Dramas I’ve Finished: Ranked

based on my attachment, enjoyment, and investment in the show and the characters and how much it connected with me. also kind of based on overall show quality.
queercia Apr 27, 2021
240 Titles Loves
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  • Birthcare Center

    101. Birthcare Center

    Korean Drama - 2020, 8 episodes


    this was really good and enjoyable. i loved how is portrayed this early stage of parenthood and how beautiful and ugly and exhausting it can be and i love that  they chose to do that through comedy. i really liked all of the characters with sa-rang’s mom being my favorite she was so interesting. ru da is also standout to me. i was rooting for sa-rangs mom and yoon su’s character to have an affair so bad. most of the shows comedy was great and the emotional parts were well done and moving. i take a big a issue with hyo rina character mainly the actress being in a fat suit i just wish that whole storyline done differently and written better. my favorite part of the show was the solidarity built between the moms.

  • Ho Goo's Love

    102. Ho Goo's Love

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes


    this show is actually everything to me and someone is gonna have to pry it from my cold dead hands one day. like i adore it so much. its charming and so heartfelt and silly and fun. no one on this planet can convince hogu (or me) that geum dong is not his baby that is his child through and through. i absolutely loved him and do hui together they had such a beautiful story and that baby is so cute. i also love their characters as individuals especially do hui i am her number 2 (only behind hogu) she is so strong and kind and both her and ho gu have the biggest hearts. what happened to her was so fucked and i hate how realistic the treatment she received within the show was it pissed me off but like its true. i hated kang chul at first but he grew on me and he’s my bestie. that man gave gays for trump for 12 episodes straight and then he became gays for biden over night and then became straight? i kinda refuse to believe that as limp wristed he was. they should have let him be gay makng him straight in the end undermines the show’s exploration of sexuality and stigma. that plot was so borderline homophobic (not when it was obviously commentating on perceptions of gayness in sk) at times but it kept me laughing so im not too bad. im gay im allowed to enjoy gay&homophobic plotpoints.i love ho kyung she cracked me up. also shout out to hogu and hokyungs parents they are great parents. the humor was mostly great and i loved the animated bits with hokyungs dating psychology. i just adored this show and was just so deeply invested in it. i wish i got to see the proposal and even  just 10 extra minutes of hogu and do hui being happy and together but i felt satisfied with their ending. i just love this show

  • Pasta

    103. Pasta

    Korean Drama - 2010, 20 episodes


    i enjoyed this way more than i probably should have!! this show quite literally had the best romcom set up maybe ever: a sexist guy chef who was burned by a woman chef and only wants a men in his kitchen and the spunky and adorable woman who wants be a chef! like chefs kiss to that and im so serious! i’ve always enjoyed romcoms when theres a hint of sexism to them and this gave it all from overt sexist comments to backhanded compliments “everything about you is ugly but i love you anyway” and i fell for it everytime im not sorry. the main couple has me kicking and screaming and giggling they had me by the throat. i love yoo kyung she is so determined and annoying (in the best way) and sweet and really sticks to her guns and wears her heart on her sleeve. i rooted for her so much. she forgave hyun wook too easily sometimes (she should have gone to italy!!) hyun wook is the perfect romcom ass!! cold and mean exterior but a secret softy. he could be too mean sometimes but he genuinely wanted everyone esp soo kyung to be better. the second leads werent as compelling but i didnt hate them and i wasn’t necessarily disinterested. the kitchen staff was fun and frustrating and made the show entertaining even when they made me want to scream. a lot of the support characters esp in the kitchen were annoying but the show never overly annoyed me with it. everyone owes yoo kyung at least 1 apologies each. there were some nitpicky things that bothered me that were repetitive throughout but didnt lessen the show for me. i was damn charmed and endeared by the show. was it sexist while trying to be girlboss and antisexist but still managed to be sexist?? maybeso but i was completely entertained.  i was sad when i finished the show and that says a lot. a question i now ponder too heavily: whats more sexist, a guy chef who wants a guy only kitchen or a guy chef who wants an all woman kitchen?

  • Suspicious Partner

    104. Suspicious Partner

    Korean Drama - 2017, 40 episodes


    8.75 i love this drama. i love the plot and the main couple so much. some parts did annoy me but its still so good. the chemistry of the main paring was outstanding love enemies to lovers. i love the pettiness of the main guy it had me cracking up he was so freaking funny i couldnt deal with him and also him with the open collared shirts and middle part and glasses??? so fine. i am not and will never be a jcw stan but he did look very good here. bong hee is such a mood she is such a hot mess i love her. the risqué dialogue was so funny and their kisses are so hot. i love the romcom part just as much as the mystery thriller part. their breakup annoyed the shit out of me but i get it like i might have to break up with someone if i thought their dad killed my dad but watching them find their way back to each to other was rewarding. the side couple was fun i call him the toddler bc of his damn haircut lmao and she is such a baddie. the feud between their moms was so funny.  the murderer plot was so interesting that actor is so great. this show is just such a good time.

  • Love All Play

    105. Love All Play

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    this show was so cute and funny! some stuff did drag a little and other stuff would have been given more depth (taeyangs fam and some stuff with junyoung) but overall i thoroughly enjoyed this show. it would be even better if taeyang got therapy! taeyang and taejoon are actually the cutest i adore them with my whole heart. i wanted only happiness for them so even  junyoung, who was rightfully angry, pissed me off just bc that plot got in the way of their happiness. im glad junyoung moved on though. junghwan and yumin are cute too although i wish junghwan had to grovel more. junghwan is actually hilarious. the badminton scenes were fun and i was into them. i liked this a lot and this park twins are one of my fave couples are the year.

  • Her Private Life

    106. Her Private Life

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    ryan gold is superior. nothing else needs to be said. lol. but i really loved this show and had so much fun watching it. the childhood stuff was fun and the mom stuff was interesting but it wasstill kinda meh. i loved the fangirl stuff it was so much fun and i really related. ryan gold is such a great guy i love him.

  • Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

    107. Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    so very cute. i love the the character of bok joo so muchand the main couple is cute. i didn’t like the second dude very much but overall i really enjoyed the show. i am in love with lee joo young. the brother character was bleh. i liked most of the characters. her group of friends were so much fun i love them and they love each other they are girlfriends. the atheltic stuff was interesting too i was rooting for them.

  • Fight for My Way

    108. Fight for My Way

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    took me a minute to get into it but i really like it. i like both main couples. the main girl is great and i think its my fave park seo joon character. this show is so funny. dong man and ae ra are both such strong and passionate people and watching them fall in love was so cute they are so supportive and protective of each other. joo man and seol hee also had my whole heart watching them grow as people and as a couple was so rewarding.

  • Hit the Top

    109. Hit the Top

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


    i want everyone to watch this. i love hyun jae so much he is so funny and charismatic i love him a lot. the mom and stepdad storyline was kinda meh in the present time but i was interested inwhat happened with them and hyun jae in the 90s. the idol training stuff was fun and i appreciated how it highlighted the unhealthy and dangerous aspects of it. eun woos character was a standout he was so cute and fun. woo seung is so cool i love her. ji hoon was fun too he was kinda meh but i still rooted for him and mc drill was so funny. i had a lot of fun with this show. love a good time travel story.

  • Castaway Diva

    110. Castaway Diva

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    this was fun to watch! i feel like the first episode was the best one ? i liked all the characters and was invested in most of the plots. i really liked kiho and mok ha’s story a loy and wish it had more development. the backstory of his family is wild. i wish they did more with the actual being stranded on an island thing. mok ha was a very lovable character and i rooted for her. i adored her and ranjoos relationship and i liked ranjoo a lot. i feel like more stuff could have been fleshed out but overall i enjoyed this!

  • It's Okay, That's Love

    111. It's Okay, That's Love

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    i do have several bones to pick with this show (the age of no yeols character, how they handled some of the psychiatric things, how they handled hae sul’s fear and trauma surrounding sex and intimacy, and some other smaller things) but this show was overall really great. its problematic, yes, but i thoroughly enjoyed this show and was really invested in it throughout. i thought the family stuff with jae yeol was very interesting and heartbreaking and i really liked the dynamic between him and his brother and kang woo. hae soo was a really strong minded and complex character which i appreciate. she is so funny i love her but i wish her family stuff was better developed. i loved their relationship together they were so sweet together and i loved how they were always there for each other and were understanding of each other. i like how the show portrayed jae yeols schizophrenia and other mental health issues. the music on this is great too. apparently i had watched this a long time ago and forgot about it bc this entire show was so vaguely memorable in my mind.

  • Doctor Slump

    112. Doctor Slump

    Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes


    this was cute!!! i liked the main romance a lot and the story and arc for each main lead was interesting. i felt for both characters and rooted for them! i also really liked the second leads, i wish we got more of them. i have some nitpicks about the psychiatrist and mental health plot but its whatever lol. i love a good fun romcom.

