Welcome to Nowrin jahan's Drama List
Currently Watching
Title | Score | Progress |
Love to Hate You Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/10 |
Someday or One Day Taiwanese Drama | 0.0 | 0/13 |
Title | Score | Progress |
100% Era Korean Drama | 6.5 | 8/8 |
18 Again Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
18 Again|Serim High After School Activity Korean Special | 7.0 | 4/4 |
2037 Korean Movie | 7.5 | 1/1 |
7 First Kisses Korean Special | 5.0 | 8/8 |
A Little Thing Called First Love Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 36/36 |
A Love So Beautiful Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 23/23 |
A Muse Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
A Werewolf Boy Korean Movie | 7.5 | 1/1 |
A-Teen Korean Drama | 8.0 | 24/24 |
Adult Trainee Korean Drama | 8.0 | 7/7 |
Alchemy of Souls Korean Drama | 8.5 | 20/20 |
Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Light and Shadow Korean Drama | 9.0 | 10/10 |
All of Us Are Dead Korean Drama | 9.0 | 12/12 |
Aloners Korean Movie | 7.5 | 1/1 |
Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 30/30 |
As Long as We Both Shall Live Japanese Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Because This Is My First Life Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Better Days Chinese Movie | 10 | 1/1 |
Bloodhounds Korean Drama | 8.5 | 8/8 |
Business Proposal Korean Drama | 8.0 | 12/12 |
Call Boy Japanese Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Castaway Diva Korean Drama | 8.5 | 12/12 |
Crash Landing on You Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Crush Chinese Drama | 8.5 | 24/24 |
Dangerous Drugs of Sex Japanese Movie | 6.5 | 1/1 |
Decision to Leave Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Descendants of the Sun Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Destined with You Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Doom at Your Service Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Door Lock Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Dr. Romantic Korean Drama | 8.0 | 20/20 |
Dr. Romantic Season 2 Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Dr. Romantic Season 3 Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Drama Special Season 12: A Moment of Romance Korean Special | 9.5 | 1/1 |
Dream Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Duty after School: Part 1 Korean Drama | 8.5 | 6/6 |
Duty after School: Part 2 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 4/4 |
Eulachacha Waikiki Korean Drama | 9.5 | 20/20 |
Extracurricular Korean Drama | 7.5 | 10/10 |
Extraordinary Attorney Woo Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Extraordinary You Korean Drama | 8.5 | 32/32 |
F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers Thai Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Falling into Your Smile Chinese Drama | 10 | 31/31 |
Fight for My Way Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Flower of Evil Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Forever and Ever Chinese Drama | 8.0 | 30/30 |
Girl from Nowhere Thai Drama | 6.5 | 13/13 |
Go Ahead Chinese Drama | 10 | 46/46 |
Go Back Couple Korean Drama | 8.5 | 12/12 |
Go Go Squid 2: Dt. Appledog's Time Chinese Drama | 10 | 38/38 |
Go Go Squid! Chinese Drama | 10 | 41/41 |
Goblin Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Goedam Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Happy End Korean Movie | 6.0 | 1/1 |
Healer Korean Drama | 8.5 | 20/20 |
Hellbound Korean Drama | 9.0 | 6/6 |
Hello, Spring Korean Drama | 6.0 | 4/4 |
Hidden Love Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 25/25 |
Hit the Spot Korean Drama | 8.5 | 8/8 |
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Hope Korean Movie | 10 | 1/1 |
