I really love the scores they used in the series but unfortunately some are not included in the album.


I really love the scores they used in the series but unfortunately some are not included in the album.

I'm not sure if the specific scores you're looking for are there or not, but you can find most of the instrumental tracks here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kAWDyMPfXJ87AcfWjM1bHUbhE5i1Dlq-I

 Estelll is the Night Sky:

I'm not sure if the specific scores you're looking for are there or not, but you can find most of the instrumental tracks here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kAWDyMPfXJ87AcfWjM1bHUbhE5i1Dlq-I

I already have that album but they're not there unfortunately.