  • Summer Strike

    113. Summer Strike

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    this show is cute and light (mostly) and was an easy watch. i adored yeo ruem and dae boms characters as individuals and as a couple they were so sweet together. i like bom a lot too and i love her sister like dynamic with yeo reum. the murder mystery element was interesting and not overly drawn out. i really like the ost here too! i dont have much too say about this except that i wish we could have gotten more dae bom and yeo reum romance scenes. really nice ost too

  • Once Upon a Small Town

    114. Once Upon a Small Town

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    this show was actually insanely cute and kept a smile on my face. i didnt expect to like it as much as i did. i absolutely adore the two leads together and didnt find the drama to be too annoying. i also liked the community the show established it felt nice. this show would have been a thousand times better if joys character was a teacher or business owner or anything but a cop but i did like her character a lot. i really like the main guy too they had good chemistry. his teeth distract me too much though they’re too perfect i bet they would go crazy under a black purple uv light in a roller rink. this show had really good pacing i appreciated the shorter episodes. i was really surprised and charmed by this

  • Dali and the Cocky Prince

    115. Dali and the Cocky Prince

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    this show was cute! i thought it would have more of a whimsical vibe than it did but i still enjoyed it! the business/political stuff wasnt as interesting to me and i have issues with how they talked about people who substances though they could have handled that better. most of the plotty stuff when actually meh but i only kind of cared bc of how it impacted dali but i barely cared tbh. most of the side characters were fun but i wasnt like attached to any of them. i was honestly just here for moo hak and dali. moo hak is really funny i cant with him i really liked him even though i wanted to smack him once or twice. dali is my baby i love her sm she is so sweet and cute and genuine like she’s great. the stuff with the art museum putting on that exhibition and program were cool! i wasnt too emotional invested or attached to the show but i was invested enough to keep watching! this show was fun and had its moments where it could have been great! i did enjoy it a lot though i really like the ost.

  • Go Back Couple

    116. Go Back Couple

    Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    this show is really good and cute i loved it a lot. there were some really bad and disgusting jokes/gags that should never have happened which bothered me a lot. i also feel like the show needed like another ep or 2 to better develop the story for they return to their future selves because my girl seo young was forgotten and I wanted to see a bit more of the characters develop and the relationships develop. however, the way the show was written and structured was really good. i love jin joo (my baby she is so sweet) and ban do as characters and watching their relationship unfold in the original past and future and current timeline was super interesting i rooted for them.  i do really appreciate how the writers never made them actually date the 1999 version 2 characters because it felt weird bc the dating thing in this situation is ethically odd. i liked all the friend characters they were fun. i really like nam gil as sml he was interesting and my heart for them. i loved jin joo’s relationship with her mom a lot it was so bitter sweet and sad. i also appreciate how the show actually acknowledged the pain of leaving your kid behind in the future as an actual through line and not for a moment. really good show!

  • The Good Bad Mother

    117. The Good Bad Mother

    Korean Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    8.75 i enjoyed this alot i did. the acting in fantastic and the chemistry between the main characters were engaging. its core story of a family torn apart by tragedy and the turbulent relationship between a mother and son is beautiful and moving.  young soon was an empathetic character. she had a tough love and very stern approach to parenting that was emotionally abusive and at time physically abusive, but her backstory, motivatations, and heart were clear. she was never a great mother, but did love her son and want what was best for him. kang ho was also an empathetic character. his disconnect from his mom was very understandable and his personal journey of revenge was interesting. he went through a lot and i do wish parts of disability were handled a bit more sensitively, but then again, its more realistic portrayal of abelism and the need for the plot to move forward were understandable. i love mijoos character as well. she was strong and passionate and  i liked her romance with kang ho as well. yejin and seojin are adorable. the show had a good heart and hook, but the comedy didnt always land and the neighborhood member community group felt a little forced, although young soons dynamic with mijoos mother was engaging. i think this show could have been better if it balanced its tones better and gave more time for the development and recovery of kang hos disability. overall, a good watch.

  • Start-Up

    118. Start-Up

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    rewatching this completely separated from the twitter fan wars was completely different. this show is not bad at all!! i used to not like it as much because of the ships and ship wars. rewatching it gave me more appreciation for it. its not the best show ever. but it was very entertaining and i was invested. i liked watching them grow as a team and i liked all of the characters.  Han Ji Pyeong is an excellent character and the second male lead syndrome was really bad on first watch partly bc of how into the discourse i was, but on rewatch i didnt care all that much. I liked Do San and dodal just fine. do san is a nice guy i think him and dal mi are actually really cute together. i just hated the  premise of everyone lying to dal mi especially do san dating and kissing her keeping up that lie. it made me uncomfortable. the ship and lovelines is the weakest part of the show. the show outside of the ships was very good. I loved the side characters and members of samsan tech. I really loved dal mi as a character. I wish In-Jae got more  screen time. I loved the grandmother sm esp her and Ji Pyeongs relationship. It is the heart of the show alongwith the family stuff which i love.  The story of their father stuck with me. The show would have been a lotbetter if the family dynamics were more fully developed.  I feel like the show told us that relationship and character development happened without showing us. This and Itaewon Class really bring home that there is nothing like good old capitalism to be the core of a good show!

  • Itaewon Class

    119. Itaewon Class

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    8.25 i wanted more ma hyun-yi, she makes the show great and i am bitter that we didn’t get more of her and seung kwon!! this show did not need the love triangle and the main romance was unnecessary, but i didn’t hate the main couple but i didnt root for them (her taking his first kiss like that didnt sit right with me). psj’s character was a little too static but his motivations were clear and i did root for him, but everyone else around him is more interesting. i was genuinely invested in the plot and villains that was fantastic and intriguing and honestly is one of my favorite parts of the show. the side characters and the overall vibe of the show make it so good though!! i wish they did more with tony but i do appreciate that they included him and his story in the first place i wish more kdramas will continue to have  more inclusive casts and stories!! this show is a capitalists dream though so yikes but i still liked this show!!

  • Prison Playbook

    120. Prison Playbook

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


     watching this as a learning abolitionist was probably not the best idea. i loved the characters a lot but the pro-prison and pro-prison work messaging didn’t sit right with me. prisons dont reform and neither to corrections officers i wish the show didnt make them out to seem like heros and there was a lot of opportunity to showcase why work like that isnt something to be rewarded and why prisons do not work to reform or help. i also hate that they had to make jung hae ins character homophobic and end looney's story like that. however, the characters were so well-written. the main character may be boring but he is lovable he is so dumb and kind hearted. looney, jailbird, lt. paeng, and min chul are the best characters. i also loved munrae, crony, captain yoo (still bitter), and most of the characters. the main dudes bff was okay just boring what happened to him becoming a teacher?? the women in this show deserved better since their characters were also boring and underdeveloped. the romances were meh but had cute moments.  these episodes felt their length but i was never truly bored. the comedy was funny and the drama made me emotional. i stg these writer/directors shows are laced with something everytime i think im not into i realize im attached.

  • Beyond Evil

    121. Beyond Evil

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.75 this show was good lol. i hate the police and love murder mysteries and cold cases so what can i do i cant win. the first half of the show how a lot more interesting than the second because it had more of the psychological thriller and horror aspects that i like and wanted out of the show but the second half was still good and well done and i was very invested and wanted to know what tf happened but it gotta a little boring in the second half. the acting is great. kang jun muk is one scary and twisted and gross person using killing all of those women and his daughter my god. dong shik is so funny and a little unnerving it would have been more interesting if he was legit a psycho killer but its whatever love the lee do hyun cameo as young him. joo wan is very sexy and nosey he has a fun dynamic with doo shik. jae-i very sexy and awesome best character love her. good show good mystery.

  • SKY Castle

    122. SKY Castle

    Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes


    very very excellent. rich people being rich and unhinged is my favorite genre. i really liked the overall plot. each individual family was so distinct which made the show less monotonous. the tone was always very dark and moody and it was almost boring at times but i always invested. i absolutely loved the petty feuds. the petty feud between the two chief doctor dads was hysterical and the petty feuds between the moms was always very entertaining. my faves are definitely seung hye (best character badass lover her) and jin hee (the most fun character her and her and her fam were a lot of fun). i wish they did more with the kids esp the twins. seung hyes family was the most interesting to me overall with the twins and the older sister and seeing their dynamics with the dad was the highlight for me. some people like woo joo and his dad never had a personality and thats fine. ye seo was such an interesting character i really loved what they did with her character. young jae and hye na deserved better. seo jin and the coordinator are going to hell. very good show i realy liked it. i didnt quite connect with me but i still recognizehow well done and great this show is.