I'm Not a Robot Korean Drama | 8.5 | 32/32 |
Imawa no Kuni no Alice Japanese Drama | 9.0 | 8/8 |
Imawa no Kuni no Alice Season 2 Japanese Drama | 9.0 | 8/8 |
Intense Love Chinese Drama | 9.5 | 24/24 |
It's Okay to Be Sensitive Korean Drama | 8.0 | 12/12 |
It's Okay to Be Sensitive Season 2 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 10/10 |
It's Okay to Not Be Okay Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Itaewon Class Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Kill Bok Soon Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Kim Ji Young: Born 1982 Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
King the Land Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Kingyo Tsuma Japanese Drama | 6.0 | 8/8 |
KinnPorsche Thai Drama | 8.0 | 14/14 |
Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Doko Made mo Japanese Drama | 8.0 | 10/10 |
Le Coup de Foudre Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 35/35 |
Legally Romance Chinese Drama | 9.5 | 33/33 |
Love 911 Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Love and Leashes Korean Movie | 7.5 | 1/1 |
Love and Redemption Chinese Drama | 10 | 59/59 |
Love in the Big City Korean Drama | 9.0 | 8/8 |
Love in the Big City Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
Love Is Sweet Chinese Drama | 8.5 | 36/36 |
Love Next Door Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Love O2O Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 30/30 |
Love Reset Korean Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Love Scenery Chinese Drama | 10 | 31/31 |
Love Sea Thai Drama | 8.5 | 10/10 |
Lovestruck in the City Korean Drama | 8.0 | 17/17 |
Marry My Husband Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Midnight Korean Movie | 9.5 | 1/1 |
Midnight Runners Korean Movie | 9.0 | 1/1 |
Mimicus Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Moneyboys Taiwanese Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Monster Japanese Movie | 9.0 | 1/1 |
Moonlight Chinese Drama | 10 | 36/36 |
Moonshine and Valentine Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 25/25 |
Moving Korean Drama | 9.0 | 20/20 |
Mr. Queen Korean Drama | 9.5 | 20/20 |
Mr. Queen: The Bamboo Forest Korean Special | 8.0 | 2/2 |
Mr. Queen: The Story Korean Special | 8.5 | 2/2 |
My Demon Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
My Girl Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 24/24 |
My Girlfriend Is an Alien Chinese Drama | 10 | 28/28 |
My Liberation Notes Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
My Little Happiness Chinese Drama | 9.5 | 28/28 |
My Love from the Star Korean Drama | 8.5 | 21/21 |
My Name Korean Drama | 9.0 | 8/8 |
My Roommate Is a Gumiho Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
My Sassy Girl Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
My Sweet Mobster Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
My Unicorn Girl Chinese Drama | 10 | 24/24 |
Nevertheless, Korean Drama | 7.5 | 10/10 |
Night Has Come Korean Drama | 8.0 | 12/12 |
One and Only Chinese Drama | 8.5 | 24/24 |
Our Beloved Summer Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Our Blues Korean Drama | 9.5 | 20/20 |
Parasite Korean Movie | 9.0 | 1/1 |
Perfect Marriage Revenge Korean Drama | 8.0 | 12/12 |
Pinocchio Korean Drama | 10 | 20/20 |
Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling Chinese Drama | 8.5 | 24/24 |
Poisoned Love Chinese Drama | 10 | 24/24 |
Pornographer: Continued Spring Life Japanese Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Professional Single Chinese Drama | 9.5 | 24/24 |
Psychologist Chinese Drama | 8.0 | 40/40 |
Put Your Head on My Shoulder Chinese Drama | 10 | 24/24 |
Put Your Head On My Shoulder Special Episode Chinese Special | 10 | 1/1 |
