Thank you for picking up this project! This will be helpful for fans 

Awesome and very much appreciated!!

 RandomUsagi :

Thank you for picking up this project! This will be helpful for fans 

Ah ...thank you so much *blush*

 Saygo :

Awesome and very much appreciated!!

Thank you *blush*

Not sure if anyone here's interested, but here's a YouTube channel that talks about some cultural nuances that are lost in translation. Also poetry that WKX references or says!

Please note that I am not Chinese nor do I speak it, so I cannot verify the information. This isn't my channel.

I've found the interview by Baraar in slightly better quality, just dropping this here: (idk about the source or anything)

That whole character chart is loooong this is crazy. <3333 I do like to visualize stuff, if you wanna we can work together and I can ... make it a bit "more" pretty (?) The last time I did something like this was for Ruyi and it was such hard work bc I was too unsure if I am getting the whole plot right (doing it all alone) but if I only need to do the visual stuff and not the whole thing by myself, I would give it another go. Here is the thing I did for RuYi
(in this case I would go for a completly different style and make it a team effort kinda thing, I work better in groups anyway X.X) Thanks for the hard work on the doc file, that is just nutzzzz
Gusu bunny is best bunny

AvenueX did a video about the censored lines in the show

Twitter user @loveandflower is doing a LOT of translations of not only clips of the show but interviews and news articles!

the youku youtube channel puts out tons WoH content, but I just had to share this boyband-esque music video that dropped a couple days ago - it's so ridiculous omg