Types of leads I can't stand

  • FL: damsels in distress and pick-me girls (especially those initially disguised as strong characters); incompetent, petulant, pouty, whiny, bratty, clingy, sulky, self-entitled, subservient, dependent, annoying, immature, low self-esteem, desperate/grovelling, undutiful, buck passer, sadfisher, reneger, ingrate.
  • ML: deceptive, manipulative, coercive, intrusive, insensitive, inconsiderate, insincere, immature, imposing, blackmailer, stalker, reneger, controlling/control-freak, neat-freak, bully, coward, ingrate, nosy/busybody, egoistic/narcissistic, self-entitled, remorseless, unapologetic; the noble idiotic type who would knowingly upset/hurt FL first and console her later; who would unnecessarily prolong misunderstandings; who takes things for granted; &  who doesn't respect FL's decision, wish, capability & privacy.
AnnV Oct 5, 2022
28 Titles Loves
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  • Love and Redemption

    1. Love and Redemption

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 59 episodes


    XuanJi was established as a war god, whose power is beyond that of anyone in her clan and on par with SiFeng, yet she turned out to be so incompetent throughout the drama. Despite having all that power, she still powerlessly needs saving, time and time again, until the very final episode. XuanJi was a pushover who let herself get dragged into doing other people's biddings over and over again while she could totally DECIDE otherwise. On top of that, she never considered the consequences before taking action, letting other people suffer. She couldn't make up her mind and could only whine "SiFeng, SiFeng, SiFeng" and stare helplessly at ML when he was suffering :/, and he kept suffering for her over and over again while she helplessly did nothing about it. Why bother calling her War God when she insists on being a weak and pathetic doormat whose existence does more harm than good? It's mind-boggling to me how Sifeng could still be blindly devoted to her.

    Aside from being pathetic and incompetent, she's an oath-breaker. She swore an oath to her master to protect the sacred ground and pledged to prioritize her "mission" before all else, but when the situation called for just that, she flaked out without hesitation nor remorse. She never upheld her promise when it inconvenienced her, and always let her personal relationships (aka her friends, her boyfriend, and herself) take precedence over her life mission. Imagine how betrayed her master must have felt when thousands of people's lives were at stake and one person who pledged her life to safeguard it refused to do so because of her personal matter. When she made a promise to her father about taking Sifeng as her enemy, in her head she was ready to break it. Dude if you can't keep a promise, don't make one in the first place. She betrayed her mission & master, and went back on her own words for her father, which means her words had no weight, and she's untrustworthy & unworthy.

  • Meeting You Loving You

    2. Meeting You Loving You

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes


    3 episodes in and there's nothing that i like about FL. I wouldn't call her a fashion professional, considering her wardrobe choice. Her dress on the 1st ep looks like it's designed to mop the floor. That's not to mention she's messy, inconsiderate, and doesn't have the habit of cleaning up after herself, messes up his house, and lets ML do the cleaning, until he pointed that out in details, much to her unjustified disgruntlement. My gosh the secondhand embarrassment *facepalm*. She's like a spoiled, self-entitled damsel in distress. Also, i don't get how she failed to notice ML's obvious power. I mean she noticed it when she first met him, but somehow when it happened right in front of her face again she didn't lol.

    I don't like ML either. He got on my nerves for using his power and leverage to boss FL around and bully her, who could do nothing but endure and comply. He's such a jerk that i can only enjoy the scenes in which he suffered and skips those that are romantic. I'm the type who would skip the parts that annoy me, but i'm afraid i'd have to skip almost the entire drama. This deserve less than 1 star.

  • Love Scenery

    3. Love Scenery

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 31 episodes


    FL's character is more like that of a 13 years old, not 30. Dunno why she keeps embarrassing herself and acting all shy in front of ML. She's 30 and he's 21 for god's sake. She gave me severe secondhand embarrassment (¬_¬). 

    ML is a self-entitled, manipulative prick. I really abhor ML's cocky behavior and his hard-to-get play. His love is manipulative and insincere, as he uses tactics to pressure FL without her knowledge. What's even more unacceptable is that he snickered and smirked while looking amused after FL tripped and fell on her back, instead of showing concerns. I absolutely love Lin Yi as Gu Wei Yi in PYHOMS, but here he's in my list of the most despicable ML cuz he makes my blood boil. Throughout the entire drama there's nothing i'd love to watch more than ML being heart-broken and rejected, instead of wishing for their happy ending.

    What i'm pissed off about is that ML enjoy making FL feeling frustrated, disappointed, humiliated, misunderstood, and other negative emotions, right before resolving her grievances. He enjoys seeing FL begging and throwing herself at him, or being at his mercy like a masochist. While some may enjoy this approach and think it's romantic, I'm the type who hold grudges for a long time and am absolutely averse to manipulation, so i find ML really controlling, overbearing, and obnoxious.