  • The Devil Judge

    123. The Devil Judge

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.75 this show was a lot. it started off really strong and was good throughout but it did get a little bit draggy and never kept me pulled in although i was invested. isaw an article/review that asked why this show hates women and i had to laugh because yeah im bitter lol. the plot with yo han’s past and the catholic fire was interesting and it was cool how we never really knew just how “bad” of a person he was so his arc and characterization was cool. ga on was interesting he provided an interesting perspective for the show. soo hyun deserved better than dying so he can be sad. seon ah is by far the most fascinating character i wanted more of her to be honest i loved her. this shows politics/message was okay but would have been even better with an abolitionist point of view. some of this show was hard to watch. the live court show was really interesting and bizarre. that one homophobic ruling pissed me off though. speaking of homophobia, this show is gay as hell. the show was good and interesting but i feel like it could have been better done

  • Reborn Rich

    124. Reborn Rich

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    this show is good! the first few eps were really gripping but at some point i looked at my phone and kinda didnt stop so i missed some stuff i didn’t care to rewind, however, i never wanted to drop it and got most of it! i liked dojoon/hyeon woos character and rooted for him. shoutout to his 9/11 scheme. i wish min yeong had more screen time but i liked her character and liked her and dj!hw to together even though i couldn’t get too attached to them bc they were a bit rushed. the dynamic between dojoon and his grandfather was utterly riveting. i think it handled the time travel body swap well without getting overly convoluted although it kinda teetered that line a bit.

  • Squid Game

    125. Squid Game

    Korean Drama - 2021, 9 episodes


    this shit is twisted, fucked, and wild im screaming. like i was so anxious and stressed out the while time its very well done and executed especially the ending of the first episode and the gganbu episode like oh my god wtf the shock i felt. the characters were pretty well developed for the most part. ali and sae beok deserved better best characters. the stuff with the cop character was interesting and gave an interesting perspective of the plot. i liked seeing the behind the scenes stuff of the gamemakers and staff although the stuff with the vips was kinda…. yeah. the plot with the brothers should’ve been developed a little more like how tf did he become the front man? the end twist with the old man was a lil eh but not bad. but yeah love anti-capitalist propoganda.no it is not that deep or super profound but it so entertaining. this show was so exciting and i couldnt stop watching once i started. love the gong yoo cameo!

  • The Silent Sea

    126. The Silent Sea

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    this show was really fun and enjoyable! if i dont think to deeply about it its a good a sci fi show. lol. there area few plot holes and logistical stuff that doesnt make sense but idrc. the plot of the show was really good and original for the genre and i hope to see more experimental stuff like this from the kdrama industry! gong yoo is fine as hell love him always the plot with his daughter reminded me of space sweepers. bae doona is a legend she was a great here. luna deserves better. doc hong is an icon. all of the characters could have used more characterization and development and the relationships among the crew could have been better developed. the cgi and technical stuff was really well done too. i enjoyed the show a lot!

  • Vagabond

    127. Vagabond

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    8.75 this show is so good and so entertaining. this show had me crying one minute, laughing another, and on the edge of my seat the next its just so excellent except for the ending bc the show feels so incomplete like i appreciate an open ending but this ending just calls for a sequel season or movie or something. the show could have done more to be more sensitive to respecting muslim culture with the prayer mat and some other stuff. the plane crash was horrific my heart broke for everyone. the action was really cool esp the stand off in Morocco in the embassy and the chase to the courthouse. the political stuff could drag a bit and i didnt care about any of those characters involved except jessica lee who i will be running a stan account for. the investigation stuff with nis was really interesting. i convinced myself mr gi was the big bad the whole time for no reason so the reveal of samael was a bit anticlimactic for me bc i never paid attention to edward park. cha dal geon has 9 lives what a determined and persistent and sexy man i really liked him as the main character. hae ri go is everything to me love her big brain big sexy badass love her. i loved her and dal geons relationship. the show was just a lot of fun and really intense and i really enjoyed it! special shoutout to lily my favorite sexy assassin. everyone in this show is so hot. its not fair

  • The World of the Married

    128. The World of the Married

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    this show was entertainingly batshit crazy the first half half, slow and draggy in the middle, and mediocrely crazy and entertaining in the last act. the first 6 eps kept me on my toes although i was screaming at the tv all throughout. i just gotta a little bored as it got less intense and crazy and more mellow and soapy. no one in this show is a good person (except hyeon seo who has does nothing wrong in her life). however, i was rooting for everyone who actively made tae ohs life harder. i was upset when he didnt die in the end.  sun woo  was an interesting protagonist i rooted for her to get revenge on her husband but i started to dislike her when she kept traumatizing her child on purpose for her own gain against tae oh. joon young was so real when he ran away that poor kid is gonna have a therapists rent paid for life. da kyung was very interesting and i did feel for her although she damn well knew better but again she was young and manipulated by a nasty old man. she made his life harder, hence i rooted for her. ye rim’s husband has 2 cents and a dream to have an affair. he would have an affair for $5. he was kinda funny to me but i’m glad ye rim left him because she deserved better and was the least awful person on the show besides hyeon seo. this show was very dramatic and messy which i appreciated

  • The Penthouse: War in Life

    129. The Penthouse: War in Life

    Korean Drama - 2020, 21 episodes


    8.75 this show gives me such a high lol. its absolutely wild and addictive. its filled with the melodramatic, messy, petty, evil, and nonsensical chaos that i love. i may hate seo jin and dan tae but hell if im not entertained by them. but why the hell did all these girls want to fuck that mole rat. dan tae is absolutely terrifying and so is his son (i stan the twins tho). min seol ah that poor girl i had to watch you die 30 times please let her rest (still cant believe that was the opening scene). suryeon and logan lee are the best characters that is true. suryeon grew on me i love a bitch with a mission. logan is really fun and he sounds just like evan peters. watching them fuck with everyone was satisfying. the kids are okay i want the show to do more with them. these kids are just as bat shit crazy as their parents. eun byeols crazy eyes are something to behold she is unhinged.  (she really annoyed me but still). the twins are icons but still crazy.  ro na was okay but her mom yoon hui annoyed me deeply i dont like her. i love the music the lighting the sets the acting styles. everyone is bad and everything is insane.  its extravagant chaos and mess and im eating it up. i love over the top stuff what can i say.

  • The Penthouse Season 2: War in Life

    130. The Penthouse Season 2: War in Life

    Korean Drama - 2021, 13 episodes


    8.75 this season was even more batshit crazy and gave me a sense of vindication i love it. watching them fight each other while also getting their comupance was amazing. im currently deluding myself that somehow logan can return but no my baby was blown to bits. ae gyu/suryeon baddest bitch my queen i love her she carried this entire season on her back my heart is hurting over suryeon and logan. the “dead but alive” trope is only annoying when its a character i hate so logan better comeback. i love how this season really focused on the familial relationships more esp with parent-child dynamics. i loved the twins even more this season. i liked ro na and yoo hui a lot more this season too. ro na and seok hun are so cute. i likes the development of je ni and her mom a lot. i like that the kids got more time this season. eun byeol is absolutely unhinged and past saving im sorry to that girl she had no chance. seo jin is awful and deserves what she got but i still kinda stan i love an evil bitch who owns up to it. jun dan tae is the most terrifying man i have ever seen in anything he scares me to my core. the second half is the best half esp ep 10 had me on the edge of my sea.does some or this stuff make sense? no but this season chaotic and messy and i really liked it. i am pretending penthouse ended with this season

  • The Last Empress

    131. The Last Empress

    Korean Drama - 2018, 52 episodes


    8.25 i can talk about this show all day. number 1, oh sunny is the best character of all time. her character growth and ascension to baddest bitch make me so happy. number 2 any show that ends with the abolition of a system of power and the redistribution of money is the perfect show for me. this show was an honest to god hot mess of chaos in the best way possible. a quarter of the show is completely nonsensical. some stuff annoyed me to my core, shocked me to my core, and made me fee victorious and vindicated. very satisfying ending.
    syds count of my reactions: 14 gasps of shock/excitement and 6 of profound shock
    character ranking: she is the moment: oh sunny, ah ri, na wang shik, grand empress dowager ; can choke: emperor lee hyeok, min yoo ra ; rotting in hell: empress dowager, the nanny

  • When My Love Blooms

    132. When My Love Blooms

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    8.25 just shy of great but i really did like this show. the m in their 20’s is far more compelling than them in the present but I wasnt as bored by the present day plot as i thought i would be. the present day stuff just started to drag really bad in the second half especially as the past storyline got less screen time. i also feel like the actors had more chemistry together and charisma individually in the past as well. like the past stuff was so fascinating like marxists!! hello!! my people. the show took a really interesting idea of a man being a shadow of who he once was where he lost his core beliefs and begins to rediscover it and just made it a little boring because the show never fully went there with it like a show about labor rights was squandered by the shareholder business like idc skip over that bit. that bit and their spouses really annoyed me. but their love was very evident and moving throughout both timelines and i rooted for them a lot. i also really like the ost here.

  • Dr. Romantic Season 2

    133. Dr. Romantic Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    this season is just as good as the first. this season does feel a bit cleaner visually wise and is pretty consistent writing wise! i was fully invested and a tad bit more engaged with it than the first season. i liked the new characters and i liked ml more in this one than the other not bc of the actors but bc of the characterization. i liked the fl too she was really interesting! the main couple was really cute! the season made me stan master kim even more. i loved nurse eun tak becoming more of a  character and ah reum is really sweet! the cases and surgeries were really interesting too! i liked the ost more here. i love daldom hospital sm. looking forward to s3!