Reply 1988 Korean Drama | 9.5 | 20/20 |
Reset Chinese Drama | 10 | 15/15 |
Romance Is a Bonus Book Korean Drama | 8.0 | 16/16 |
Sachiiro no One Room Japanese Drama | 9.0 | 10/10 |
Silenced Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
So Not Worth it Korean Drama | 7.0 | 12/12 |
Soul Mate Chinese Movie | 7.0 | 1/1 |
Soundtrack #1 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 4/4 |
Squid Game Korean Drama | 10 | 9/9 |
Strong Woman Do Bong Soon Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Sweet Home Korean Drama | 9.5 | 10/10 |
Sweet Home Season 2 Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
Sweet Home Season 3 Korean Drama | 8.5 | 8/8 |
Sweet Teeth Chinese Drama | 8.0 | 22/22 |
TharnType Thai Drama | 8.5 | 12/12 |
TharnType Season 2 Special: The Wedding Day Thai Special | 8.5 | 1/1 |
TharnType Season 2: 7 Years of Love Thai Drama | 8.5 | 12/12 |
TharnType Special: Our Final Love Thai Special | 8.5 | 1/1 |
The Beauty Inside Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
The Best of You in My Mind Chinese Drama | 8.0 | 24/24 |
The Brightest Star in the Sky Chinese Drama | 10 | 44/44 |
The Call Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
The Fox's Summer Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 21/21 |
The Fox's Summer Season 2 Chinese Drama | 10 | 23/23 |
The Glory Korean Drama | 8.0 | 8/8 |
The Glory Part 2 Korean Drama | 8.5 | 8/8 |
The Good Bad Mother Korean Drama | 10 | 14/14 |
The Handmaiden Korean Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
The Hymn of Death Korean Drama | 8.0 | 6/6 |
The King: Eternal Monarch Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
The Legend of the Blue Sea Korean Drama | 9.5 | 20/20 |
The Novelist Japanese Drama | 7.5 | 6/6 |
The Novelist: Playback Japanese Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
The Penthouse Season 2: War in Life Korean Drama | 9.0 | 13/13 |
The Penthouse Season 3: War in Life Korean Drama | 9.5 | 14/14 |
The Penthouse: War in Life Korean Drama | 9.5 | 21/21 |
The Romance of Tiger and Rose Chinese Drama | 10 | 24/24 |
The Treacherous Korean Movie | 9.0 | 1/1 |
The Truth Beneath Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
The Uncanny Counter Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
The World of the Married Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
The Worst of Evil Korean Drama | 10 | 12/12 |
Trillion Game Japanese Drama | 9.0 | 10/10 |
True Beauty Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi Japanese Drama | 8.5 | 9/9 |
Tune in for Love Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Twenty-Five Twenty-One Korean Drama | 9.5 | 16/16 |
Twinkling Watermelon Korean Drama | 9.0 | 16/16 |
Under the Hawthorn Tree Chinese Movie | 10 | 1/1 |
Unlocked Korean Movie | 8.0 | 1/1 |
Untold Scandal Korean Movie | 6.5 | 1/1 |
Us and Them Chinese Movie | 8.5 | 1/1 |
Vincenzo Korean Drama | 10 | 20/20 |
W Korean Drama | 8.5 | 16/16 |
Weak Hero Class 1 Korean Drama | 9.5 | 8/8 |
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
What's Wrong with Secretary Kim Korean Drama | 10 | 16/16 |
When We Were Young Chinese Drama | 10 | 24/24 |
Who Rules the World Chinese Drama | 8.5 | 40/40 |
You Are My Destiny Chinese Drama | 10 | 36/36 |
You Are My Glory Chinese Drama | 9.0 | 32/32 |
You Are My Hero Chinese Drama | 8.5 | 40/40 |
You Are So Sweet Chinese Drama | 10 | 24/24 |
Yumi's Cells Korean Drama | 10 | 14/14 |
Plan to Watch
Title | Episode | Priority |
Age of Youth Korean Drama | 12 | |
Ancient Love Poetry Chinese Drama | 49 | |
Angel's Last Mission: Love Korean Drama | 32 | |
At a Distance, Spring Is Green Korean Drama | 12 | |
Bad Genius Thai Drama | 12 | |
Be Melodramatic Korean Drama | 16 | |
