compilation and translation by: @wonwoncity her thread includes livestream clips, videos, interview snippets, etc.

color code: praises for her talent, skills, and professionalism (as an actor), for her personality (as a person), for her physical appearance
Director Fei Zhen Xiang
She (Zhao Lusi) is a very difficult person for me to meet. So called-God rewards a rice. A gifted* actress. (老天爷赏饭)
Actually, in our industry, I’ll be accountable for
what I say, it requires talent. If there’s no talent, of course, you can still succeed with hard work. But let's just ask, is there anyone who isn't hardworking? Everyone works hard but Zhao Lusi is gifted. Her self-realization in terms of her performance. Her words. Also, her eyes. She can control her tears, do you know that? There can be one drop of tear shedding from her left eye and three drops of tears shedding from her right eye. Also, she's able to grasp the timing well. When my shot moves from here, she shed tears from this eye, then when my shot goes over that side, teardrops will fall. Wow, won't you call this talent?"
But many people say crying is not the highest performance. But this time Zhao Lusi will let everyone see. What you see is different from the characters she created. It feels completely different.
gifted*: with an extreme amount of talent, to
the point where even if there are diligent
people who worked hard, it'll be difficult to
compare with her.
Full Video with Trans:

Executive Director
She was still laughing along with Wu Lei one sec before I asked her, “Boss Zhao, is your state of mind okay?”
She went, “Sure, let’s film now”
Right away, she cried, my god! She’s truly a gifted actor sent from heaven!

LLTG Author Guan Xin Ze Luan
Firstly, I’ll have to admit that when I read a novel, I’ll prefer female leads who are more frenetic!
I like girls who can be smiley and angry in ease. Those who wouldn’t mind having their tonsils seen when they are laughing greatly, wouldn’t mind having their mucus out when sobbing.
The main point is to ensure that your acting performance is very contagious. You’ll bring your audience to laugh and cry together with you!
I happened to saw Love Better Than Immortality’s poster so I clicked in and watched. I have read the original novel before, it appeared silly from the outside but is actually a very touching story. It’s a story with a twist to the ending. Precisely because the story appears to be silly, many of the female lead’s actions often allow the audience to cry and laugh. So I was really curious how did Zhao LuSi managed to portray Chun Hua. I can’t believe she’s so young and has a roundish face but can act so well! She’s so likable! So I was really excited to have her act as NiaoNiao!

LLTG Producer Li Xing
When I was reading the source novel《星汉灿烂,幸甚至哉》, Niao Niao reminded me of #ZhaoLusi. She has a soft and sweet appearance but also possesses a certain resilience and explosive energy.
During the broadcast period, the suitability of each actor with their role and the performance of each actor received unanimous praise from the market, including comments like: Zhao Lusi is exactly the Cheng Shaoshang in my mind. 

Wu Lei - Ling Buyi
Actually I learnt a lot from Lusi, She’s also an excellent actress!


Zeng Li - Niaoniao’s Mother Xiao YuanYi
1. In Love Like The Galaxy, Zhao Lusi and I are playing the roles of a mother and daughter. We have many scenes together and I realised that she's an actress with a great aura 好有灵气. One side to her is that she's relaxed and not strained. Another side to her is that she can immerse herself in arole quickly. When she doesn't have any scenes, she's feeling relaxed and when it's her turn, she can quickly immerse in the character, Cheng Shaoshang. She's able to improvise, design some actions and use appropriate facial expressions while ensuring that everything is still within the prescribed setting of the original script. Therefore, I find it very gratifying to act alongside her. It's a vicarious experience and she helps me believe that I am indeed one of the characters within the story. asked her which show enlightened her. She said she couldn't remember clearly which show exactly, but she learnt it over time through acting. When she was in university, she studied about fashion designing, which was not closely related to acting, yet she could still act really well.
2. Lusi is an actress who has a lot of talent, a great aura and can even bear hardships. During the scenes that we had together, “Her acting performance and what she has shown me allowed me to quickly receive some reactions that could stimulate me. An actor requires to be stimulated and only when I am stimulated, I’ll be able to give a more realistic and touching performance.”
ZhaoLuSi can enter into the show immediately. Her great aura really astonishes me. Sometimes she could be doing something else, yet when she needed to enter into her role, she could tear up right away. You can also be brought into the show by her very quickly

