Thai BL dramas ranked

Ranking Thai BL dramas based on my personal preferences.

I prefer shows with more in-depth character, character growth and relationship development, more natural intimate scenes (some kiss scenes are too awkward to watch).

Bunny Jan 30, 2023
46 Titles Loves
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    1. SOTUS

    Thai Drama - 2016, 15 episodes

    6 years late but glad I watched it!

    Although I came in knowing it's a slow moving relationship, but at no point of watching the drama I felt that it was too slow or draggy for me. I enjoyed the whole vibe of the show, especially the atmosphere of the orientation activities and the camp. I love how they explore perspectives of both the freshmen and seniors.

    It reminds me strongly of my student years and at the same time taught me a lot about the culture in Thailand. 

    I just love the whole pacing and atmosphere of the show. 

  • Moonlight Chicken

    2. Moonlight Chicken

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes

    I love it from the start to the end. A slice-of-life drama that is quite emotionally heavy to watch.

    I love that the plots are very mature and realistic, and the actors have very good acting skills to make everything believable. They dealt with some real life issues and they don't try to paint a rosy picture of the characters and their lives.

    The characters are well written and consistent throughout the show with good character growth. The chemistry between the actors are amazing.

  • Dark Blue Kiss

    3. Dark Blue Kiss

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes

    Came in with low expectations after reading the synopsis but was pleasantly surprised! They showed very realistic relationship interactions and the struggles of coming out to family. 

    Characters are well written, including the side characters. I like how they don't just depict a fairytale relationship between 2 perfect people, but instead 2 flawed people growing together in their relationship. I also like their friends' attitude towards their relationship, that they respected PeteKao's boundaries and were not overly nosy or pushy in for them to disclose their status.

  • Until We Meet Again

    4. Until We Meet Again

    Thai Drama - 2019, 17 episodes

    Wow. Just wow. This series is A+ writing with A+ acting.  The characters are so well written, emotions deeply explored, healthy relationship with the cutest friendship dynamics ever.

    To start off with the cons of the show: the drama is fantasy therefore unrelatable and unrealistic; the pacing is extremely slow; melodramatic with MANY crying scenes. This is definitely not a drama that suits everyone.

    BUT, I strongly recommend everyone to sit through the drama because it definitely gets better. The slow paced story is absolutely necessary, it allows the audience to explore the characters and understand their emotions and actions.  As the show progress, you can see how it transition from a continuation of Intouch/Korn relationship, to Pharm/Dean trying to find themselves and break apart from their past self, slowly developing their own relationship.

    The show also did a very good job in depicting how their suicide had a lifetime impact on everyone around them.

    Most importantly, the actors in this show are EXTREMELY talented. They really managed to pull through this dramatic plot and delivered the emotions well to the audience. Especially Fluke (Pharm's actor), he definitely deserves an award for his acting. His eyes and facial expression so was impressive, his crying scenes, panic attacks, his eyes movement when he's shy, his smiles, everything is just perfectly on point. Even if the drama doesn't capture your attention, just watch it for Fluke, because his acting is so good I spent half the time staring at him and wishing all dramas have an actor as great as him :)

    I also like how healthy the relationship is, how they are very respectful to each other and there's no unnecessary jealousy.

  • Why You… Y Me?

    5. Why You… Y Me?

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes

    Main couple is boy-girl so not sure if this still classifies as BL drama, but it does have BL aspect + it talks about yaoi fangirling and shipping.

    A very beautifully written drama with good characters and plot. All the characters are given enough screentime to have some back story and proper character development.

    There's a right amount of comedy and seriousness, I can't stop grinning at the cuteness sometimes, and my heart sank for certain characters the other times.

    There is good PROPER relationship development. They don't just meet each other and suddenly fall deeply in love for no reason. All the couples are super cute!!!

    Please don't let the fact that main couple is straight couple put you off, because this drama is honestly good and worth your time!!

  • Cupid's Last Wish

    6. Cupid's Last Wish

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes

    I am pleasantly surprised by the production quality of this drama.

