Dramas I’ve Finished: Ranked

based on my attachment, enjoyment, and investment in the show and the characters and how much it connected with me. also kind of based on overall show quality.
queercia Apr 27, 2021
240 Titles Loves
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  • Chocolate

    201. Chocolate

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    7.75 the first four episodes had more plot points than most shows have in their entire run, and then it was slow and boring. this show took itself too seriously and wasnt as deep as it wanted to be. why include the civil war in libya and use the wrong year? how was the car barely damaged after being rammed by a semi? why have so many plots done half assed? idk but i was thoroughly entertained by those few episodes. the other 12 weren’t bad just meh. this turned into  a background show but i didnt drop it because i wanted to see what would happen. the characters were fine. cha young was funny just tearing up and dipping at any minor inconvenience (me-coded), lee kang was okay i dont have strong feelings about him. him and cha young had cute moments. lee jun was actually quite interesting. the lady with Alzheimers was  interesting too. the individual stories of those in the hospice didnt really hit me that hard although that cancer kid did get a tear out of me.

  • Kill Me, Heal Me

    202. Kill Me, Heal Me

    Korean Drama - 2015, 20 episodes


    this show was a lot and was very interesting. it also kind of annoyed me more than it connected with me i was fully invested throughout, but some of it just didnt sit well with me. the female lead really annoyed me and the psuedo incest stuff was really weird. the main couple kinda bothered me bc like she was his psychiatrist  but they did have really cute moments. i really liked the main male lead and his personalities shin se gi and perry park and yo na i love them a lot and i did cry when they left when it wasnt being incesty and weird i like the bro/sis relationship it was fun. this show was not bad and i liked it, but it was just a lot and just kinda annoyed me it disappointed me bc i heard such high praise but to each their own i guess..

  • Link: Eat, Love, Kill

    203. Link: Eat, Love, Kill

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    i thought this would be wackier or something. the first few eps were wild but then i kinda got bored but i wanted to know what happened so i kept watching. their emotions being connected never really like was explained sensibly  or maybe i wasn’t paying attention. the stalker part was the most interesting plot. the romance was cute thought!!! what happened to that poor child… damn. this show was cute thought i just kinda didn’t pay attention for most of it. i liked the ost though!!

  • Lawless Lawyer

    204. Lawless Lawyer

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    8.25 this was a fun show. i never got like emotionally invested but i wanted to see how it played out and that i did. i like the main characters and the antagonists they all had such strong and interesting personalities. the main romance had a lot of cute moments and i love a good power couple but it felt like they kinda got together out of nowhere and i would’ve felt it better if they had better buildup before getting together. the antagonists were cool i liked watching them turn on each other it made for fun dynamics. i really appreciate this show and the twists it has and the development of the story but i wasnt attached enough to watch the whole thing so fast forwarding was my best friend.

  • Sisyphus: The Myth

    205. Sisyphus: The Myth

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.25 i was very invested throughout so i’ll give it that. the show started off really strong and interesting but got kinda boring towards the end and almost felt like a chore to watch. i am not smart enough to understand the plot holes but i can sense them and the ending was confusing but hey this was a fascinating take on the joker’s origin story. the main romance was cute and they had their moments but i was never too into it. i didnt like the forced love triangle thing they tried to do. the chinese food delivery guy and the asia mart gang are the best characters. i wish they did more the brother and developed more of certain parts that kinda got dropped like the cop dude. this show was very ambitious and interesting i wanted to see how it ended and that i did.

  • Hyena

    206. Hyena

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show was good and enjoyable. i wasnt overly invested or attached but i was interested enough to finish it! i did skip everything that wasnt interesting to me like the antagonistic lawyers and politicians and ceos or whatever. not all of the cases grabbed my attention. i really like the two main characters and their dynamic together. geum ja is really funny and i like her no fucks given attitude. hee jae was funny too. i liked the other lawyers on their team and that second lead couple was cute. this show was good but not the best either

  • The Interest of Love

    207. The Interest of Love

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    7.75 thank the heavens sang su and su hyeon did not end up together. my girl suhyeon deserved better. she was a great character. she was so funny to me and a bit too relatable. she made sang su suffer so for that i love her. sang su is a little bitch. annoying and frustrating. he treated migyeong like shit and for that i cannot forgive him. migyeong deserved so much better i felt so bad for her and her tragic taste in men. jeong hyeon was there i felt bad for him he should have chosen a different dream. when the show was its messiest and most dramatic, it was at its best. when it was slower, it was a bit too slow for its own good and got a bit boring. i was invested in the characters though so i didnt drop it i just didnt pay full attention to it. this show had a good ass ost though.