3. I love Zhao LuSi too much! Every time I think of her, I will feel so thrilled! When I see her cry, I’ll feel the same pain as her. This kind of feeling is so intriguing!
Even when I haven’t gotten to know her yet, I have already seen her a lot while I was scrolling through DouYin and other social media platforms. I’ve found her adorable since then and found her always being smiley and positive! I’ve actually learnt a lot of things from her: Like learning how to be happy, smile. She’s also a very natural actress! She can immerse in her role and show in just one second! She jumps from the modern setting into a historical setting immediately, turning from Zhao LuSi into NiaoNiao!
4. LuSi? Aiya once we talk about LuSi, I’ll never stop and it won’t end. Because I really feel that my fate with her is too wonderful for words! This little girl Zhao Lusi is so adorable and she can really smile! I feel that people who smile a lot won’t have bad luck. She infected me with her smile. There were moments when I didn’t really like to smile, I even had a stinky face but after interacting with her, I felt that she really loves to smile. So adorable, I really love her HAHAHA

Tong Lei - Empress Xuan Shen An
1. Zhao LuSi is an extremely.. (sigh) I really like her a lot. She’s an extremely thoughtful girl. At that time, she was about to open a desserts shop so she frequently brought lots of desserts, cakes and coffee for us. It was my first time trying green bean coffee. I drank that from her shop, she brought it to the set. It was very yummy! It was an interesting combination and I haven’t drunk that before. She also brought Salted egg yolk cake. Wow it was so yummy and I only knew later that there was such a flavor and I went to buy. I also actually like to bake personally.
I realised Zhao LuSi is really a very thoughtful girl. She’s so young yet she takes care of others. She knows how to show concern for others and is an obedient and gentle girl. She’s also very adorable, she’s lovely, smart and quick-witted!
Filming with her can be so relaxing and I am also very happy. So even though the character I’m portraying (Empress Xuan) is quite sorrowful, but I’m always laughing on set! It’s too joyful!
2. Both in and outside of the show, she’s a good child who deserves to be doted on
3. The empress really admires shaoshang (Zhao Lusi) both in and out of the show. I think she’s a girl with great aura. Although she didn’t specialize in acting in school, she can be so lively and natural in her acting. I just think that it’s a gift sent from the heavens (she’s just born with the talent) . Really, she has so much aura and so much feelings. As someone who came from formal acting school, i even find myself to be inferior sometimes.
Note: tong lei used the same phrases that director fei and zeng li have used to compliment lusi previously!!!  好有灵气 - great aura; 老天爷赏饭 - gift sent down by the heavens (very talented)
4. Mainly because Zhao LuSi is a very adorable girl. She’s very petite and skinny. She’s very thoughtful and is very sweet when she smiles. I thought, “Wow, this girl is so adorable!”
Back then we weren’t that close with each other but she still kept sending me desserts to eat. I was so embarrassed since I was considered her elder sister and I should be the one treating her. Yet she ended up being the one who always treated us instead. She hasn’t opened her desserts shop at Hengdian back then but she always brought us new desserts to try. So I thought I really had good fortune.
She also let me try green beans coffee and it was my first time trying it and it was super tasty. During the filming process, she was somebody who knew how to take care of others. Because she’s very young, and when I was as young as her, I wasn’t good at taking care of others. But I feel that she’s somebody who’s very good at showing concern and taking care of others. She also gives a lot of love to others. So I feel that the kids nowadays (are great)!