  • Dr. Romantic

    134. Dr. Romantic

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    this show was cute! the first episode was absolutely wild and a few other cases were too. the special episode is the best ep and really should be like the actual finale?? for a show called doctor romantic its kinda light on romance lol. the main couple was cute! dong joo kinda annoyed me at times but his character development was good. seo jung deserves the world. master kim is a legend love him. the set up of the show with the “run down” hospital was fun. the show did drag a bit and get a little boring at times but i was always invested!

  • At a Distance, Spring Is Green

    135. At a Distance, Spring Is Green

    Korean Drama - 2021, 12 episodes


    the show was really cute! i really enjoyed watching it and liked the vibe of it! the individual stories of the main 3 and their struggles were really good although so bins story was pushed to the side not given much time. i liked so bin a lot she was really sweet and i related to her anxiety a lot but i do wish she had more to do. seo joon. my baby, my son i love him dearly i want to sign him up for therapy. he is an amazing and fascinating character. the stuff with his family was so awful my god i felt so bad for him i was so proud of him as his character grew. so bin and seo joon wwre so cute together i liked them a lot although they beed to work on their communication.  soo hyeons character and story were really interesting and realistic im glad they didnt have him end up with anyone (that love triangle was the weakest part of the show. justice for mi joo she was barely a character and young ran wish she had more to do love her though). him and seo joons friendship was the best part of the show! i really loved their dynamic a lot. this show was good! could’ve done a little less romance and more friendship and deeper character development for everyone besides the main 2 guys but yeah. keep the college shows coming please!

  • You Are My Spring

    136. You Are My Spring

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show made a lot of ambitious choices i will give it that. whoever created the marketing campaign for this show… i would like to talk. its so funny to me how its nothing like it was marketed. this show tried to do lot and i don’t think it failed at either but it didnt always flow the best. the first half of this show was jarring but great the intensity was great and the plot twists were so much fun. as the show went on it lost that edge and that darker plot dwindled. i did like the romcom half of the show a lot but it caused a lot of tonal shifts. i wish the murder/suicide/twin mystery plot didnt  get muddled and convoluted. the stuff with them as kids and the church were interesting. the twin stuff confused the shit out of me. ian park/choi jeong min was so fascinating i wish their story didnt get reduced in the second half. i liked all of the characters a lot the mains were really cute and their friends were also fun characters. an ga yeong is the best character i love her. this show had me hooked and invested although the second half kinda dragged and almost felt like a different show. i loved the cinematography and the message of the show (minus carceral psychiatry i didnt like that) about overcoming obstacles and being there for each other is was sweet

  • Business Proposal

    137. Business Proposal

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


     this show was pure serotonin that i needed and looked forward to any week. this show really was so fun and enjoyable and much better than i expected. it was the pure no brainer rom com that i love and needed. i love both main couples a lot they were both so cute. tae moo was such a serious person that it made for good comedy. ha ri is so funny what an icon. sung hoon is too nice for his own good. young seo is such a baddie lov her. however, there were some lines that we’re unnecessary and gross and i dont like how the second couple first hooked up when she was drunk and he wasnt. besides those things, i fully enjoyed everything about this show (except you min woo and yoo ra eat shit). shouout to ha ri’s coworkers and the grandad!

  • Touch Your Heart

    138. Touch Your Heart

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    8.25  i could not give a single fck about the side couple with his college friends  but the mains and the law office couple have my whole heart!!! goblin reunion my soul needed. so wholesome. a little boring but when its cute couple stuff i love it! i rewatch it often

  • What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

    139. What's Wrong with Secretary Kim

    Korean Drama - 2018, 16 episodes


    8.25 iconic. their kiss scenes are god tier and will not leave my mind. i did not like the subplot child trauma thing or the brother. but they’re cute. i dont like that she ended up staying as his secretary i dont think that’ll work out well for them but im happy they’re happy and married. epitome of a romcom in all its shallowness but its fun! i rewatch it often.  

  • True Beauty

    140. True Beauty

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    8.25 the amount of dumb bitch energy this radiates is astounding. i love this show a lot even though the basic premise infuriates me sometimes. han seo jun and han jipyeong have ruined my life. seojun is the loml. seo jun deserved better!! su ho is so cute and sweet. jugyeong gets annoying at times but i still like her. her and suho are cute together and i want seo jun to be happy and with me instead!!!  the best couple is the grapefruit couple and her sister is the best character on the show. the show likes to give unearned character development which is annoying bc the rest of the development is nonexistent. i really fucking love every single character in this like the side characters are so fun! corndog is my king! the chaos of this show and the way it made me feel like  a 13 year old makes me happy. i love it.

  • The Legend of the Blue Sea

    141. The Legend of the Blue Sea

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    fantastic the flashbacks are honestly my fave. i never stopped laughing its so funny i love her sm. family stuff was kinda meh.

  • My Love from the Star

    142. My Love from the Star

    Korean Drama - 2013, 21 episodes


    the main couple is really cute. i rooted for them.  i did get bored with the other plots like the other actress and wanna be boyfriend and wanna bf's brother and the cop investigation stuff but the 2 mains are just great. jun ji hyun is so funny i love her so much. kim soo hyun makes a great alien lmao.

  • The Heavenly Idol

    143. The Heavenly Idol

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    deeply unserious and endearingly dumb. i had a lot of fun watching this. min gue was so so so funny in this role the way he spoke his mannerisms, he was so so funny. the whole “who did you save?l” “everyone” scene and line delivery still sends me into hysterics. i liked dal as well her backstory was a little dark but i think it was interesting. yeon woo/rembrary and dal were cute together. i liked seeing the process of becoming an idol and the dynamics between the band. the grim reaper guy was a fun addition as well. the lore/mythology of the show was cool and i love the twist of the deity he worshipped actually being full of shit. i fully believe that the first half of this show is perfect mainly due to to the emphasis on comedy and fun times and the second half kinda became a bit more serious in tone and content and i missed the heavy comedy bc it was really funny. but overall i enjoyed this a stupid amount and had fun.

  • The Sound of Magic

    144. The Sound of Magic

    Korean Drama - 2022, 6 episodes


    8.25 i love magic and music but for some reason i didnt love this. like i enjoyed it and had some fun but i just couldnt get invested or take it seriously . i blame this all jcw though but he looked creepy throughout it like idk he just gave offputting vibes the whole time. i kinda wish he really was a psychopath or just insane. i liked the musical performances a lot and i liked ah yi and il deung they were cool characters. the show was also visually stunning and creative. i cannot call this bad but just something about it didnt click with me.

  • Eulachacha Waikiki

    145. Eulachacha Waikiki

    Korean Drama - 2018, 20 episodes


    8.25 this show was cute!! it was really funny (allthough some jokes and bits were just problematic and not funny but not too many) i really like all the characters. the relationships were also really cute. i fucking love found family and baby raising stories. yoon ah, dong gu, and sol are so cute i love them i did choke up when called him dad. joon ki and seo jin were a lot of fun. soo ah and doo shik are my favorite pairing/dynamic they were cute and a lot of fun. soo ah is the best character along with sol. the show didnt need to be this long and it did drag a little and yoon ah kind of became less of a character as the show went on. i did really enioy this show.

  • Eulachacha Waikiki Season 2

    146. Eulachacha Waikiki Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    8.25 this was also very cute. i like this just as much as the first one however i will say i do like the couples more in this but the found family hit different in the first, so sol slightly edges it out. the humor was just as good (still with some unnecessarily problematic jokes but not a lot). i really liked all of the characters in this. kim seon ho may be my husband but ki bong is my baby i love him he is a king. him, soo yeon, and yu ri are the best characters absolutely they are up there with sol and soo ah. the romance in this was so good i love ki bong and yu ri they are the best couple. i loved the slow burn first loves romance between woo shik and soo yeon it was so cute and i love yearning and angst. i liked joon ki’s character development in this i think he was the best to carry over im sad him and bacca broke up but it makes sense and him and jeong eun are really cute. this show is a lot of fun i really liked it.

  • School 2021

    147. School 2021

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    this show is actually so cute i really liked it. it had the more melo and chill vibe i love. some parts may have dragged on and some parts fell a bit flat but i enjoyed it for the most part. i really like all of the main characters. the main couple is so cute!! both cute and characters. i felt so bad for them when the grandpa died. the 2nd and 3rd leads are where its at though. ngl i did kinda ship ji won and young joo but they i liked who they both ended up with. kang soo is the best. eun bi and ho sung were so wholesome i love them. when the baby daddy revealed happened i did scream that was so funny and wild. i liked the friendships here and frenemyship between the 2 main guys. director gu is a nasty bitch! annoying as hell. the ost for this was also super cute. maybe i liked it sm bc i had the lowest expectations for it idk.