  • Thirty-Nine

    208. Thirty-Nine

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    7.75 the show was not what i expected and maybe thats why I didn’t love it, but i didnt hate it. i expected a show about their friendship and not a show where one dies and the rest is more about their relationships with the men in their lives and plot’s centered on those men. i did get bored a lot and fast forwarded through some stuff mainly mi jo and her boring bf romance and her boring bf’s plot with his dad and sister. i didnt hate cha youngs story with her boyfriend it was actually pretty interesting but i didnt care enough to have that much screentime dedicated to him and his wife. i really liked joo her and wish her as a character and her relationship  got more development and screentime (than mi jo’s lol) because they were cute!! cha young dying made me so sad. i liked the adoption storyline and that journey with mi jos but for like nearly every storyline i never got too invested or attached. the show was at its best when it was just the main 3 women together  and their friendship.

  • Pinocchio

    209. Pinocchio

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


    8.25 this show started out fun but i got so bored with this. maybe watching this over 3 weeks after my wisdom teeth were taken out made it harder to watch idk i just got so uninterested but wanted to know what happened. the story with his family was so harsh damn i feel so bad for him and his brother. the romance was weird but i didnt hate it. the reporter stuff was hit or miss. i liked it but just got bored

  • Love in Contract

    210. Love in Contract

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    this is fine. its not amazing nor necessarily good but it wasnt awful. it was a little bland and the chemistry wasnt the best among the main pairings, but the show was silly enough i could have some fun with it. min young had the best chemistry with gwang nam, her gay best friend (gbf). the gbf was also the best and most interesting character. the love triangle gave us some funny moments but kang hae jin wasnt that likable as a sml although i liked him just fine outside out that. kyung pyo was very funny in this actually. min young and him had some good kiss scenes. i did not give a single fuck about that eena ((?) group and that other corporate group. my favorite moment of the show was when hae jin saved minyoung but she was drenched from the rain so she left all of her wet clothes in his floor, asked for an oversized white button down shirt and a belt, and made a whole look out of it. simply iconic.

  • Dinner Mate

    211. Dinner Mate

    Korean Drama - 2020, 32 episodes


    the show was cute! i love the concept and the meaning behind it! sharing a meal with someone is a big comfort and i love how the show portrayed that. i absolutely adore the main couple they are so sweet. main girls boss and main guys sunbae were cute too! the main couples exes were annoying and a lil boring. im glad thathat they both finally moved on and that guy got some help my god im so glad he committed himself to getting better. the side family stuff was meh but i still felt for them rip main dudes mom rip main girls parents marriage. the crash landing references and cameo and ost were great. the show did kinda drag but i still liked it!

  • The Beauty Inside

    212. The Beauty Inside

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    the second couple is more interesting but i love both pairings. such a fascinating plot and the way they carried it out was interesting . didnt leave a strong impression on me but i liked it

  • Forecasting Love and Weather

    213. Forecasting Love and Weather

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    7.75 i could not care for the life of me im so sorry park min young i kept watching to have on you on my screen and because it was so much fun hating on yoon park’s character. there were some plots i realized could have been interesting but i already fast forwarded too much to catch up and didnt care enough to rewind (her sisters love story). the main couple didnt do anything for me i kinda got very bored with them soon after they got together. the now married cheater couple became my most hated characters to the ones i was most interested in like idk their pregnancy storyline was the most interesting thing to me. the actual weather stuff was doing too much and took up too much time. but yeah. i cant say it was bad but i just didnt care

  • XX

    214. XX

    Korean Drama - 2020, 10 episodes


    its cute! worked well as a mini web drama but there is potential for a fuller developed show! i love sexy people being sexy and messy. the romance was cute. love a gbf. the dynamic between the 2 girls was interesting and im glad to see they overcame their issues. men are just very gross.

