MDL Watch Challange 2024
1. Flower of Evil
Korean Drama - 2020, 16 episodes
Title that aired 2000-2023
Watched (January 1st - January 3rd )
2. Il Mare
Korean Movie - 2000
Title that aired 1900-2000
Watched (January 3rd)
3. Gyeongseong Creature
Korean Drama - 2023, 10 episodes
Watched while airing
Watched (January 4th ~ January 9th)
4. Pandora
Korean Movie - 2016
Title that aired on a Leap year
Watched (January 10th)
5. Death's Game
Korean Drama - 2023, 4 episodes
Finish a Drama in three days or less
Watched (January 12th ~ January 14th)
6. Death's Game Part 2
Korean Drama - 2024, 4 episodes
Stars Leaderboard
Actor = Seo In Guk (Rank 45th In Monthly On January 13th)
Watched = (January 15th ~January 19th)