    Firstly, the actors are amazing. Win and Lin's actors did a good job to act out the different personalities between this sibling. The emotions are well written - confusion of finding yourself in a different body, fear of not being able to save the sister, frustration of the whole endeavour.

    Secondly, great filming and editing. The transition between Lin and Win is so smooth, it constantly reminds us that Win is in Lin body and gives both actors appropriate amount of screentime.

    Although the story plot is straight forward and it's all about the road trip to find holy water, I find the drama quite well paced and there's not one boring moment for me. I like that they use these road trips to showcase different parts of Thailand and it's amazing sceneries. I also like that it gives the audiences some good life advice and shows the character growth of Win.

  • Theory of Love

    7. Theory of Love

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes

    Good acting and good character development but slightly lacking relationship development.

    Character - Needless to say Khai started off as one of the most hateful main character in BL series. I am impressed that he was given a proper and believable character development (based on Third's listed flaws of him) and it doesn't feel too rushed. I am also glad that Third learn to stand up for himself more towards Khai.

    Relationship - I do feel that Khai's feelings towards Third was abrupt and not properly explained. It's hard to believe that Khai really loves Third. The good thing is that the writes recognizes this and made Khai work harder to fight for Third.

  • Love Mechanics

    8. Love Mechanics

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes

    If you're looking for a healthy and drama-free relationship to watch, this is definitely not the show for you. However, I love the pacing of the drama, it's just enough to get me hooked but not too much that I am angry at the drama.

    The actor for Mark is excellent in portraying all the feelings, his eyes, facial expression and body language has so much emotions, I feel like he completely slayed the role. 

    Vee, although I am kind of annoyed at him at the start and feel like he doesn't deserve Mark, is well written to show the range of emotions he faced with Mark. From the confusion he had when he started getting close to Mark, the sadness and anger with his girlfriend, to him slowly discovering his feelings for Mark. The dilemma he faced between a 3 year relationship and Mark makes the show feels a little more realistic.

    The friends group (especially for Vee) is amazing!! They are such jokester at times, but when their friends need help they are there to provide useful and practical advice. Especially Bar being supportive but logical friend, Yiwaa being a kind and caring senior. 

    A small side note, I like how the girls in this drama are not just written as either evil or idoitic fangirl, especially how they didn't completely turned the girlfriend into an evil person.

  • Pit Babe

    9. Pit Babe

    Thai Drama - 2023, 13 episodes

    Ep 1-8 is amazing: the actors have good acting skills, the chemistry between the leads are super hot, the buildup of the plot is well paced and engaging. They did a good job in the world building, although the omegaverse is not explained enough.

    However, things went downhill from ep 9 onwards. The story telling become very messy when they are unable to balance the tension of the story with the romance.

    1) They all looked like they are harbouring some of the plans, but there is no plan?? 

    2) After every dangerous encounter, instead of gathering to discuss their plan or to plan the next step, they just disperse and then start dating again as if they are not in danger?? There is no consistency.

    The ending is both abrupt and draggy. Plot was rushed through with a forced resolution, many plot points left unexplained but the romance dragged out.

    Overall, an average watch if you can ignore the plot and just watch for the romance.

  • Love by Chance

    10. Love by Chance

    Thai Drama - 2018, 14 episodes

    Really love the interaction of AePete. Their relationship seems somewhat relatable and not too cringy. Pete is easily my favourite male lead in all BL dramas, I literally couldn't stop smiling everytime he appears.

    Feels like some characters are not so necessary. I know it's because of the novel but actually it's doesn't really value-add to drama.

  • Love in the Air

    11. Love in the Air

    Thai Drama - 2022, 13 episodes

    This show is well known for its NSFW scenes, and they really live up to their reputation. The kissing between PayuRain is good and natural. I like how the intimacy in relationship is very casual and realistic in the relationship, the physical touches, hugs and kisses can be just a casual interaction between couples and not overly zoomed in and focused on. 

    Although both relationships started questionably, I feel that the show puts in an effort to show the relationship is equal and not one sided. I like that they showed us the development of the relationship and why each characters fell in love. The plot has some major TW but the relationship (after they got together) is quite healthy and cute. 

