep 21 22?  Can t find it..but it might be in Chinese  & those only come up on my computer with a link

I know kinda bummed no new episodes this week.  Boba tea is about $5 for a large cup. My daughter and niece both love it.  oriental type foods/drinks are becoming more popular here. I’m about 400 miles south of. New York City , so it’s warmer and less cosmopolitan.  NYC would have all kinds of food and drink more easily accessible. Years ago .  here they are just  starting to catch  up:)

Hi M..  I have to watch that episode again bc I can’t imagine ML letting her out of his site,, ..especially with another man... although she can hold her own, she slapped Song girl pretty soundly and could def take her in a fight.. (i wa hoping she took crazy girl over the side and into the pond when she went over..no Cush luck!!).   oh yeah she did kick the evil girl who tried to kill her when she didn’t do the paintings ... does ML know about the paintings??

i watched ep 11 subbed and realized ML got mad bc FL as happy fairy drew in another man and he got jealous...so sweet  Haha

C..hang in there with LIS.. at first it took me few episodes bc the ML kept annoying me about  FL not working at MH but she shows him she’s a grown up now..although initially he treats her like a kid..makes me wonder if he ever dated anyone:).

and I FINALLY finished Maiden Holmes and I only have to work this Saturday not Sunday so I have time to try some new dramas and go hiking:):D.....can’t decide if it’s dramas first or hiking::):)  we are surrounded by mountains here. It’s very pretty.


Hi K,

I tried watching LIS again last night, maybe not in a mood - couldn't finish the first episode still. Long time in a while I went to bed before midnight. Feel fresher today though the weather is super warm. Guess I haven't warmed up to any characters in LIS yet. I kept checking if OMSL or SL got updated but nah... I completed something about 1% last evening.

How much does a cup of small sized Boba Milk Tea with pearl cost over there (both K and M)? Over here prob 4-5USD. How I envy the cooling weather, I need to put on sunblock when I go out for lunch later.

Yeah, 9 tailed fox is in my PTW. I started a bit on 18 again... also can't finish the episode.

I didn't watch the previews of 21 and 22 OMSL.

Boba tea is about Aud5.80/6.80(USD 4.20-5.00). These days you get specials- buy 1 , second half price.

I am also applying sunblock these days, sometimes I forget because I don’t need to in winter.

I also cannot get past Ep 1 for LIS. So tired. 

@C I got my Thai street food/dessert but they ran out of the Thai  donuts ( Pa Thong Ko). Will try to see if I can get some boba tea ( it’s hot today)

Edit K enjoy your hike. I’m on the way back from the city.