  • Who Are You: School 2015

    148. Who Are You: School 2015

    Korean Drama - 2015, 16 episodes


    felt very much different than the others in the school series.  a bit more melodramatic and outlandish but very entertaining! i was actually quite invested and interested in this one. the plot, while a bit out there, was fun and engaging! it kept my attention and interest pretty well. eun bi deserved better im glad she found happiness and that her abuser the insufferable cunt she is got knocked down in the end what an annoying bitch when eun byul grabbed her by her hair and made her cry i was overjoyed. eun byul is such a bitch i love that for her she was really interesting. i totally understand the smls everyone talks about with this it kinda got me bc her and tae kwang had more romantic chemistry than her and yi ahn. tae kwang is my boy i really like him he was funny. tae kwang was okay he annoyed me at times but i didnt dislike him. the parents were meh and the teachers were there. fun show!

  • School 2017

    149. School 2017

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show was so cute, light, and fun! i absolutely adore the two leads! they are both so funny and strong. they have such a cute and wholesome relationship. i love the friends to lovers trope here even before they knew they liked each other they still acted like a couple they were always so damn close to each other it was amusing. rowoon gave me a jump scare didnt know he was in this in love him. i liked the x storyline and how the show portrayed how fucked up and classist the education system is. the cop girlboss lady can go i dont like her. i did really ever get interested in the second leads and their relationship. i really liked the main girls friends’ relationship with her mom that was sweet and im glad main guy was able to mend his relationship with his father . the principal is going to hell

  • School 2013

    150. School 2013

    Korean Drama - 2012, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show was cute i liked it. it did get a little boring at times but i never wanted to drop it. i liked the plot/story set up with the it being about the problems of diff students and their friendships and pressures from parents and themselves to succeed academically. the bromance between nam soon and heung soo was really interesting love them such boyfriends. i thought jung ho was actually a pretty interesting character. the dynamic between him, his friends, nam soon, and heung soo was interesting too. the teachers were okay. seeing them, mainly teacher jung advocate for and attempt to reach the students was interesting from a school social work perspective. there were some unexpectedly darker subplots too. the interesting things were mildly interesting enough for me to not drop it but i was never that  invested  or attached to anyone or anything. ily jang na ra! shoutout to my beloved shin hye sun as student! she killed it.

  • The Master's Sun

    151. The Master's Sun

    Korean Drama - 2013, 17 episodes


    this show is a lot of fun. i adore both of the leads a lot. they are so funny and have such an intriguing dynamic and great chemistry. gong shil is so wild i can’t she was absolutely batshit crazy in the beginning and always sent me i cant. her interactions with the ghosts were fun and watching her grow as a character was great. joong won is such a little bitch i love him he is deranged so funny and serious which makes him funnier his helmet hair and squint are just great lol. his backstory was so traumatic my god and that shit with twins was so dramatic. their relationship was so fun to watch but these writers really gave them every conflict in the book. the ghost stuff was fun but wasnt always gripping and the side character werent always the most interesting to me. i was never fully hooked by the show but i was very invested. the show is at its best when the leads are on the screen together.

  • Gu Family Book

    152. Gu Family Book

    Korean Drama - 2013, 24 episodes


    8.25 this show was a lot fun. it did drag a little bit and get a little boring at times but i was always invested. the lore and mythology in the show were really interesting so wish they had spent more time with the fantasy/supernatural elements instead of the political stuff. i liked the characters a lot. the characters at the martial arts academy and the 100 year inn and other side characters were fun. the monk was a character who served for exposition good for him. joo gwan woong is a slimy, nasty, stinky, evil little pathetic man and im glad that cheong jo got the last word good for her what a queen. the parents storyline really is a standout its so heartbreaking and wol ryung really is a great character. tae soo and cheong joo were interesting as well. i felt so bad for cheong joo her character development was great.  kangchi is my son i adore him he is so sweet and funny love him. woo yeol deserved better i love her she is badass and so sweet. her and kangchi have my whole heart her death broke me. the end scene with the future helped ease my heart a bit i like how they included that.

  • Descendants of the Sun

    153. Descendants of the Sun

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    i like it lol. i was invested. i never got too into it but i was never disinterested. the humor was really great. i love the main couple. the main girl was such a hot mess which i appreciate cause same. the main dude was very funny and charismatic. i love them together. i like the second leads and their relationship a lot. the show was at its best during the earthquake. i about keeled over in hysterics over this girl getting ebola. the acting of the guest (white) actors was so bad and it stood out too much. the ending was a lil confusing overall, its a good show that i enjoyed for the most part. maybe i wasnt too into bc i hate the military in general but whatever lolol

  • A Korean Odyssey

    154. A Korean Odyssey

    Korean Drama - 2017, 20 episodes


    8.25 this was a lot of fun. the first few eps were pure camp i loved that energy. i really did thoroughly enjoy this show it was so cool and interesting. it did drag a little bit and you couldnt pay me to care about the evil politician from reply1997 and the plot got kinda lost and meandering a bit to where i kinda had no idea what has happening but it was still a fun show. the main romance was kinda umm like i loved them but that magic bracelet made me uncomfortable a bit like she was completely justified in putting it on initially to protect herself bc he fucking wanted to eat her (so funny) but once they started to be seriously romantic it should have come off. seon mi was a great character if not a little flat at times same with o gong. both great characters but a little flat at times. to my kinda easily manipulated devil king who i have to respect, i love you. he is so funny and over the top i adore him. i felt so bad for him my god. richie?!?! best character my heart broke for her. asanyeo did nothing wrong (except for taking richie away im sad) idc idc. richie and pk’s dynamic was a highlight. i love the world building of this show it felt so magical and charming. justice for summer fairy!

  • Healer

    155. Healer

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


     the show is  good and  i like it but it just didn't connect with me that much. the antagonists story and flashbacks which were basically  half the show bored me even though that plot was written well and i recognize that it just didnt click. but i do like the characters and the couples chemistry. they were really cute and were the only part i really got attached to. the main girl is such a great character. i really liked her energy and personality and the strength she had.i loved her relationship with her dads. the main hacker woman behind healer is thebest character. i even like the journalist dude even though he was a lil boring at times. the main dude was cool andinteresting. i probably need to rewatch it.

  • Law School

    156. Law School

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show was cool. it was kind of boring and meh in some parts and truly excellent in other parts. some of the assemblyman, evil prosecutor, and overall plot stuff could be kinda meh but the murder plots, court room scenes, student plots, and ye seuls case were great. i loved the scenes with the study group they were sm fun. the initial murder case was interesting but kinda dragged a little and ye seul’s case was the best part of the show that was so well done and powerful. ye seul best character. professor yang is a petty, big haired icon a true legend he is so fucking funny. i like kang sol a (love her) and joon hwi i kinda shipped them lol. there is a lot to like about this show but some parts were just really meh. i was invested in it but never got too attached. i love the music though i would do the breathing/sighing thing along with it every time.

  • The Guardians

    157. The Guardians

    Korean Drama - 2017, 32 episodes


     i still have chills from the scenes with the teen psychopath. the female lead is such a bad ass i stan her. i liked the cute side couple. the main love triangle was kinda meh but those guys were in love its true.  i need to rewatch it i dont remember it too well

  • Hellbound

    158. Hellbound

    Korean Drama - 2021, 6 episodes


    8.25 this was definitely a show with a vision. i really enjoyed the first 3 episodes but the last 3 lost me a bit. yoo ah in is truly excellent and sexy as expected and im a bit bitter he wasnt in the whole thing since he’s yoo ah in and the the most interesting character. hye jin was cool! so hyun deserved better won ji ah acted her ass of with her bit of screentime! young jae was there!! them protecting their baby was touching love a baby jesus. this shit that happened in this was absolutely wild and the fact that they broadcasted some of that??? so sick and twisted. i feel like this show had a great premise and vision but it wasn’t executed as well as it could have been like i kinda was a mess development and structure wise but the moments that were really well done were great!! religion is so scary. i wanna join yoo ah in’s cult!!yeah

  • Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938

    159. Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938

    Korean Drama - 2023, 12 episodes


    i liked this season more than the first probably because the main romance in the first is unbearable to me. the best part of the series is the relationship between the brother lee rang and lee yeon and that is still the same here. its the sole way i felt emotional connected to the series even though i was entertained by all if it. hong joo and moo young were interesting characters and i enjoyed seeing their turbulent relationships with yeon develop and turn into a  necessary allyship. the  comedy is this season was actually pervasive like it was so goofy (complimentary) and i don’t remember the first season being that goofy but i liked it. as with the first season, i dont actually care all that much but i had a good time.

