
  1.  Please do not screencap and  spread this to other platform. Last time I got tons of DMs here asking me to clarify the rumor when I just translated the rumor about budget and sponsor hahaha. (PS: But now it's true right?)
  2. Please don't shoot the translator, I just translate what I read and I'll give no link here afraid that MDL will see the post as spam. If you want the link, you may DM me.
  3. Please do not use the discussion/opinion from Douban to create fanwar.

Discussion 1:  LDK Was Replaced By Sponsor To Play WKX

  • This discussion topic generated more than 700 replies today

In the pre-production, LDK was planned to play as WKX and MZJ was planned to play as ZZS because SHL initially designed as small web drama.  

Later on when sponsor coming, sponsor has suggested to change the leads because sponsor wanted bigger exposure. Then ZZH came into the picture. When ZZH came into the picture, sponsor saw different profile (height and face attractive-ness *sadly*) between ZZH and LDK then sponsor requested more handsome face to play WKX. Then GJ came into the picture after single audition and interview.

 Gusu Bunny :

Discussion 1:  LDK Was Replaced By Sponsor To Play WKX

  • This discussion topic generated more than 700 replies today

In the pre-production, LDK was planned to play as WKX and MZJ was planned to play as ZZS because SHL initially designed as small web drama.  

Later on when sponsor coming, sponsor has suggested to change the leads because sponsor wanted bigger exposure. Then ZZH came into the picture. When ZZH came into the picture, sponsor saw different profile (height and face attractive-ness *sadly*) between ZZH and LDK then sponsor requested more handsome face to play WKX. Then GJ came into the picture after single audition and interview.

Interesting. Is the sponsor Wolong nuts? Cause I think everyone's pretty much saying that only them stuck with WOH. 

As for the WKX role, I believe there was another rumour that LDK stepped down of the role as he thinks he's not suitable in playing the character. Hence, he had chosen to play the SK instead.

Btw, thanks for starting this thread! Hope more people come here on the discussion board!

interesting, previously the rumor was that MZJ stepped down because of COVID and delayed in shooting, so he choose other projects. 

probably, the sponsors already planning on changing the ML before covid hits, and bcos of covid and shooting delayed MZJ may as well stepped down and choose other project. but all the sponsors step down as well, only wolong stuck.

i think from wolong perspective (maybe, in my opinion) is that rather than fighting with other sponsors in the some big budget drama, it is better to be the sole sponsor and showcase their product as the only one. and they hit a jackpot with WOH.

i'm glad ZZS role went to ZZH, because ZZH shows ZZS' beauty here. MZJ has more manly and playful vibe. but who knows. ZZH has manly and sporty image before this. LOL. 

If that rumor is true, then I have nothing but to thank them for letting us meeting ZZH's A-Xu and GJ's WKX. Now I can't imagine anyone else playing their roles.