    I really love Sky's characters and story since the start, the actor did a good job in portraying the trauma. l Love PayuRain so I really enjoyed the first half of the show, but didn't really enjoy the PaiSky couple, so skipped through most of the end (other than last 2 episodes).

    For PayuRain, despite it being a typical story of a dominant & alpha male and an innocent & naive boy, I like how Payu pushed Rain to improve on himself to become a better and more responsible person, and make sure that their relationship is equal instead of a one sided controlling relationship.

  • Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart

    12. Star and Sky: Sky in Your Heart

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes

    I like this much much more than Star in My Mind. The characters and story is much more mature. 

    I like the development of their relationship, one of the better enemies to lovers plot I've watched, it's natural and believable.

    I like the set-up of the story, how they showcase volunteering in mountain which is different fron the usual school based story. I like that they included some interesting and unusual messages, such as dealing with loss of loved ones, alcoholism, work-life balance of being a doctor etc. The story is well paced despite them packing so much of these messages into the plot.

    I love the characters, especially Prince. Can anyone not love him?? He's humble, kind, loving, caring. He's a good teacher to the kids, a kind volunteer to the villagers, he cares for people around him and most importantly, he don't let his personal matters and emotions take over his job!!

    Some bad points: I do find the last 2 eps draggy but it's acceptable, overall I still love the drama.

  • Bad Buddy

    13. Bad Buddy

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes

    The plot and the acting is good, the emotional buildup is strong and I really feel for the characters.

    The relationship is slightly slow moving for me, and I didn't like the last half of the drama after the twist. 

  • Laws of Attraction

    14. Laws of Attraction

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes

    To start off, I came in knowing this is more lakorn than romance drama, so I am very accepting of the exaggerated effects and dramatic plots.

    I think they have a good balance of comedy (Nawin) and serious tone (basically the whole plot conflict whether to be lawfully right VS adapting to the cruel world). 

    Good acting to the whole cast (shout-out to the grandma). I know Charn may seem to smile at weird timings, but I think that just shows how psychotic he is (his anger smile, creepy evil smile and genuine laugh etc). I think Film actually did a good job portraying the craziness of the character.

    I do wish for the secondary couple to have more screentime and more relationship development, their getting together is quite abrupt. Also, I wished they have more flirting between the main leads, not necessarily kiss/bed scenes (understand their company is more conservative), but maybe just it little more of them hitting on each other.

  • Manner of Death

    15. Manner of Death

    Thai Drama - 2020, 14 episodes

    A REALLY good crime drama.

    There's a few minor plot holes and the common plot armor, but it's forgivable since it's drama and this is something you see in almost every crime drama.

    The mystery is incredible! The murderer is not obvious at all, and it is super nerve wrecking to follow through the drama and trying to guess the murderer with Dr Bun! It's really fast paced and tensed, I had to hold my breathes a lot of times! 

    To be completely honest I am so hooked on the plot that I cannot focus on the romance part at ll. Despite being a fan of MaxTul, I don't really love the romance here and the relationship feel quite forced, I would rather it just be a crime drama without any romance 

  • Triage

    16. Triage

    Thai Drama - 2022, 13 episodes

    I love that this is a drama that moves away from the typical schoolboy engineering set-up and venture into the medical profession. They talked more serious issues like medical malpractice, mental health and ethics.

    Each episodes is packed with suspense and they managed to keep me on the edge. This is a story about "making things right". You'll see the main characters learning about each other and trying to make each other a better person. You see how their actions can affect people around them and how they try to correct it.

    Ending is slightly dramatic, but overall a great show.

  • Lovely Writer

    17. Lovely Writer

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes

    A healthy non-toxic relationship with underlying messages about the reality of the BL entertainment industry. 

    I like that they do not rush through the coming out to family part, they took time to show how different family reacts to it and how the parents eventually accept them.

    I like that the side characters get sufficient back story as it shows struggles of different individuals in their own life. I love how complicated Aoey's character is.

    Bad points? Certain parts was slow moving for me, especially towards the end. The ending feels rushed and forced. I didn't like the childhood part, it weird and doesn't value add to the story.

  • Between Us

    18. Between Us

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    Overambitious, underperforming. 

