• Zhou Shu Yi (Yu )
  • Gao Shi De (Sam)
  • Pei Shou Yi (Ray)
  • Yu Zhen Xuan (CT)
  • Shi Zhe Yu (Richard)
  • Liu Bing Wei (Evan)
  • Others?

Mine is ZSY. 

Definitively Zhu Shu Yi AND Gao Shi De.

I never - I repeat : NEVER - watched a drama with so much talented main leads. They are natural, they know how to show logical emotions depending on which character they play, and all their interactions are natural. Even if I loved older dramas, it's the first time I see two actors in the same drama who are so good at the same time, and able to make their character "live for real" . So I love them both because they are well played and they kind of have a "real life".

Shu Yi is my favorite character. I love his passion, his resolve, his justifiable fury at having been so shabbily treated. Going back to S1, I love that he took himself through the soul-searching and intellectual self-examination required to get to where he allowed himself to return the love he was receiving from Sam. Or perhaps more accurately, to accept and embrace the part of him that already loved Sam despite the fact that apparently to this point in his life he thought of himself as strictly straight. I love that on the bridge, during the confession scene, he took the initiative and talked Sam through HIS BS that was refusing to accept what he had wanted for so long. I love that he stood on the bridge railing and shouted his love for Sam to the world. I also loved when he slapped the shit out of Shi De when they first re-met.

I think I like Shu Yi for the simple reason that I identify with him strongly. Put in the same situation, I would likely be responding in much the same way. I feel I understand him. I am probably well in the minority here, but I am actually pulling for Shu Yi to NOT forgive Shi De and to not reconcile with him. I want him to move on and find a wonderful man or woman deserving of his love. If I were treated as Shi De treated Shu Yi, I would never be able to trust that person again.  It really doesn't matter what excuse they come up with for Shi De  not to contact Shu Yi for five years, the fact remains that he agreed to it and didn't consult with Shu Yi and tell him what was going on, which could have been done secretly in a number of ways, given today's technology.

I dislike BL characters who make huge life-changing choices for the couple, regardless of their reasoning, without consulting their partner. It's an unforgivable abuse of trust and very cruel.

Sam may be the better actor at this point, but the script has him playing such a walled-off, arrogant jerk that it seems more like a stock character than an  individual human being, so for me it's hard to evaluate the performance. It's easy to play an arrogant jerk.

Hands down, Gao Shi De. Because Gao Shi De is me and I’m Gao Shi De.

Agnes, would you care to elaborate on the aspects of Shi De's character and behavior you identify with? I am curious because even though this is a relatively silly, little BL, I find myself viscerally hating Shi De in a way I don't recall despising any character in any medium in my entire, rather long life.

So I wonder...if I met Agnes IRL and knew of the same behaviors and characteristics the writers have saddled Shi De with this season, would I hate Agnes too? lol Let me know what you think.


Agnes, would you care to elaborate on the aspects of Shi De's character and behavior you identify with? I am curious because even though this is a relatively silly, little BL, I find myself viscerally hating Shi De in a way I don't recall despising any character in any medium in my entire, rather long life.

So I wonder...if I met Agnes IRL and knew of the same behaviors and characteristics the writers have saddled Shi De with this season, would I hate Agnes too? lol Let me know what you think.

Oof. Ever get tired of all this negativity? As long as you don't bash my head in, should we ever meet irl (which I highly doubt), feel free to hate me to your heart's content.

Shi De is a good person. That's all.

Interesting. Though I do believe an overall  "good" person can be capable of doing "bad" things. I liked Shi De last season, so perhaps he is a good person who has been driven by absolutely horrendous and entirely unremovable obstacles to do bad things. I don't dislike him for the couch scene. It's that his behavior leading up to that in both episodes has been that of a  jerk. The arrogance and lack of remorse are the two most bothersome qualities to me.

OK, I'll let it go. :D