Welcome to Thriftben's Drama List
Plan to Watch
Title | Episode | Priority |
18 Again Korean Drama | 16 | |
3 Nen A Gumi: Ima kara Mina-san wa, Hitojichi Desu Japanese Drama | 10 | |
4Minutes Thai Drama | 8 | |
5 Lessons in Happiness: Baby Maybe Taiwanese Movie | 1 | |
A Balloon's Landing Taiwanese Movie | 1 | |
A Christmas Carol Korean Movie | 1 | |
A First Love Story Korean Special | 2 | |
A Piece of Your Mind Korean Drama | 12 | |
A Shop for Killers Korean Drama | 8 | |
A Taxi Driver Korean Movie | 1 | |
Addicted Korean Movie | 1 | |
After My Death Korean Movie | 1 | |
Age of Youth Korean Drama | 12 | |
Ai no Tame ni Ikite: I Want You Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Aichaku Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Angel's Last Mission: Love Korean Drama | 32 | |
Because of You Season 2 Taiwanese Drama | ? | |
Better Days Chinese Movie | 1 | |
Beyond Evil Korean Drama | 16 | |
Bleak Night Korean Movie | 1 | |
Blind Korean Drama | 16 | |
Bloodhounds Season 2 Korean Drama | ? | |
Business Proposal Korean Drama | 12 | |
Call It Love Korean Drama | 16 | |
Child Shopping Korean Drama | ? | |
Color Rush Korean Drama | 8 | |
Cooking Crush Thai Drama | 12 | |
Crash Landing on You Korean Drama | 16 | |
Cutie Pie Thai Drama | 12 | |
Daily Dose of Sunshine Korean Drama | 12 | |
Decibel Korean Movie | 1 | |
Descendants of the Sun Korean Drama | 16 | |
Dr. Romantic Korean Drama | 20 | |
Dreaming of a Freaking Fairytale Korean Drama | 10 | |
Elite League Korean TV Show | 8 | |
Eternal Butler Taiwanese Drama | 12 | |
Eulachacha Waikiki Korean Drama | 20 | |
Fangs of Fortune Chinese Drama | 34 | |
Fermat no Ryori Japanese Drama | 10 | |
Flower of Evil Korean Drama | 16 | |
Furitsumore Kodokuna Shi yo Japanese Drama | 10 | |
Gangnam B-Side Korean Drama | 8 | |
Gangster and His Boyfriend Korean Drama | ? | |
Gannibal Japanese Drama | 7 | |
Glory of Special Forces Chinese Drama | 45 | |
Go Ahead Chinese Drama | 46 | |
Goblin Korean Drama | 16 | |
Good Doctor Japanese Drama | 10 | |
Guardian Chinese Drama | 40 | |
Helter Skelter Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Her Private Life Korean Drama | 16 | |
Hierarchy Korean Drama | 7 | |
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha Korean Drama | 16 | |
Hong Rang Korean Drama | 12 | |
Hope Korean Movie | 1 | |
Hospital Playlist Korean Drama | 12 | |
Hotel del Luna Korean Drama | 16 | |
I Believe You Korean Drama | 8 | |
Idol Producer Chinese TV Show | 12 | |
It's Okay to Not Be Okay Korean Drama | 16 | |
Justice in the Dark Chinese Drama | 8 | |
Juvenile Justice Korean Drama | 10 | |
Kamen Rider Build Japanese Drama | 49 | |
Kamen Rider W Japanese Drama | 49 | |
Karakai Jozu no Takagi-san Japanese Drama | 8 | |
Kei×Yaku: Abunai Aibou Japanese Drama | 10 | |
Kidnap Thai Drama | 12 | |
Killer and Healer Chinese Drama | 37 | |
Law School Korean Drama | 16 | |
Like Love Chinese Drama | 15 | |
Little Love Song Japanese Movie | 1 | |
Love Andante Korean Drama | 8 | |
Love in the Big City Korean Drama | 8 | |
Love Like the Galaxy: Part 1 Chinese Drama | 27 | |
Lovely Addict Thai Drama | 10 | |
Manner of Death Thai Drama | 14 | |
Midnight Runners Korean Movie | 1 | |
Miseinen: Mijukuna Oretachi wa Bukiyo ni Shinkochu airing Japanese Drama | 11 | |
Mother Korean Drama | 16 | |
Mr. Queen Korean Drama | 20 | |
My Bias Is Showing?! Korean Drama | ? | |
My Liberation Notes Korean Drama | 16 | |
My Love from the Star Korean Drama | 21 | |
My Lovely Boxer Korean Drama | 12 | |
My Mister Korean Drama | 16 | |
My Name Korean Drama | 8 | |
My Perfect Stranger Korean Drama | 16 | |
My Sweet Mobster Korean Drama | 16 | |
Navillera Korean Drama | 12 | |
Nine Puzzle Korean Drama | ? | |
No Gain, No Love Korean Drama | 12 | |
Okay! Madam Korean Movie | 1 | |
Omniscient Reader: The Prophet Korean Movie | 1 | |
One Night Morning Japanese Drama | 8 | |
Our Beloved Summer Korean Drama | 16 | |
Our Blues Korean Drama | 20 | |
Please Teach Me Korean Drama | 64 | |
Pyramid Game Korean Drama | 10 | |
Racket Boys Korean Drama | 16 | |
Saiai Japanese Drama | 10 | |
Save Me Korean Drama | 16 | |
Shaolin Soccer Hong Kong Movie | 1 | |
Show Business Korean Drama | ? | |
Shut Up Japanese Drama | 8 | |
Signal Korean Drama | 16 | |
Silenced Korean Movie | 1 | |
Silent Japanese Drama | 11 | |
Someday or One Day Taiwanese Drama | 13 | |
Spirit Fingers Korean Drama | 12 | |
Start-Up Korean Drama | 16 | |
Stay with Me Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Strangers from Hell Korean Drama | 10 | |
Suki na Hito ga Iru Koto Japanese Drama | 10 | |
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist Thai Drama | ? | |
Taxi Driver Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Bad Kids Chinese Drama | 12 | |
The Devil Judge Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Kidnapping Day Korean Drama | 12 | |
The King of Pigs Korean Drama | 12 | |
The Midnight Studio Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Murky Stream Korean Drama | 9 | |
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Spirealm Chinese Drama | 78 | |
The Uncanny Counter Korean Drama | 16 | |
The Untamed Chinese Drama | 50 | |
The Worst Boy in the World Korean Drama | ? | |
The Year We Turned 29 Korean Drama | ? | |
The Young Gangster Taiwanese Drama | 8 | |
Tomorrow Korean Drama | 16 | |
Train to Busan Korean Movie | 1 | |
Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi Japanese Drama | 9 | |
Twenty-Five Twenty-One Korean Drama | 16 | |
Two Women Korean Drama | 15 | |
Weak Hero Class 1 Korean Drama | 8 | |
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Korean Drama | 16 | |
What Comes after Love Korean Drama | 6 | |
When I Fly Towards You Chinese Drama | 24 | |
Word of Honor Chinese Drama | 36 | |
Wuju Bakery Korean Drama | 8 | |
Yasashii Neko Japanese Drama | 5 | |
You Are My Glory Chinese Drama | 32 | |
Young Adult Matters Korean Movie | 1 |