  • My Holo Love

    215. My Holo Love

    Korean Drama - 2020, 12 episodes


    7.75 this show feels like a 2014 watty winner. like i see the vision for the show and its not bad and i like it, but its not really fleshed out enough or well-written enough to warrant the questions it poses, the stakes it raises, or the outcomes of the plot and as a result felt a little hollow.  the first few episodes were really cute and good but then the show got too convoluted. it needed more episodes and stronger writing. also like the plot and science made literally zero sense. however, the one thing that more unrealistic was this man’s ability to survive after drinking that many monster energy drinks also the low key stalking kinda bugged me.i really did like the main leads and the couple, however i did not give a single fuck about anything else. i feel like her and holo had better chemistry for some reason idk. it was a cute show though. if i had watched this when I was 15 I would have thought it was the most profound thing ever. this show did disappoint me

  • Cinderella and the Four Knights

    216. Cinderella and the Four Knights

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    its such a cheesy mess where i dont wholeheartedly  like any of the dudes (the musician is baby) but i still like it. park so dam is a queen. the scene where she first arrives  at their house and its in the rain and they all walk out is so iconic. him washing her hair bc she was hurt was super cute im a sucker for that. i wanted her to get with the secretary lmao. i actually like it a good bit and i like the humor.

  • Marriage, Not Dating

    217. Marriage, Not Dating

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    deeply unserious and fun. just the right amount of problematic to still be enjoyable (best romcoms have some sexist undertones). the characters are fun and the relationships are messy as hell. i actually think that main dudes mom is the best character she was really interesting and had good development. gotta love fake dating/engagement tropes . there was some frustrating and annoying stuff and i wasn’t overly invested so this was good mindless show i didn’t have to pay full attention to.

  • Tempted

    218. Tempted

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    an honest to god mess of show that i enjoyed for the most part. i skipped everything with the adults because nonone cares and no one watched this show for old parent drama. its not very good but i love a melodramatic mess. soo ji and je soo are the best part of the show. i loved the music its so dramatic

  • The Heirs

    219. The Heirs

    Korean Drama - 2013, 20 episodes


    i finished this several years later and enjoyed it more then i should have. its not very good and the relationships arent the healthiest but im so sorry it was fun i cant lie. the cast in this is kinda insane. woo bins character was very interesting but he such an asshole in the first half that i never got smls even though i did start to feel bad for him. kim tan had moments where i wanted to fight him but i didn’t hate him. i kinda rooted for him and eun sang ngl. eun sang is cute. rachel was kinda hilarious. bo na is my girl. i had fun i cant lie

  • I'm Not a Robot

    220. I'm Not a Robot

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


    I like the show but I don’t love it. I was invested and liked the main couple. I like most of the characters. I wish the actual AG-3 had more to do in the story and that development was better. The afro wig as a joke to make her look ridiculous did not sit right with me, do better. I cannot stand the main doctor scientist dude. There is something so creepy about a man making a robot that looks like his ex without her consent, programming it to say i love you, and treating the real person like an object to be owned and trained. i really did empathize with the main guy that has got to be rough. ji ah is so creative and her ideas are so cool, she is my baby i love her. cute ending.

  • Cheese in the Trap

    221. Cheese in the Trap

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    seo kang joon as baek in ho saved this drama. i cannot stand the male lead he terrifies me. i liked the relationship between baek in ho and in ha and his relationship with hang seol was cute as hell and i’m forever bitter that they didn’t get together.  

  • So Not Worth it

    222. So Not Worth it

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    this show is really cute and fun. the first 2 eps were honestly almost insufferable but im glad i pushed through cause it got better as it went on. the show was actually kinda funny even though some jokes didnt always land. i love a good goblin reference. the main couple was cute. minnie and sam are super cute. hyun min and carson really stood out they stole the show. terris is gay! love that! i loved the setting of international dorm and i hope to see more korean shows that have diverse casts and actors that are actual characters. this show wasnt great and the laugh track sitcom style isnt really for me but i had a good time watching and wanted to support!

  • F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers

    223. F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers

    Thai Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    super unserious and super fun. i love boys over flowers and this was the only other adaptation i finished. super problematic and toxic?? yes. is it fun? yes! this one was super pretty to look at. kinda had an after school special vibe.

  • Witch's Romance

    224. Witch's Romance

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    its so cute. so much pining which im a sucker for.  the show itself is meh but i liked the relationship stuff.  her ex husband annoyed me. i liked the main leads. 