  • Uncontrollably Fond

    160. Uncontrollably Fond

    Korean Drama - 2016, 20 episodes


    8.25well yeah i’m in shambles. in this show is very addictive its a problem. is the main relationship healthy? no. i still rooted for them like a fool they had what literally less than 5 minutes of actual on screen happiness together as a couple i wanna fight. the show was its best when they were on screen together. the plot was really interesting with  the messiness of it all. it did drag a little (mainly in the second half) especially the stuff with his father’s family and in laws (i barely cared) and also the chunk in the second half when they were broken up and he was being stubborn did get a little annoying bc it took so long but i get why and it built angst which i thrive on so yeah. the character, relationship, and plot development were all a little uneven esp the character development among side characters. joo young(rip legend), i want to fight him what a dick, but he was so funny i know its awful but when he kicked her on the beach when she was drunk, tripped her, and was responsible for her car accident i laughed it was hilarious (to me). their dynamic in the first half was everything to me. joon young was so funny to me he’s so petty what a mood.  lot of red flags but whatever he’s hot. i felt so bad for him my god his acting was great i really felt for him. his relationship with his mom was fascinating i wanted to fight her too their relationship broke me i sobbed during their final scene. no eul is such a kind hearted and strong and also funny person i love that she accepted bribes cause same. she really fought so hard for everything she needs a break please i say nothing else bad happened to her in her life my heart breaks for her. but yeah this show was great. plot inconsistencies and holes whatever i enjoyed it. problematic? deeply at times but i like problematic (to an extent) entertainment. the first half was more fun but i enjoyed and was fully invested throughout.

  • The One and Only

    161. The One and Only

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show wasnt as deep or provocative as it wants to be but i was very entertained and invested. i wouldnt say i was too attached to any character or relationship but i did care about them and rooted for them. the hospice setting was fun, well like not fun, but it was a good setting the side characters there were interesting and created a good background environment for the show. the main romance was interesting and i rooted for them but they didnt like hook me but they did get me when he escaped with her from the hospital. the main trio was fun i liked their dynamic. in sook was a good main character she had understandable motivations and was really admirable. mi do is a baddie i love her i feel so bad for her she deserved so much better. se yeon my sapphic queen ngl i did forget about her sometimes when she wasnt on screen but i liked her a lot her story was interesting. this show did drag a lot though. it was so repetitive of confessing, nothing happens, confessing, nothing happens, fake evidence, they run, almost caught, run again, caught, confess, fake evice, nothing?, and so on. the relationship and character development was more telling and not showing and was more plot development than anything. a lot of the characters felt stagnant in their arcs with a sudden development. the once chaebol evil dudes acting was…. mmm.  i did enjoy the show though, quite a bit. it was fun for the most part.

  • Record of Youth

    162. Record of Youth

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    this show was cute. it was nice and lighthearted which i appreciate. there is a lot to like about this show and i enjoyed most of it. i really like the story overall and seeing their journeys was fun. i really liked the storylines with his family especially his grandfather!! i thought the main romance was really cute and i liked the open ending. i also really liked the internal thoughts of the characters that was a cute addition.  i really wish that park so dam had more screen time and more to do. i also really truly hate how they handled the charlie jung storyline and the gay rumor storyline it was honestly unnecessary and homophobic and it makes me mad.  this show had a lot of potential to be great but some of the writing, editing, and acting from the supporting cast wasnt the best. i really did like the show but it could have been a lot better.

  • Tomorrow with You

    163. Tomorrow with You

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show was really cute. the first half was really good but as the plot got a little more convoluted the show kinda fell kinda flat but i still liked it. i really adore the mains as a couple they are so insufferable i love them. i love ma rin a lot she is my baby she is so strong and passionate and kind and smart. so joon was a good guy and i understand why he did what he did but i wanted to fight him. like dude you never told her whats going on how do you expect her to react?? like he is sodumb. but i still love them a lot. the time travel stuff was fun and interesting. the business stuff was meh. i loved the friendships on the show though like so joon and ki doong had such a fun dynamic and ma rin and her two friends were a lot of fun. i also really likes the stuff with the dad that was really interesting.  i did get annoyed at times and little bored at timesbut i was so endeared by the show overall

  • Romance Is a Bonus Book

    164. Romance Is a Bonus Book

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


     its so cute. i feel they forgot about her child. i liked the sml a lot.  i liked the main romance and the scene with him going home drunk..from his house.. comedy gold  i liked the workplace stuff. some of the stuff with the dying writer dude was odd and didnt fit very well. i really liked the vibe of this show.

  • Lovestruck in the City

    165. Lovestruck in the City

    Korean Drama - 2020, 17 episodes


    this show was fun! i really liked the vibe of it especially that one beach rock song they keep playing. great ost. the main couple annoyed me sometimes but i still thought they were cute. the second couple was really cute but their breakup makes sense to me. the third couple deserved more!!!! they really should have had more screentime especially her!! she was so hot!! the plot and execution of the show felt really unique and fresh. i was very invested in it and really enjoyed it. but overall it was kinda meh but bad but like could have been better

  • Kiss Sixth Sense

    166. Kiss Sixth Sense

    Korean Drama - 2022, 12 episodes


    8.25 took me a minute to get into and i was like moderately invested in it but it was entertaining and interesting. it was fun and i liked the main romance they had good chemistry. i felt a  little bad for the ex bf but i like how everything was resolved. the abilities of the two leads were interesting but the childhood connection, shared trauma, and moms psycho stalker plots felt a bit forced and unnecessary but i wasnt really annoyed at it. i had fun overall!

  • Queen of Tears

    167. Queen of Tears

    Korean Drama - 2024, 16 episodes

  • Welcome to Samdal-ri

    168. Welcome to Samdal-ri

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    8.25 while this never really connected with me, i can say  that this is objectively not bad. it created a good sense of community among the samdalri neighbors and had several engaging characters and dynamics. however, about 50% of the plotlines i did not care about. i found the family history between the two main families, the main romance, and sam dals story to be the most interesting. i have never been a big jcw person but i will absolutely watch anything shs is in.

  • Doona!

    169. Doona!

    Korean Drama - 2023, 9 episodes


    this was good! i really enjoy doona as a character and her and won jun had great moments and i did root for them. there were some weird editing choices and it felt like several somethings were missing. some scenes, some plot points, some stuff to just flesh it out more. bae suzy is literally everything to me so im happy to see her on my screen.

  • Nevertheless,

    170. Nevertheless,

    Korean Drama - 2021, 10 episodes



    this show was an event for me every week i looked forward to it saturday to watch and talk about with my friends.the excitement kind of wore off about halfway through but i still looked forward to it every week. this show could be very frustrating to watch especially the decisions these characters kept making. na bi and jae on got a little boring half way through and im not even mad they ended up together even though its not what i wanted (i wanted na bi to not end up with anyone or be with do hyeok (potato boy ilysm) after a few years) bc i stopped caring about them a little but them ending up together made the show feel kind of pointless. bit na and kyu hyun always had my attention i love them and im glad they worked through their stuff and got back together. the office couple were super cute!! but the LESBIANS!!!!!! sol and jiwan!!!  LESBIANS SOLJIWAN!! stole my heart and soul i rooted for them with everything in me and their pairing meant the world to me! MORE LESBIANS IN KDRAMAS!! 

  • Another Miss Oh

    171. Another Miss Oh

    Korean Drama - 2016, 18 episodes


    8.25 this show was fun! the plot was messy as hell. a tangled web of relationships with misplaced revenge and misunderstandings is something i love and when the show did it well it was fun! but it got too dragged out. the show underutilized the other oh hae young who had potential to be a really good character. i skipped main guys brother and his gf bc the ages made me uncomfortable esp with how they went about it. the lawyer friend guy and main guys sister were fun!!! i like main oh hae young a lot and understand her like it hard not to feel like that and i am her defender. main guy was there no strong feeling towards him. they were cute together but i wasn’t overly attached. their first kiss is very iconic and i see why now having seen it in context its even better.  her ex fiance annoyed me after a while.this is a show where i did feel bad for all the characters involved in the mess. the comedy of the show was hit or miss but when main girl was involved it was really funny. i really liked hae you ngs relationship with her mom that was really interesting. the dance breaks in the show were fun.  i like the ost.

  • The Law Cafe

    172. The Law Cafe

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show was cute. it lose a lot of my interest about a third of the way in to where i was on my phone during it but i liked it enough to continue it. i like a lot of the cases they took on esp the one about tenant rights and the will one. the one with the kid broke my heart watching that as a social worker was interesting. the progressive themes and messages would have been better if the main character literally wasnt a prosecutor turned landlord and another a cop but my marxist self digresses. the plot with the evil corp was meh and so was his family stuff. i love the concept of a law cafe. i love yu ri’s character a lot i love her girl boss nature and amazing outfits. her and jung ho  were cute together i love them. i like the side characters int he neighborhood and cafe they were fun. i love the wedding scene! bringing back kdrama end wedding scenes! love it.