Zhang Tianyang and Peng Yang - third uncle and third aunt
PY: We’re very joyful onset! and on top of that we’re acting as her aunt and uncle doting on her. Since we’ve already built our close relationship behind the scenes, so when filming, our liking of Niao Niao [Zhao Lusi] was expressed very unconsciously.
ZTY: For this we have to give credit to Lusi because she would always initiate breaking the ice on set.
I’ve worked with Lusi before and we’re slightly (closer already). I noticed that when she was working, irregardless if they were the people around her or even working staff and those on construction site, her relationships with them are very good. She created an atmosphere whereby people would come together. It’s most important for people to work well together. […]
PY: When we’re waiting for the camera angle to be switched or for the change in lighting on set,  Lusi would be the one who’s leading us all to dance or she would be singing those trendy songs.

Zhao Ziqi
Zhao Lusi is quite clever! She’s like a pixie, very lively and adorable!

Estelle Chen Yihan - He Zhao Jun
When I was filming LLTG, I kept experiencing an allergy reaction. So my throat is a little inflamed. So I felt really awful in that point in time. When you’re on set you cannot keep coughing. Since you’ll disrupt everybody’s work tempo.
I was filming a particular scene, Lusi saw that I kept coughing so she initiated to ask me what’s wrong. I told her there’s something wrong with my throat. She asked her assistant to help bring a bowl of warm soup for me. At that time, I thought, “This girl I can get a long with her”
It’s actually my first time working with her but I feel that working with her makes me quite happy. To be able to know new friends in a filming team and to come across with very great co-workers who will cooperate well with are what all actors wish to have.
Wang Yajia - Lian Fang
To me, the happiest thing that happened on set was when, Young Lady [Zhao LuSi] fed me various types of pastries. Because it just so happened that it was when her shop just opened. So her shop often introduces new
pastries in her menu and she'll bring them to let us try. Then I’ll go “Mmmhm!! So yummy!” I remember the first pastry I tried was a Black Sesame cake. Then I thought wow! How is it so yummy? Her personal assistant often comes to find me and ask, “Is Lian Fang here?” and then she’ll pass me those pastries. I think those moments are when I’m the happiest!
Oh there’s a heartwarming incident! There’s a time when my menstruation came and I was in so much pain. It was to the extent that I can’t raise my waist at all. Usually, I prepare pain killers but there was once or twice when I hadn’t prepared. I was on the filming set but my painkillers are in the room. Then the Young Lady [Zhao Lusi] asked her personal assistant to give me a painkiller pill. I had it that day. That action on that day already made me feel so touched. Then the following day, she brought me a box of painkillers. I just feel that she kept thinking about me. It just means that, not only was she thoughtful about me on set, but even when she returned home. I really thought this action was so heartwarming.

Li Yun Rui - Yuan Shen
1. Three of us are very loving to each other, we’re like a family. Zhao LuSi is the mood maker, she’s very active and lively. WuLei is the vice-mood maker. I’m in charge of laughing!
2. For every 10 scenes Yuan Shen had with Cheng ShaoShang, there would be 8 of them being bickering scenes with each other. When they were talking about him acting
alongside Zhao LuSi, Li YunRui laughed and claimed that he was at a disadvantage.
"Zhao LuSi is very adorable, while we were acting, I almost couldn't distinguish whether she was Zhao LuSi or Cheng ShaoShang anymore. To me, she is Cheng ShaoShang!"
Li YunRui also said that Zhao LuSi often liked to mention trendy jokes impromptu. Since
Cheng ShaoShang is a character who originally uses more informal and casual speech,therefore, Zhao LuSi would always adjust her vocabulary to be more vivid and natural. Meanwhile, his character's dialogues are usually much more bookish and old-fashioned. So Zhao LuSi always took him by surprise and left him speechless. Hence, the "tit for tat" scenes between them are much more interesting.
Zhang Yue - Wan Qiqi
When we were filming, we naturally have plenty of reactions and we can just receive each other’s inside jokes. We cooperate very well, it’s very natural. we receive dialogues and jokes well that may not even be in the script!