    This series focuses on WinTeam internal struggles and exploration of their feelings. It is meant to be a slow burn, a "push-and-pull" sort of relationship as they slowly accept their feelings. I didn't mind all of these. The biggest problem is that such premise requires solid character writing which is severely lacking in this series. 

    For Team: Instead of showing the same flashbacks repeatedly every ep, they could have elaborated how it affected his personality, his life, his relationship with others etc, which would help establish why he has difficulty being in a relationship (does he feel not worthy? Is he scared people will hate him for his past? Is he guilty to be happy? WHAT EXACTLY is the problem here???)

    For Win: EVEN WORSE, we were given one liner "nothing ever belongs to me". That's all the "struggle" we know he has. It was never shown to us how it affected him.

    Because it was never properly shown to us how their life and interpersonal relationship were affected, all the push-and-pull between them became very confusing and unnecessary with no real problem in place. 

    Other complains I have: Too many side couples; poor editing; the worst confession scene in BL drama history (what are they even saying? WHY SING??); inconsistency from UWMA.

    All things aside, I'll give them credit for making me shed many tears in the later episodes. BounPrem acting was quite good, they carried this show with how little was given to them.

  • Don't Say No

    19. Don't Say No

    Thai Drama - 2021, 12 episodes

    A cute and spicy drama about childhood friends turned lovers. 

    Leo is seriously the best boyfriend in BL history, he's caring, loving, understanding and forgiving, completely a walking green flag. I love the cuddling scenes between LeoFiat, it's just so vulnerable and intimate.

    However, I love the LeonPob couple more!! I love the couple dynamics and how Pob is shy but initiating everything, love how much Leon changed for him too! Can't wait for their series to come out!!

  • La Pluie

    20. La Pluie

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes

    SO MUCH POTENTIAL but wasted with poor editing. Interesting premise, albeit cliche with the soulmate/destiny plot. 

    I appreciate that the writers did try to explore more with this premise , such as the emotions of people living with such disease, people who deferred their destiny and how they live with it; the mystery or reason behind this phenomenon etc. However , it was mostly touch-and-go and I wished they would have been more in depth.

    Instead, they chose to focus on the cliche love story which can probably last only 5 episodes, and then added in a EXCESSIVE amount of flashbacks scenes, useless plot points and unnecessary characters to lengthen and show, making it very draggy.

    As opposed to many other reviews, I actually like the conflict in this show. I like that they are to explore more about whether the main leads are together for love or was it just because of destiny. It could have been better edited to bring their message across.

    Editing is really awful. I cannot imagine who would think it is okay to have >4 flashbacks EVERY EP. It's almost like they thought audiences are stupid and cannot remember what was already shown, so they have to repeat it again and again.

    Overall,  a show with interesting premise and good messages that is not really properly conveyed due to awful editing.

  • Secret Crush on You

    21. Secret Crush on You

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes

    Despite this being a super cheesy drama which gives me 2nd hand embarrassment every episode, I am still really intrigued by the plot and see how the story for a stalker can turn out. The actors are good, Toh's actor really acted out the silliness and Nuea facial expression is so good, they managed to make the super cringy plot worked. The friendships portrayed in this show is beautiful. I like that besides the comedy aspect, they also touch on some more serious topics like insecurities.

    Some minor complains: While I agree Nuea is very hot and muscular, I feel that it's a bit too much to be strip teasing and topless almost EVERY EPISODE. Some plots also feel a little repetitive  and dragged out, especially between NueaToh.

    Overall, I feel that given this theme of this story (stalker), the writers and actors did a good job in making the relationship work. Despite some minor turn off for me mid season (explained below the spoiler line), there is proper character growth and good relationship development. They also love that they show different LGBT+ characters!

    (Possible spoiler alert!!!!)

    Mid season, the NueaToh relationship feels a little too creepy for me, Toh with his continued stalking and collection after they became friends and Nuea teasing borderline sexual harassment (fyi everything he did is really creepy to do to friends in real life). 

    Even after they started dating, the relationship dynamics feel unequal with Nuea always protecting Toh and Toh acting like kid (lying down on floor and cry because he can't get his way??). He behaved worse than a 6 year old omg. The whole relationship feels like a dad-son relationship + sex more than an equal couple.