  • Oh! My Sweet Liar!

    4. Oh! My Sweet Liar!

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 29 episodes


    I watched for the steamy kiss, but i had to drop it because of the mistreatment FL had to suffer from ML. After 11 eps and she's still caged under duress. ML is such an insensitive, unapologetic a-hole who only knows how to blackmail to get what he wants, in order for FL to develop Stockholm Syndrome.

  • Love Is Sweet

    5. Love Is Sweet

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 36 episodes


    ML in this drama is the epitome of being deceptive, manipulative, controlling, insincere, insensitive, inconsiderate, unapologetic, remorseless, self-entitled .

  • Find Yourself

    6. Find Yourself

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 41 episodes


    cocky, bullying, manipulative ML. Rated it 7 because i root for the 2ML the entire show.

  • Unforgettable Love

    7. Unforgettable Love

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes


    FL is a pushover and ML is a control freak.

  • My Little Happiness

    8. My Little Happiness

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 28 episodes


    controlling, stalkerish ML

  • Ancient Love Poetry

    9. Ancient Love Poetry

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 49 episodes


    incompetent FL.

  • Ms. Cupid in Love

    10. Ms. Cupid in Love

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 24 episodes


    emotionally incompetent ML and squeaky, whiny, damsel-in-distress FL who fishes for pity and is easily bought off with money and materials.

  • Perfect and Casual

    11. Perfect and Casual

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    damsel in distress FL.

  • Doom at Your Service

    12. Doom at Your Service

    Korean Drama - 2021, 16 episodes


    annoying, overbearing ML

  • My Fated Boy

    13. My Fated Boy

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 29 episodes


    nosy, intrusive, self-important ML who doesn't respect FL's privacy, micromanages and criticizes FL's life.

  • Good Bye, My Princess

    14. Good Bye, My Princess

    Chinese Drama - 2019, 52 episodes


    ML is a remorseless serial liar and is super toxic.

  • Poisoned Love

    15. Poisoned Love

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    ML is an emotionally inept blockhead who would knowingly upsets FL first and consoles her later. Also he never takes initiative, and purposely ignores FL's hint, letting her embarrass herself. Luckily for him FL is understanding and doesn't hold grudges.

  • The Wolf

    16. The Wolf

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 49 episodes


    He loves her but treats her like trash, intentionally making her misunderstand and hate him by humiliating her and hurting her. His communication skill is nonexistent and he didn't treasure her company while he still had it. If anyone to love me this way i'd rather cut ties with him. Regardless, I did shed some tears. It feels tragic and angsty in the drama, which attracts viewers, but irl it would be considered toxic behaviours,  aka a recipe for disaster. (but we're in the dramaland so who cares lol)

  • Lighter & Princess

    17. Lighter & Princess

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 36 episodes


    An arrogant, self-centered ML who makes people around him feel like trash; and a masochistic saintly doormat FL with an unlimited capacity to forgive and endure humiliation.

  • Never Too Late

    18. Never Too Late

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 22 episodes


    FL is an indecisive damsel in distress and a pathetic glass-ankled crybaby who gave me so much secondhand embarrassment, while ML is a clueless, thoughtless, tactless pain in the ass that made it very painful for me to sit through and watch. FL can't stand her ground for more than 3 days and would change her mind or throw herself at ML as soon as he treats her just a little bit better. Meanwhile, ML is a shallow coward who would rather chicken out at the first sight of obstacles and easily discard/ give up on his love because of a mere casual sentence from FL (who mentioned it in passing only) than clarify and confront it. His sulky attitude flips on and off like a switch. So childish, selfish, and unmanly of him. Their happy ending feels like an insult to me. I feel nothing when they reconcile, and actually enjoy their breakup. I root for their bad ending.

  • The Romance of Tiger and Rose

    19. The Romance of Tiger and Rose

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 24 episodes


    unapologetic and inconsiderate ML.

  • Crush

    20. Crush

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes


    immature & possessive ML who imposes on the doormat FL who forgives too easily.

  • In Love with Your Dimples

    21. In Love with Your Dimples

    Chinese Drama - 2021, 24 episodes


    FL is a damsel in distress and a pushover and a doormat with a pair of glass ankles, plentiful sob stories, and a habit of monologuing, whereas ML is a cynical possessive self-entitled egoist with a superiority complex who behaves like an immature prick for no reason, refuses to admit his feelings, never admits his fault, tends to shift the blame on FL, acts like he owns her, and just happens to eavesdrop those sadfishing monologues. Secondhand embarrassment and SLS galore. No thanks *cringe*.