Zhao Ziqi and Jiang Yiming - Cheng Shaogong and Cheng Song
Zhao Ziqi: She’s very lively, smart & obedient! although i’m not much older than her! she’s really clever and is a girl who appears to be very quick-witted! am i right, second bro?
Jiang Yiming: YES
Zhao Ziqi: We’re discussing about Zhao Lusi outside of LLTG,  not as Cheng Shaoshang!

Wang Zhuo Cheng - Crown Prince
Zhao Lusi, Zhao jie is the mood maker of the LLTG filming team, she also surfs the internet the most!
Each time the director shouts for a cut, and for a rest, everybody else will be lying down or using their phones but I’m always seeing her singing or dancing!
I really feel like she has a lot of energy!

Production Staff, Crowd Actors and Others

Staff talking to the Executive Director

Social Etiquette Teacher
On the day of filming, because I didn’t want to trouble the Costume designer to specially ran to get kneepads for me, so I just knelt on the floor directly. When the adorable ShaoShang (Zhao LuSi) saw me doing that, she took off her kneepads and gave them to me without hesitation. She saved my knee from crumbling after kneeling.

Production Staff
Zhao Lusi’s skin is very good, she’s a lively baby and the source of joy on the filming set!

Child actor Yuyu’s mother - fire scene
1. It's so upsetting to see my child and ZhaoLuSi's photo getting photoshopped and for antis to write nonsense captions for them.
As a child's mother, I had to clarify that Zhao LuSi is very dedicated on the filming set. She also really loves children, is full of love and is an adorable young lady. I feel so fortunate that my child can get to know someone like Zhao
Lusi JieJie. …

I still remember my child asking me, "Mama, it's so tough to be an actor. There's so much smoke and it's so sunny, LuSi JieJie still has to run while carrying me."
During filming that day, there was just smoke under our noses.
2. Our daughter is Sisi (Zhao LuSi) JieJie’s no.1 little fan! YuYu likes her so much! She even told me that this JieJie is 6 y/o while she is 5 y/o!
A child’s fondness for somebody can be so simple! Ever since her first day of filming to the end of her filming period, and even till today, she has always been nagging to me about SiSi JieJie!
“SiSi JieJie whom I love the most, MaMa, look, that’s SiSi JieJie!”
Even though she only had a few seconds of screen time but every day, my daughter would wake up at 3 AM for her make up and would only end work in the afternoon! The fire’s very hot and it’s very smokey but she still felt happy!
After she saw that SiSi JieJie has ended work, YuYu even told me: “MaMa, it’s really tough to be an actor!”

Crowd Actor - pushing into the lake scene
The female lead fell into the water. It was very very cold. The water was extremely cold. That day, it was already very cold when we were wearing clothes. Don’t even mention about having to submerge in the water. She was even submerged for quite a long amount of time. I really think it wasn’t easy for her.

Crowd actor
Zhao LuSi is really a good person. I’m not her fan but I was a crowd actor who participated in LLTG last year. They were filming a scene and there was a horse that experienced a shock. The director initially didn’t want to change the horse for the sake of a better production effect. So Zhao LuSi kept calling for the director, since she was worried that the crowd actor and the horse will be injured. Also there was a crowd child actor, whom she knew them from the previous day, she promised the child to hold hands with them the next day. She even played with them for the whole day

Crowd Actor - collapsing bridge scene
Lusi is very thin in person, her face is tiny~ most people will not be able to look good in this kind of hairstyle (especially somebody who has a squarish face like me …
Actually the scene whereby Zhao Lusi was holding on to the trophy took place because when we girls were running crazily after the boys, one of us accidentally knocked the trophy down! Lusi swiftly picked it up, made improvisations & continued acting. her reaction is so fast!
After we were done acting, the director said that we should continue filming this scene again with another type of shot.

Learn more about Zhao Lusi here: testimonials from people Zhao Lusi actually met and worked with | Love Like The Galaxy Team | Gen Z Team | Hidden Love Team | The Long Ballad Team | Hutong | The Fairy Tales | The Last Immortal Team