    Luckily it did get better towards the end, especially after the secret got discovered. They gave a good closure to the stalker plot.

  • Star and Sky: Star in My Mind

    22. Star and Sky: Star in My Mind

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes

    I dropped this drama twice after reading the bad reviews on MDL, but I am glad I still finished it in the end. I know it's not the best drama, but I loved it, probably because I love angst drama more than fluffy drama :)

    This drama feels similar to 2moons as both plots focused on the Star Moon competition, but with better written characters and plot.

    I know many complain about the heavy lack of communication, but I don't think it was that bad. Sometimes when we have crush on others, it's not that easy to just express openly and confess your feelings. Sometimes love is confusing. I love their wide range of emotions portrayed in the drama. 


    Khabkluen telling DaoNuea to move on because he's scared of not being good enough, DaoNuea feeling hurt, DaoNuea feeling confused about Khabkluen's mixed signals. It just feels like the characters are alive. Most of their feelings and behaviors are justified with their personalities. 

    My main complain? The actors can't act really well, I feel like they weren't able to fully express the emotions of the characters.

  • The Promise

    23. The Promise

    Thai Drama - 2023, 10 episodes

    I am rating Phupah & Nanfah (the prequel) together with The Promise for simplicity sake.

    Phupah & Nanfah (2022) is amazingly done. The story is short, but it narrates the stories of the 2 main lead from each of their perspectives. From Phupah's story you see how he realised his feelings but was too afraid to lose a friendship. From Nanfah's story you see how he had a late realization of his feelings and he tried to win it back. The series feels like a trailer to a very promising series.

    Moving on to the promise, I came in with high expectations and the series get off with a strong start. The story and characters are mature, the dynamics are quite likeable. 

    For the start, you see them connecting like old friends but with some added tensions between. You slowly learn how much they have done for each other. 

    To the downside, I feel like the story is too slow. I love it up till ep 4/5, and after that the story is just draggy and I hated that it took a melodramatic turn.

    (Spoiler alert!!!)

    I didn't like the confession. I hated that Phupah was "pressured" to make a confession out of jealousy. I don't understand why Nanfah wasn't the one who confessed, since he knew Nanfah's feelings a long time ago. 

    I didn't like the public confession, I wished it was more intimate where they get to sit down and talk properly.

    I feel all the drama at the end is necessary, especially Khunkhao's character.

    Since this show started as a mature and realistic drama, I wished they have maintained it that way throughout and not add the unnecessary (to me) dramatic plot. Wished it had remained a more simple and down-to-earth story.

  • Together with Me

    24. Together with Me

    Thai Drama - 2017, 13 episodes

    The acting is good and interaction is cute. I love the friendship depicted in the story. The actors have great chemistry and the story is good.

    There is a lot of cheating depicted in the show, cheating seems to be taken lightly and not properly addressed. Although I understand the writers are just trying to portray struggle and confusion of Knock coming terms to his sexuality, I hope he would be more honest with his girlfriend and not just keep 2 person (girlfriend & Korn) hanging. I don't think that cheating is justifiable just because his girlfriend was "evil".

    Overall I still enjoy the show, but thought there are many rooms of improvement for the show.


    Minus point for BrightFarm couple. I might be the minority here but I really love them at the start, I thought the old mature man with a adorable naive boy dynamic is really cute. I keep thinking Bright will change for him but the ending is just disappointing. I thought this storyline could've been better.

  • Why R U?

    25. Why R U?

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes

    I have to admit I have a really bias review for Why R U?. 

    This kiss scene is so good and Tutor's innocent face turning seductive immediately gets me every time! 

    However, the plot is awful and super inconsistent, I pretty much skipped through the first 6 episodes (as recommended by many) and all plots other than the TutorFighter scene. 

  • My Ride

    26. My Ride

    Thai Drama - 2022, 10 episodes

    Simple, cute and fluffy drama. I like the relationship development for most of the part, but like many other dramas, they became stagnant towards the midpoint. The characters don't have much depth, just simple cute innocent characters.