  • One More Happy Ending

    225. One More Happy Ending

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    this show is just so fun. i love all of the clichés and tropes. its just so enjoyable and its what i needed to watch while isolating with covid. i am a jang na ra stan and as always, shes great. the main couple was cute! yoo in ah is always my fave i adore her (her and ahn hyo seop are scene stealers). logan from penthouse and the blonde friend were interested could have used a bit more development. the married couple friend who had cancer they are a little boring ngl i didnt care much about them. the doctor friend is so boring idc about him. this show was mainly fun in the first few eps and then got  little bit draggy but i was still into it! this isnt  great show nor is it anything special but its fun!!! also, the conan o’brien cameo was something lolol.

  • Jinxed at First

    226. Jinxed at First

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    7.75 i very much enjoyed the first few eps but i got bored and barely payed attention. i kinda only cared about the main romance and thats it. the other plot stuff seemed wilf and a bit much but i cant really critique is cause it happened while i was on my phone so… but i can say the whole locked in confinement thing was sick and the mom kinda had stockholm syndrome or did i miss something (probably). this show had a lot of odd tropes and stereotypes. i do find it odd she never got her memories back but yay happy ending? mr wang is my vip! love him. also fun ost

  • Woo Ri the Virgin

    227. Woo Ri the Virgin

    Korean Drama - 2022, 14 episodes


    7.25 this show pissed me off i’d rate it lower out of spite if i didn’t genuinely enjoy the first few episodes. the pacing is awful, they tried to cram to much in so it felt all over the place and rushed, no lesbians, and they changed the endgame which pissed me all the way off. jane the virgin is one of my all time fave shows and i actually did like michael i did! but kang jae is so annoying i hated him. raphael is the highlight of the show here and even then his plots came off as weak even though his character was good. the chairman kim plot was too much and felt like a waste of time. they did they petra character (who is the best character in jtv) dirty and im mad. the father plot was good but that character couldnt quite match rogelio de la vega )my fave character. woo ri as a character was frustrating i dont think they wrote her character well. im just so let down esp bc it started off promisingly.

  • Unlock My Boss

    228. Unlock My Boss

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    7.75 this show was cute i guess and has some good moments but i wasnt really that into it i was just barely invested enough to keep watching because i wanted to see what would happen. i liked the main characters they were fun and had interesting dynamics i guess. i did like the story with the dad/boss guy and his daughter was sad. i dont really have much to say tbh

  • Shut Up: Flower Boy Band

    229. Shut Up: Flower Boy Band

    Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes


    i only have vague memories i cannot remember much except for the the best “hit by a truck/car” scene of all time which is vivid. i remember liking it. i remember being chased a lot andbeing trouble makers idk i remember living on a rooftop house as a romance trope i think. also a rival band at a fancy school and playing in the rehearsal room as a pissing contest. i remember chaos! also someone has family ties to the mob??

  • Boys over Flowers

    230. Boys over Flowers

    Korean Drama - 2009, 25 episodes


    at my heart still one of my faves bc im sentimental. this is sort of the like the glee of kdramas for me. i love garbage and genuinely enjoy watching it even though i know its bad. its so much fun and is very funny. toxic romances and croissant rolls for hair. i love it but i cannot rank it as my heart desires bc it is not good.

  • Flower Boy Next Door

    231. Flower Boy Next Door

    Korean Drama - 2013, 16 episodes


    super cute and enjoyable. i had a lot of fun watching this its just light and fun. this show did have me cracking up at times. i adore enrique he’s such a sweetie. oh jin rak was a little creepy i didnt like him all too much. watanabe best character love him. dok mi is such a mood. love go kyung pyo in everything. the plot was fun. the stuff with chasing your dreams was sweet. just a cute, simple, not deep, fun show.

  • The Producers

    232. The Producers

    Korean Drama - 2015, 12 episodes


    the parts that i actually watched (iu and ksh) were very cute. this show was just boring like i liked all characters just fine but the whole thing was kinda meh overall.. ksh’s character was really funny and iu’s was fantastic very well-written best character best plot most interesting part of the show. i love hyo jin but i couldnt get invested in her character and the other main guy was just meh. the scenes with all 4 of them were alot of fun though. the karaoke scenes were great. the messiness was fun too. 