  • The King's Affection

    173. The King's Affection

    Korean Drama - 2021, 20 episodes


    8.25 this show is fruity as hell. lol. its cute!!! it didnt keep my attention most of the time but i was invested! i got the gist of what was happening lol. the main plot was really interesting! i liked the main romance they were cute. i love lee hwi/dam-i/yeon seon a lot she is such a badass and is very brave i love her and rooted for her. i do feel like every other character was a bit not bland but not just like idk but yeah. ji un is just like every rowoon character, a cute bisexual himbo! love that for him. lee hyun is super cute and i love yoon su’s smiles sm its insane very cute liked his character. ga on was there with an underdeveloped story but he was fun. the other women on the show deserved more. never in my life have i seen more literal infants be murdered or almost killed in my life.

  • Secret Love Affair

    174. Secret Love Affair

    Korean Drama - 2014, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show is so very wrong and it knows it, but i ate it up i dont care im a hypocrite i love yearning and tension. while i kinda wish it really went for it im also kind relieved it was this tame. i absolutely was sucked into this drama bc of the intense chemistry between the two leads i really felt their attraction and pull to each other (so so wrong). yoo ah in is absolutely amazing in this he is great at portraying a young man who is so overwhelmed by his emotions and the naivety and desperation. they really put him in the most emotionally vulnerable state to make this relationship all the more wrong huh. i really felt for him  though he truly is such a magnetic actor. she is such an interesting character i really felt how conflicted she was and understood her. i like how assertive and like justintense she could be. they are just so electric together and its so not right but i ate it up. i am in love with the music in this show and how the classical music and piano was in every fiber of this show the scenes where they are playing together is so fantastic and the long scenes with just them listening to music and you see the emotions they feel (esp the piano man scene) are so well done and really pull me in. the husband is a little bitch baby. the petty drama betwen the ceo and chairwoman was fun. the company politics wasn’t completely uninteresting but it was dragged onto much. the show got kinda boring at times as it went on. i love how this affair wasn't secret at all. i should just not have enjoyed this but i love mess and yearning so

  • The King: Eternal Monarch

    175. The King: Eternal Monarch

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    8.25  its a bit of a mess and had off pacing at times but i dont care i thoroughly enjoyed this and the villain is great i hate him but i didnt want to skip his scenes. plot holes and nonsensical stuff galore but i dont care. i had fun. the show looked great. the actors are beautiful and sexy. i was completely invested. i will never, and i mean never, recover from the neck kiss scene. never.

  • Tale of the Nine-Tailed

    176. Tale of the Nine-Tailed

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show was a lot of fun!! the main couple had an interesting dynamic and i did root for them. i loved the relationship between lee yeon and lee rang sm them growing close as brothers again makes me so soft. now yu ri and lee rang are the best characters! yu ri is my queen!!! the show had very bad pacing problems the scenes were way too long and it almost felt like a chore to watch sometimes but i was too invested in it and i did enjoy it a lot. i dont mind the ending i wish lee rang had a better one but it made sense i guess. that last scene is confusing and unnecessary lol.

  • Sweet Home Season 2

    177. Sweet Home Season 2

    Korean Drama - 2023, 8 episodes


    7.75 this season was such a let down ? they like cut out the screentime of the characters i was invested in just to add a bunch of random military people plots and i just couldnt care i was fast forwarding. this season did have some interesting and cool parts to it though. i liked eunyu’s “plot” i guess (just liked seeing her), what we got of yi kyung and her daughter was cool, and what surprisingly little we got of hyun su was cool. i just wish they didnt sacrifice of the *character* of the show and characters for boring “world building” or whatever they wanna call it. ji su deserved better!!

  • My Demon

    178. My Demon

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    7.75 this started out strong but the show was never legitimately “good” in the first place though. at first it was really fun with an interesting dynamic between the leads but then it amped up the corporate in fighting which dragged. it also upped the fantasy drama elements which isnt necessarily bad but because it seemed to try and emulate/imitate goblin so much it just made me roll my eyes

  • Bring It On, Ghost

    179. Bring It On, Ghost

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    8.25 its cute!! i had a lot of fun watching this. i love the main girl so much she’s such a baddie. i really liked their romance. the main guy is cool and his friends are gay and in love. the evil dude can choke he’s gross

  • Shopping King Louie

    180. Shopping King Louie

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    this show is really cute! i absolutely adore the characters of bok sil and louis they are such sweethearts and they just love each other and trust each other so much they have my entire heart. i would have liked the director dudes character more if he didn't have that one-sided love line with bok sil it felt so wrong to me. i liked the grams and the bulter characters and most of the side characters! the first half was more enjoyable to watch than the second half bc the second give of dragged a little. but this show is super fun and enjoyable. the music was great the ost was fun and the songs they famous songs they included were awesome special shoutout to the mamma mia version of the winner takes it all.

  • The Package

    181. The Package

    Korean Drama - 2017, 12 episodes


    this show was cute and fun. i felt like i was on the package tour myself sometimes which was cool there were times when i was really immersed and felt like that and others when i got little bored (mainly ma ru’s character and the main romance). the scenery of france was beautiful. the story with her brother and family was fun and im glad it ended with them reconnecting. her brother is kinda annoying in the best way i kinda stan. i liked the main girl she was cool and nice. there were times when i genuinely hated ma ru and others where i was either simply annoyed or ambivalent to him but at least he’s not a sellout. i really liked the side pairings. the older couple was fun that husband was annoying but like not to me necessarily thats just how he was but he did it all for it wife!!! who was never done anything wrong in her life i love her and feel bad for her. the younger couple were fun their relationship drama was interesting and i did root for them. the way the father/daughter reveal happened took too long and got a little weird but i liked their story!! theshow was really funny although there were some really bad jokes that were kinda transphobic that i hated. the ost is cute! i liked the group all together and was a bit bummed when they all separated ngl.

  • Lucky Romance

    182. Lucky Romance

    Korean Drama - 2016, 16 episodes


    8.25. a super silly and unserious show that i really liked. its not great but it has heart and the leads have nice chemistry and really sweet moments that made giggle. bo nui stressed me out so bad at times and frustrated me at times but i still felt for her character im just glad that soo ho (my beloved son) was there to literally make sure she was safe because my god talk about being reckless, but ofc i understand she was super vulnerable and scared and just wanted to save her sister but oh my god. soo ho is literally so patient and understanding and sweet i love him. it was nice to see jun ryeol play a relatively light and happy character. speaking of, soo hyeok looks like a normal well adjusted human man in this and its off putting. im so used to him looking like a vampire or mystical/fantastical being with the pale skin and black hair so it was so odd. it was interesting seeing the process of making games and the plot was easy to follow. overall, i was ~charmed~ by this silly show mainly because of its heartfelt story and sweet romancei’m 

  • True to Love

    183. True to Love

    Korean Drama - 2023, 14 episodes


    8.25 this was a cute and solid romcom. no one does romcoms like yoo inna. i really adored the main couple they were super cute. bora is literally so funny. i liked the married couple and found their story to be interesting. i actually kinda detested the other two couples. the 50yo ceo/mid 20’s employee???? yikes. this show had an opportunity to highlight boundary issues and importance of setting and maintaining them but didnt. the stalker wooing bora younger sister in the end?? not cute. also, someones going to hell for that holocaust line. some of the comedy hit more than others but the overall plot was interesting and fun to engage with. love self discovery and gaining confidence.

  • Today's Webtoon

    184. Today's Webtoon

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show was cute and i did enjoy it, however, for no backed up reason to no fault of advertising which i did not pay attention to, i thought this was  a workplace romcom…and it was not…so that did impact my enjoyment of the show. it would have been better if it was because the show needed more than just 100% workplace stuff since like only 50% of the workplace genuinely interested me. i mainly watched for the characters which i will really loved. ma eum is the best person ever and was such a likable character and i loved her a lot. jun young was alsoreallt interesting even though that thing with sister felt so out of place. this show should have done more the loveline between them i really liked them. plus the deputy editor choi daniel dude was cool too i liked his dynamic a lot with ma eum and wish they either fully went with a loveline or not even allude to it bc it was confusing. the only webtoon artist i was fully invested in was peeves weapon guy who deserved a lot better and was not a bad artist at all. i didn’t dislike anything strongly or anyone strongly. i like the ost a lot though.

  • My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho

    185. My Girlfriend Is a Gumiho

    Korean Drama - 2010, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show is so cute my god its so charming i like it a lot. the fantasy elements and gumiho lore were really interesting and fun. i absolutely adore gu mi ho she is the sweetest ever so funny and beautiful and delightful my daughter i love her always. dae woong is a lovable little bitch he cracked me up. him and mi ho were super cute together. the other guy that killed her in the past life and still loved her and like was super creepy? nah hate him. the director and the aunt are everything absolute legends.  the other characters like hye in and the friends were there hye in was kinda annoying. the ost for this show is amazing its so pretty and fun. super cute show !

  • Oasis

    186. Oasis

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    this show was mildly entertaining and i was invested enough to finish it, but it became more of a background show that i only paid attention to when something interesting happened. i wouldnt call this show bad, but it wasnt as good as it could have been. idk what it was but i couldn't take this show seriously, im not sure if its solely the acting or also the directing and writing, but i would laugh when i know i wasnt supposed to. the show took itself too seriously too which made it harder for be to take it seriously. the story itself is interesting, i just think it could have been executed a bit better. the final episode was actually pretty good i really felt engaged by the big climax confrontation scene.

  • Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

    187. Strong Woman Do Bong Soon

    Korean Drama - 2017, 16 episodes


    this show didnt resonate with me the way i thought it would idk why i may have not been in the right mood but i did not dislike it though. i love the character of do bong soon and the main couple is very cute but i dont like much else outside of that and like skipped most stuff that wasnt them.  i cannot stand the cop dude, the villain was genuinely scary which is not a bad thing but it made me too uncomfortable and caused too many sharp tonal shifts, the gang/mob were too cartoonish and annoying, and the homophobia and problematic jokes are too much to handle most of the time.  why was an offensively stereotypical gay man the biggest joke?? its not funny. maybe i just wasnt in the right mood to watch this. i did enjoy a lot about it and wanted to finish it but i skipped through it a lot. i love bong soon and min min they have my whole heart though like they are absolutely everything great chemistry 

  • Oh My Baby

    188. Oh My Baby

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    this show is actually so cute! i really liked the vibe of the show, jang na ra’s character, and the main couple they were so cute and had me giggling. the first half of the show was really good but then it started to really drag it should have been a shorter show. the show also fell into the traditional aspects it was critiquing at times. her guy best friend started to really annoy me at some point. choikang eutteum has never done anything wrong in his life. this show is really funny and fun to watch (mainly in the first half). the drama is the second half got  little frustrating and repetitive. i was rooting for ha ri to become a mom and am bitter i didnt get to see her find out and the whole journey but i think the ending and how they did it was actually really cute.

  • King the Land

    189. King the Land

    Korean Drama - 2023, 16 episodes


    this was the cute and light romcom that was expected of it! not serious and just goofy romantic stuff love that. parts did drag and some subplots werent all that interesting to me but i liked it overall.  the stuff the “arab prince” really could have been done better or just like deleted. the show was pretty funny at times mainly gu won just being dumb and silly. him and sarang had a cute romance and i really enjoyed the relationship between sarang and her grams and gu wons dynamic there too.

  • The Witch's Diner

    190. The Witch's Diner

    Korean Drama - 2021, 8 episodes


    this show was cute! it made the most of its short length. this show was fun. the magic stuff was cool and how the wishes worked and how they handled the consequences was really interesting. i liked all the characters. gil young is a cutie. jin was so sweet i liked her and watching her become a witch was fun. the witch character felt like more of a plot device instead of a character for a while there until the end. overall its a cute show!

  • Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol

    191. Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    The writers are going to hell. Unnecessary and simply rude those last 3 eps and many plot lines were.  overall, this drama was so cute. i loved the characters and the vibe of the show a lot. The introduction of the age gap was weird and made their relationship a little uncomfortable but i think the characters handled it well even though that bad plot twist should have never happened. The main couple had my whole heart though since i loved them before that twist. It’s nice to see Lee Jae Wook in a lead role. Ra-Ra has my entire heart and soul I love her so much. I didn’t really care for Dr. Cha all that much but he was fine i guess. I love the piano parts of the show. Mr. Kim is the mvp!! So is that little kid he was cute. Also, the stalker kidnapping plotline was bizzare and didnt fit. Jun having fucking cancer was so fucking unnecessary it pisses me off so much why the hell. the show had  great a vibe but the plot twists were so bad. i enjoyed the show mostly but it did disappoint me since i looked forward to it

  • She Would Never Know

    192. She Would Never Know

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    this show was cute!! i really liked their relationship it was so soft. rowoon is a literal skyscraper. they are both so cute. i liked the vibe of the show! her relationship with her mom and was interesting to watch! i skipped a lot of the show since it never really fully grabbed me but i like it!

  • You're Beautiful

    193. You're Beautiful

    Korean Drama - 2009, 16 episodes


    8.25 this show is endearing , fun, and dumb. i liked it more than i expected to since i never finished it like a decade ago. i found it funnier than i think the show wanted me to and was obsessed (not always in a good way lol) with so many choices made. park shin hye is so fun in this role i kinda love her acting style in this era. i actually really loved her character and kinda really liked her and tae kyung they had good chemistry and really cute moments. tae kyung falls under the category of guy characters who are little bitches that i cant help but like i wanted to fight him but i found him so funny and dumb. shin woo was there kinda i dont have strong feelings about him. i adore jeremy a lot and feel so bad for him like thats my son. he yi  was done dirty she had the worst sfl trope writing. the music in this was fun. the family drama was okay. i love how so over the top of everything is. this is kinda my dumb dated show.

  • Fated to Love You

    194. Fated to Love You

    Korean Drama - 2014, 20 episodes


    i love this dramatic ass mess of a show. i love gun and his stupid hair. i love that they called their baby dog poopy. . i love their romance. its so funny and heartfelt. it did brush over the really fucked up shit and it bothered me and i didnt care really about anyone but the two leads. however, the chaos and absolute delight of the show are amazing

  • Goong

    195. Goong

    Korean Drama - 2006, 24 episodes


    this show is really fun. i did not care nor like any of the main side characters and the adult politicians  plot stuff dragged on too long and was boring, but i skipped most of that so i enjoyed the show! the grand queen mother is literally the best i love her so much. yool is on my hitlist i hate him. hyo rin was annoying the writers should have done better by her. i absolutely adore chae kyung that is my daughter she is a ray of sunshine she is amazing love her so much i rooted for her every step of the way. lee shin is a little bitch who i wanted to smack every episode but i still love him his character was interesting. i absolutely adore them as a couple i rooted for them they are so cute and had so many hearfluttering moments. i adore them. the show shines when they are on screen together and while it was frustrating and infuriating how many misunderstandings and conflicts they had the pay off was worth it. the show genuinely has me laughing so hard because of them they are so funny and cute best couple best chemistry

  • The Spies Who Loved Me

    196. The Spies Who Loved Me

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    this show was really cute. the spy stuff was meh for a bit but got to be kinda interesting and fun towards the end. but the couple stuff and ah-reum was fun. i loved the character of ah-reum and her dynamics with ji-hun and derek. i hated derek at first but he grew on me and him and his bromance with ji-hun is a highlight of the show. ah-reum and ji-hun getting back together at the end made me happy.  

  • The School Nurse Files

    197. The School Nurse Files

    Korean Drama - 2020, 6 episodes


    this show is a fun, nonsensical  acid trip. absolutely bonkers and i like that it doesnt take itself too seriously. the story world building kinda just happened without much explaining it just threw ya in. the main girl was funny as hell she looked crazy. joo hyuk was a fun character love a defender of the gays. love the lesbians that are barely there. when the show wasnt directly on acid it could be a little boring but it was just fun most of the time.

  • Abyss

    198. Abyss

    Korean Drama - 2019, 16 episodes


    this show was fun!! it was entertaining and i was invested! did the show make sense? no! did it effectively connect the dots? no! were there many plot holes? yes! do i care? no i had fun. some of the plot holes and lazy writing did get a little frustrating but it was whatever the show did what it wanted to get where it wanted to be! like i swear the revealed to the characters and audience who the accomplice was like 20 times and the rules of the abyss??? okay?? the ending with him disappearing and reappearing?? sure!!! the show was very shallow and unintentionally funny at times. the tone was all over the place but at least it wasn’t boring! murder to fun date! sure. these characters are dumb as hell no thoughts just vibes. the main couple is so cute!!! love them to bits! made the show even more enjoyable. this show just exists lol its fun and not great but i had a good time!

  • Private Lives

    199. Private Lives

    Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes


    7.75 this show was fun and full of sexy people and women in particular. when the 2 main women were on screen together i hyperventilated it was bad. this show requires the viewer to not think deeply or logically connect dots on their own. it was really entertaining but lost in the last half a little esp the last quarter the plot just got too convoluted and nonsensical that i stopped taking it seriously and started to get disinterested. however the first half was really fun!! this shows editing was odd and caused pacing problems. the main couple was cute but i kinda bored with them at some point ngl. same thing with their characters. sophia chung is the baddest!! love her. an icon. a legend. never misses. edward was a creepy dude but was fun to watch. their dynamic was the most interesting and engaging. this show just tried to do to much! it wanted so many twists and turns with whose the biggest villain and whose on what side that it resulted half baked back stories and nonsense. i wish the scams from the first few eps stayed and the corruption plot left!! but i enjoyed it for the most part.

  • Love to Hate You

    200. Love to Hate You

    Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes


    this was fun, silly, deeply unserious, and entertaining. i enjoyed this a good bit. is it substantial? no. does it have to be? no. this show knows what it is and embraces all of the clichés and tropes and has seriously heavy-handed, unsubtle fun with them and i appreciate that. i liked the characters and the romances. the development of the relationship dynamics was well done and they had decent chemistry with each other. i had fun and felt the romance so thats what matters!