    The side characters relationship needs more development. I like the ToyBoss enemies to lovers kind of story but they need more relationship development and they need to show more character growth for Toy.

    I don't like Nadia's storyline. It portrays her to be a very materialistic and superficial person. 

  • 2 Moons

    27. 2 Moons

    Thai Drama - 2017, 12 episodes

    It's an easy to watch and the most average drama I've ever watched. There's nothing I strongly hate about the show, but nothing much that I love either. There's not much story or plot going on, there's not much characters either. 

    Good points: I like that it's not comedy, it's not cringey, I didn't felt that it was too draggy despite the slow moving relationship. I actually find myself smiling at their interaction at the later episodes.

    Bad points: The conversation felt weird sometimes, many long awkward pauses between conversation and random pauses of them staring at each other. Not the best acting, I don't see the feelings they have for each other. The characters don't shine.

    I would say this is the most average, MEH and neutral drama for me. It's something you can watch to pass time.

  • Dangerous Romance

    28. Dangerous Romance

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes

    Not so dangerous romance. If you ignore the title and lower your expectations, this is actually an okay show. I love the enemies-to-lovers tropes, but just like many others, it falls short in terms of the relationship development. I wished series with such tropes will focus more on them resolving their differences and properly developing feelings from each other. They got together too early in the series, hence the remaining episodes feel dragged out and full of cliches and unnecessary drama.

    The characters are quite plain and one-dimensional, especially for Sailom. He is just the "kind and nice one", but I wished they would have given him more personalities.

  • Be My Favorite

    29. Be My Favorite

    Thai Drama - 2023, 12 episodes

    I am quite intrigued by the plot but this drama is disappointing. I feel that the writers tried so hard to make the relationship and characters perfect and non toxic that everything just falls flat. The story is boring. 

    Not even sure if they really love each other? Kawi seems to only "love" Pisaeng because that's the only way his future will turn out well. Pisaeng can't even explain why he loves Kawi other than "you're cute".

  • Unforgotten Night

    30. Unforgotten Night

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    It's bad, it's so bad but if you are willing to overlook everything else (ie the bad dialogue, the really not BDSM at all sex scene, lack of plot and more), it's actually a bearable show to pass time.

    The choice of actor for Mafia boss is bad, everytime I see the baby face I just can't take it seriously. I wished they have found someone who actually look like 30+ years old.

    I LOVE BAIBOON. He's so adorable and his acting is quite good, he's almost the only thing that keeps me wanting to continue the drama.

  • My School President

    31. My School President

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    To be honest this is a good show, storyline is cute and aspiring, acting is above average and music is quite good. The relationship is slow paced but not stagnant, you just see them progressing slowly but still a lot of sweet and cute moments. The drama is not just focused on romance, but also about high school life and chasing dreams.

    Unfortunately, this show is not just for me as I am not super into a fluffy drama. As much as I acknowledge it is well made, it's just doesn't do it for me. The whole show is based solely on their cuteness, borderline too cringy and cheesy sometimes,  there's nothing much other things attracting me to continue watching. 

  • Make It Right

    32. Make It Right

    Thai Drama - 2016, 12 episodes

    TW: rape, sexual assault.

    First 8 ep is pretty good, after that it's just long and draggy. The tone seem inconsistent, the characters seemed like naive and innocent young school boys exploring relationship, but the plot is mature.

    There is too many unnecessary character and story, TeeFuse & BookFrame story is fine, all other side characters should just be edited out (eg Yok, other friends, Fuse's sister). 

    Relationship development for main characters is barely present. The story feels incomplete, ending is rushed and questionable, especially for TeeFuse. I understand if they want to do a 2nd season but it ended so badly, I won't watch the 2nd season.

  • Bed Friend

    33. Bed Friend

    Thai Drama - 2023, 10 episodes

    Disappointing :( There's not much going on other, they basically used the same plot point thrice just to write the story. I am usually a big fan of trauma or sexual harassment plot, but this show is just way too much. There is traces of relationship development but it could have been more. 

    A small thing that irks me a lot was the weird relationship between Uea and Tonkhao, the show wants us to believe they are close and love each other. But if that's the case, why does the sister pressure Uea to go home? Why can't they meet outside? Why does Uea feels safe for his sister to live in such a toxic household?

