@Drama Empress thank you for  explaining the current setting of the series. Now things are starting to make sense to me. From his statement inside the bus to why @Folza thinks that HJ will decide to enter the military which could lead to his break up with JH.  I also think that his decision to put his dream on hold was because of what his old manager did to him. I just hope that Homme Jung will be back in his life as a friend and help him and Min Jae. 

As for HH and JH, I think HH will continue to suport JH even after she friendzoned him. But i wonder how HH will react once he learns about HN and JinU hehehe  


@Drama Empress thank you for  explaining the current setting of the series. Now things are starting to make sense to me. From his statement inside the bus to why @Folza thinks that HJ will decide to enter the military which could lead to his break up with JH.  I also think that his decision to put his dream on hold was because of what his old manager did to him. I just hope that Homme Jung will be back in his life as a friend and help him and Min Jae. 

As for HH and JH, I think HH will continue to suport JH even after she friendzoned him. But i wonder how HH will react once he learns about HN and JinU hehehe  

hmm that old manager gonna taste his own medicine for sure 4 collaborating with that sexual predator/actor and HH mom gonna feels the heat from both her children and she will realize how wrong it is to interfere in her child's career's and coming to HJ family they will see the potential of HJ after his big brother messup

 Drama Empress:

yep I will see how epi 7&8 gonna fare and decide on it if they are doing a timeslip with an unnecessary breakup I will put this drama on hold for sure

They did not.! there was not time jump as of ep 8. I am very happy with this drama and I am glad i started watching this drama. 

I don't like the second ML's mother

she is annoying and controlling

Amidst his success and fame, I guess Charlie Jung was a very lonely person. I am dying (no pun intended) to see what he wrote in his last text message to Hye Joon. 

My favorite line so far: "You feel anxious when you want to succeed, you will still feel anxious when you have finally tasted success." For me, when you are already in that place called "success", it's harder to keep the status quo. There are people who will keep you from succeeding, but there will be more people who will try to snatch that away from you. Either way, your principles, and beliefs will always be put to the test. I just hope our Hye Joon will remain steadfast and true to himself. 

Same here. I was surprised when i saw his name from HJ's list of missed calls, i can sense that he would like to congratulate him after learning that he won, but i think he was a bit hesitant to make a move and i believe that he cancelled his call after it got connected. Tbh, i feel that he sent him a happy note as a farewell but given the situation the police would still like to have a word with him about it. 

i guess its pretty normal for police to question people whom the deceased person called last but the problem is this will add fuel to the rumours and the media will sensationalize the situation...

That will surely happen because LTS already shared some info about them to one of the reporters before. I just hope that both JinU and HH will be by his side to confirm that nothing happened between them. JH will also be there to comfort him.

Did this discussion stop last month? Instead of creating another forum, let us just continue discussing the ending here? What do you think? I think for those who haven't seen it, better stay away from this forum to avoid spoilers. 


Did this discussion stop last month? Instead of creating another forum, let us just continue discussing the ending here? What do you think? I think for those who haven't seen it, better stay away from this forum to avoid spoilers. 

I think the ending was rushed but it is because of how the story was written as the writer did not know where to take the story. I like though how it was realistic. I am alright with how things ended. 

What about you?

Genuine question but are y'all disappointed with the drama because it didn't meet expectations? If so, what expectations did you have coming in it? I've seen a number of reviews that are disappointed with the show because of the lack of Jeong-Ha (and don't worry, I really wished we saw more of her). Like I understand it but I also can't help but wonder if it is possible because we expected her story to be in it as much as Hye-Jun's?  If so, I then believe there is a big discrepancy between the story and how it is marketed/promoted.

Because if you look into the official website of the show, the description says (based on the rough translation Google could give me too lol) that the show is about Sa Hye-Jun deals with achieving his dreams through the struggles of life AND the relation of family to it. This makes the genre clear that it does not prioritize romance; rather, it focuses on slice of life / youth / family.  HOWEVER, international marketing, especially Netflix, tagged the show as a romance and how it is both Hye-Jun and Jeong-Ha who will have to deal with achieving their dreams.

If someone then was premised with the latter, the show really did lack and does not meet expectations since the story barely showed Jeong-Ha's story. But if people have been premised with the former description, I think the drama makes perfect sense and it delivers what it promised. 

So I feel like, the real person to blame is for any unfulfilled feelings marketing/promotions team for providing a description that did not match the story.

Overall though, I would still prefer Jeong-Ha and Hye-Jun's story to have been equally featured.


I think the ending was rushed but it is because of how the story was written as the writer did not know where to take the story. I like though how it was realistic. I am alright with how things ended. 

What about you?

I predicted that they will have that "one year...or two years later" plot. And that they will meet again. Korean dramas have this style of "hanging" ending where they leave it to the audience to predict how it will end. Over-all yes, I think it was okay for me, quite satisfied. 

What lacked for me is development, although Hye Jun grew in terms of career, I wished to see more in terms of character and relationship. The plot seemed to come to a standstill after ep 8 and we were only seeing various characters that he played on screen. Jeong Ha from a fun quirky straight forward woman became someone who became way too upright and no longer shared her thoughts

 Drama Empress:

Temperature of Love

Record of Youth

Both dramas have the same  Screenwriter:   Ha Myung Hee  her dramas were all mehh.. rated below 8 hmm and all her dramas begins well,  then nothing happens in the middle episodes and drama ends with no accomplishment hmm hope she wouldn't do the same treatment to ROY

at last, it happened hmm I'm gonna skip her dramas from now

I gave up after episode 9 and then the ratings dropped and I went online and read the ending. I am so glad I did that. Now I can invest time in a different drama. All I liked about this drama was Park Bo Gum and the soundtrack, that’s about it.