Be Yourself Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Beyond Evil Korean Drama | 16 | |
Bring It On, Ghost Korean Drama | 16 | |
Chief Detective 1958 Korean Drama | 10 | |
Come and Hug Me Korean Drama | 32 | |
Dali and the Cocky Prince Korean Drama | 16 | |
First Romance Chinese Drama | 24 | |
From Now On, Showtime! Korean Drama | 16 | |
Gannibal Japanese Drama | 7 | |
Hello, Me! Korean Drama | 16 | |
Hit the Top Korean Drama | 32 | |
Hospital Playlist Korean Drama | 12 | |
Hospital Playlist Season 2 Korean Drama | 12 | |
Imitation Korean Drama | 12 | |
Immortal Samsara: Part 1 Chinese Drama | 38 | |
Juvenile Justice Korean Drama | 10 | |
Kill Me, Heal Me Korean Drama | 20 | |
Life on Mars Korean Drama | 16 | |
Live Up to Your Name Korean Drama | 16 | |
Love Crossed Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Love Unexpected Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Lovely Us Chinese Drama | 16 | |
Lucky's First Love Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Make a Wish Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Meeting You Chinese Drama | 28 | |
Melting Me Softly Korean Drama | 16 | |
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo Korean Drama | 20 | |
Move to Heaven Korean Drama | 10 | |
Mr. Sunshine Korean Drama | 24 | |
My Girlfriend Is an Alien Season 2 Chinese Drama | 30 | |
My ID Is Gangnam Beauty Korean Drama | 16 | |
My Mister Korean Drama | 16 | |
My Stand-In Thai Drama | 12 | |
New Generation: Beautiful You Chinese Special | 8 | |
New Generation: Because I Have a Home Chinese Special | 8 | |
New Generation: Emergency Rescue Chinese Special | 8 | |
New Generation: Happiness Method Chinese Special | 8 | |
Oh My Venus Korean Drama | 16 | |
Once We Get Married Chinese Drama | 24 | |
One Ordinary Day Korean Drama | 8 | |
Only for Love Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Our Secret Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Perfect and Casual Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Prison Playbook Korean Drama | 16 | |
Put Your Head on My Shoulder Thai Drama | 20 | |
Racket Boys Korean Drama | 16 | |
Re-Feel: If Only Korean Drama | 6 | |
Reply 1997 Korean Drama | 16 | |
Save Me Korean Drama | 16 | |
Search: WWW Korean Drama | 16 | |
Sh**ting Stars Korean Drama | 16 | |
Snowdrop Korean Drama | 16 | |
Somehow 18 Korean Drama | 10 | |
Start-Up Korean Drama | 16 | |
Sweet First Love Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Tale of the Nine-Tailed Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Day of Becoming You Chinese Drama | 26 | |
The Eternal Love Chinese Drama | 24 | |
The Eternal Love Season 2 Chinese Drama | 30 | |
The Eternal Love Season 3 Chinese Drama | 30 | |
The Girl on a Bulldozer Korean Movie | 1 | |
The Guest Korean Drama | 16 | |
The K2 Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Long Ballad Chinese Drama | 49 | |
The Love Equations Chinese Drama | 27 | |
The Master's Sun Korean Drama | 17 | |
The Sleepless Princess Chinese Drama | 35 | |
The Sleepless Princess Special Chinese Special | 1 | |
The Sound of Magic Korean Drama | 6 | |
The Universe’s Star Korean Drama | 21 | |
Thirty but Seventeen Korean Drama | 32 | |
Thirty-Nine Korean Drama | 12 | |
Tomorrow Korean Drama | 16 | |
Touch Your Heart Korean Drama | 16 | |
Unforgettable Love Chinese Drama | 24 | |
While You Were Sleeping Korean Drama | 32 | |
Why Women Love Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Youth of May Korean Drama | 12 |
Title | Score | Progress |
Celebrity Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/12 |
Page Turner Korean Special | 0.0 | 0/3 |
The Thieves Korean Movie | 0.0 | 1/1 |
True Ending Korean Drama | 0.0 | 0/10 |
Yumi's Cells Season 2 Korean Drama | 5.5 | 0/14 |