  • The Law Cafe

    22. The Law Cafe

    Korean Drama - 2022, 16 episodes


    ML is a total COWARD. He found out his dad was related to FL's death, but kept her in the dark while watching her desperately trying to seek justice for her father's death. He watched as she misunderstood her dad while doing nothing. When they met again he should've just stayed away to avoid causing her harm, but he just lingers around while giving her false hope, then went on rejecting her, over and over again. Without telling her the truth when he had the chance, much less an APOLOGY (not until it's too late)!!! I get that he was consumed by guilt, but it's coward, self-entitling, and shameless of him to ask her to wait for him. Plus it was coward of him not to admit his feelings for her, despite being asked multiple times. If i were her i would never forgive. 

    Aside from that, he acts like he owns her and always rains (shits) on FL's idea and never trust her professional capability, to the point of getting in her way/ obstructing her work. First it was her idea of launching a law cafe, to which he disapproved because he deemed that she couldn't be profitable. Then it was because she decided to take on the rape case. That's so controlling and disrespectful towards her intelligence and resilience. I admire her tolerance towards such behaviour. Lucky for him she's the type to communicate, else i don't think their relationship can last. 

  • Siege in Fog

    23. Siege in Fog

    Chinese Drama - 2018, 50 episodes


    ML fucking slapped FL in the face...

    ML's crimes: noble idiocy by abandoning, lying to, and verbally abusing FL. Flirting with other women. Being a misoginist. Never admitting his love and deliberately provoking FL to induce a jealous reaction from her. Never being a proper husband and always using harsh words for FL all the while expecting her to love him. Failing her by lying to her over and over again while never feeling any remorse for hurting her. Repeatedly making her misunderstand without fearing she would be hurt, and then still has the audacity to expect her to forgive.

    in short he made me nauseous.

  • Wonderland of Love

    24. Wonderland of Love

    Chinese Drama - 2023, 40 episodes


    ML got forced into doing something he loathes by FL, who is so self-righteous and constantly in need of rescuing despite being well-versed in kungfu. She insisted on opening a can of worm and our ML had to deal with the aftermath. Our smart leads got repeatedly ambushed by many one-dimensional rage-inducing cannon fodders whose brains are the size of a peanut but somehow can cause very serious damage to our leads who happened to be so unprepared. 

    Their sparks couldn't sustain after what FL did to impose her will on ML, subsequently resulting in the deaths of his nanny and comrades. On top of that all the blames are placed on ML when FL was never responsible or apologized him for her self-righteous decision. She stripped him off his right to choose how to live his life, forcing him to become crown prince despite knowing that he hates it. FL's so-called intelligence plummeted and doesn't seem to recover. And her pouting and sulking is just soooo painful to watch. Her being rescued constantly gave me secondhand embarrassment. The entire drama is about ML having to give up his aspiration while being reined in and locked in a cage by FL.

  • Sassy Beauty

    25. Sassy Beauty

    Chinese Drama - 2022, 24 episodes


    FL is obnoxious show-off and boastful heroine-wannabe who doesn't own up to her faults. ML bullies FL with physical punishment (kneeling for hours); doesn't take responsibility nor own up to his feelings; doesn't trust and stand up for her, on the contrary he interrogates her in public; stood by and let her get humiliated and slapped.

  • General's Lady

    26. General's Lady

    Chinese Drama - 2020, 30 episodes


    Bratty, spoiled, presumptuous, clingy, bothersome, burdensome FL who always throws herself at ML.

  • A Love So Beautiful

    27. A Love So Beautiful

    Chinese Drama - 2017, 23 episodes


    Worst doormat FL, most selfish assh*** ML. While ML is behaving like a spoiled and narcissistic brat when young, he gets even worse later on. After xy times of getting treated badly and getting belittled by ML, FL finally had enough. ML leaves for 3 years without any contact, comes back, is still upset with her (cause she “rebelled”and wasn’t a good doormat FL for once), shows up with a fake girlfriend to hurt her, orders her around and she just falls back into doing what he wants (“Apologize. NOW!” And she does…) is there a more toxic relationship out there?

    ML is complete trash and i spent the entire time rooting for their breakup. It's just sad and infuriating that she still gave in and forgave him :/. He doesn't deserve it.

  • Enslaved by Love

    28. Enslaved by Love

    Chinese Drama - 2024, 24 episodes


    TRASH and irredeemable ML who enslaves FL, humiliates and watch his mistress humiliate her over 3 years, tramples on her dignity and freedom, emotionally tortures and traumatizes her, control her like a plaything, makes her watch him fuck his mistress, imprisons her and rapes her unapologetically, deceives her under the guise of protecting her.

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