  • One More Time

    233. One More Time

    Korean Drama - 2016, 8 episodes


     i dont remember it well (or kinda at all) which is why its at the bottom but i know i watched it and liked it. i vaguely remember cool looking  getting hit by a car scenes, a little girl in red who symbolizes death and stands in water??i remember main dude selling out for a record deal and i remember main girl deserving so much better. i dont remember them as a couple at all or anything about the girls personality which means the show probably failed her but i cant remember so

  • The Third Charm

    234. The Third Charm

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    i didnt dislike it and i actually enjoyed a lot of individual things about it. i like the 2 leads a lot and their chemistry and acting is great i really felt for them. i adore joo ran so much and  i liked relationship with soojae. i absolutely detest young jae’s other love interest he terrifies me. this show annoyed me a lot in the middle bit with the drama. most of the drama felt like it was too mature of a story for the writer and director to handle.

  • Melancholia

    235. Melancholia

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    7.75 well, it wasnt that bad and i didn’t dislike it. just a bit..boring and not exciting. the whole time i was rooting for them to stay platonic knowing it was in vein but if they were gonna go for it i wish they actually did make it actually a little controversial or scandalous instead of just meh lol. the first half of the show was decent then it started to drag then seung yoo’s characterization gotta a little… and yeah. the show did have some really good moments (mainly in the first half) and i liked the math stuff even though i didnt stand a chance of understanding it. the whole revealing the principals and schools wrong doings but was too dragged out. the show took itself a little too seriously and i couldnt take it seriously in the last few eps and laughed when i shouldnt have. the show and the characters barely had an personality and felt a little flat although the acting of lee do hyun and im joo sung was great as usual. just something about it felt flat mainly as it went on. the ost was good though! this show could have been better but i wouldnt call it awful

  • Where Stars Land

    236. Where Stars Land

    Korean Drama - 2018, 32 episodes


    okay… rowoon was hot! umm. yeah so this show was very not good but not like awful but like felt like a runner up in the watty awards of 2014. i gave up and started skipping a quarter of the way through. the show took itself way too seriously (which made it funny at times) and was very surface level. was kinda bored too bc like i kept bottoming out my social media feeds watching the bits i did watch. the main leads had cute moments. main dudes accident was very funny to me. rowoon’s character was there and i love that for him. i really liked the 2 security guard characters. the ost was decent. the intro is very gorgeous and so are some of the shots. i feel like the show went downhill when the reveal happened. i cannot tell you a single thing about backstories or the gangs (?) or the airport politics at all. very meh.

  • Now, We Are Breaking Up

    237. Now, We Are Breaking Up

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    well this was a show that was made. plots happened. characters existed. this was the biggest let down of the year but i looked forward to it so i watched it “all” out of spite. after ep 4 i maybe watched 20-30mins max i was skipping through so much. the show lacked energy or personality. an attempt was made though. the two mains were both boring and had no chemistry. i skipped most of their stuff and watched enough to know what was happening. the sick friends story was interesting but i refused to get emotional watching this so i skipped most of her story. rip. the business fashion stuff got repetitive but some bits were mildly interesting but not much. the second couple was where it was at!! se hun’s character was there. they had some chemistry and personality they stole the show. i really genuinely liked them and kept watching mainly for them. the stuff with her dad helping him win her over was fun. this show was such a disappointment i get what they were going for thought but it just fell flat. the overly melo score was funny i liked it lolol. ost is pretty decent!

  • Strongest Deliveryman

    238. Strongest Deliveryman

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    i literally only cared about jin gyu and ji yoon. best characters, best dynamic, best relationship. they were so funny and cute together. i did like jin gyu and dan oh’s friendship in the first half of the show. i like dan oh and kang soo just fine as characters and a couple but still meh. this show started off fun but got kinda boring to where i skipped most of it unless jin gyu or ji yoon were on the screen. ksh is my husband. love him. this show had several problematic jokes and minor storylines that i didnt like how they handled. i like this show just fine it was just kinda meh but my babies jin gyu and ji yoon kept me interested

  • The Secret Life of My Secretary

    239. The Secret Life of My Secretary

    Korean Drama - 2019, 32 episodes


    it was cute! veronica park outsold!! best character. i like the other mains for the most part. but this main premise of the show made me kinda uncomfortable bc of how it like negated do min ik’s consent and i wish they went more in depth on the implications of that. i also didnt like how the characters acted like her brother was helpless bc he was blind but i do like the brother character he was funny.  i loved that the secretaries and drivers had like a secret union type group that scammed their rich means bosses and company for money!! we love that and i wanted more of that. best part of the show. the show overall was decent but never had me too invested. both couples were very cute.

  • Clean with Passion for Now

    240. Clean with Passion for Now

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    its cute. got a little boring as it went on though. very meh but not bad.
