1 | 49 Days Korean Drama | South Korea | 2011 | Drama | 20 | |
2 | Billion Dollar Heir Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 40 | |
3 | Commitment Korean Movie | South Korea | 2013 | Movie | 1 | |
4 | Count Your Lucky Stars Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 34 | |
5 | Cry Me a Sad River Chinese Movie | China | 2018 | Movie | 1 | |
6 | For Married Doctress Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 24 | |
7 | Healer of Children Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 44 | |
8 | Immortality Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 58 | |
9 | Love and Passion Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 50 | |
10 | Love in Between Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 43 | |
11 | Mr Honesty Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 31 | |
12 | My Disciple Died Once Again Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 24 | |
13 | My Fantastic Mrs Right Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 12 | |
14 | My Girl Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 24 | |
15 | My Love, Enlighten Me Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 24 | |
16 | My Story for You Chinese Drama | China | 2018 | Drama | 48 | |
17 | Nervous Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 15 | |
18 | One Way Trip Korean Movie | South Korea | 2016 | Movie | 1 | |
19 | Please Feel at Ease Mr. Ling Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 24 | |
20 | Road to Rebirth Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 46 | |
21 | Symphony's Romance Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 40 | |
22 | The Best Thing Chinese Drama | China | 2025 | Drama | 28 | |
23 | The Blooms at Ruyi Pavilion Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 40 | |
24 | The Endless Love Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 32 | |
25 | The Entangled Life of Qingluo Chinese Drama | China | 0000 | Drama | 50 | |
26 | The Glory of Tang Dynasty Chinese Drama | China | 2017 | Drama | 60 | |
27 | The Love Equations Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 27 | |
28 | The Rebel Princess Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 68 | |
29 | The Sleepless Princess Chinese Drama | China | 2020 | Drama | 35 | |
30 | Use for My Talent Chinese Drama | China | 2021 | Drama | 24 | |
31 | When the Devil Calls Your Name Korean Drama | South Korea | 2019 | Drama | 16 | |