    A few unnecessary extra characters too. I know Jade was in there because he is getting his own series, but the scenes with other colleagues gossiping and talking are all quite extra. 

    Wished they have a bit more focus on how the relationship changes from FWB to lovers and showed more relationship development instead of trying to squeeze in as much clique plots and added conflicts as possible. King was supposed to be casanova, wished they can include more to show that he is?? 

    Hot actors and good acting, but horrible story. 

  • Never Let Me Go

    34. Never Let Me Go

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    Started off strong but turned too melodramatic as it progresses. Interesting premise but not well developed.

    Story is quite questionable actually. I saw so much potential in the first 2 episodes, they could have explored more into love between people of 2 different social class, overcoming the obstacles of family expectations, growing up to take on family responsibilities etc. However, they decided to throw it aside and just talk about love. After seeing his dad shot death in front of him and having to fear for his life, Nuengdiao focus in life is to have a relationship??? Not trauma? Not fear? Not anger and wanting to find out the person who killed your dad? 

    They did try to add some character development, but it's sudden and abrupt. The relationship between the male leads.... honestly questionable.

  • 2gether

    35. 2gether

    Thai Drama - 2020, 13 episodes

    The show started off strong, but gone downhill after they got together. Really boring for me to see how much they emphasize on their love for each other. 

  • The Eclipse

    36. The Eclipse

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    I get the message that they are trying to deliver,but I feel that they could've done a better job in the delivery.

    They tried to put in some depth to the character, especially for Ayan and Akk, you can see where they both are coming from. You can also see the character development for them.

    However, the plot can be improved. The ending seemed abit rush and the problem is fixed too easily. The ending is a bit too ideal for the theme of this show. 

  • Tonhon Chonlatee

    37. Tonhon Chonlatee

    Thai Drama - 2020, 10 episodes

    If you split the drama into first and second halves and make it into 2 stories, it would have been a much better drama.

    1st half - I don't mind the homophobic characters, let's be honest it is still common in the current world and it just shows something that gays still experience in real life. Tonhon has a lot of red flags but I am still intrigued to see how he can have character growth. The 2 main leads still have some chemistry. The side characters are generally loveable, especially the interaction between AiNai. Chon's mother is really amazing and gives good advice. There's just a right amount of comedy which is funny but not too over for me (most Thai romcom annoys me a lot with their comedy).

    2nd half - ???????? (With spoiler alert below)

    I hate the forcing Tonhon to be jealous and accept his feelings and sexuality plot. How did Tonhon completely change 360° after they got together???? From "he's just my brother" to "you'll be the only one I ever love"???? Not even proper time to show how he come to terms with his sexuality?? Kissing with your ex gf because she challenge you to?? The worst plot twist, Tonhon had a crush from Chon since young????????? Then what is everything that happened at the first part???? The father also???????? From homophobic to "it's okay to be gay as long as you give me a kid"????????  

    The happy ending is so forced that I wished they would have just given a bad ending :)

  • TharnType

    38. TharnType

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes

    This was my first ever Thai BL dramas. 

    I watched it the first time and I didn't like it a lot, skipped through a lot and didn't really see the chemistry between TharnType. After seeing it's overwhelmingly positive reviews, decided to give it a 2nd try but stopped at ep 3, still didn't really like it.

    With the backstory of the characters, I feel that the drama could have taken a more serious tone. Type's character could have been portrayed more deeply with more emphasis on his trauma. It feels like they only used it to built the plot in the beginning, and no more elaboration on how it affects him after they got together.

    I didn't enjoy the scenes where Tharn molested Type multiple times in the beginning. Yes I love steamy scenes in dramas but TharnType ones are too difficult to digest. I didn't like that they romanticize sexual assault and doesn't seen to understand the importance of boundaries and consent.

  • Vice Versa

    39. Vice Versa

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    An interesting premise for the show, but the theme is under explored. Feels more like a wasted potential. Overall the show itself is just very meh and doesn't really leave an impact.

  • Dinosaur Love

    40. Dinosaur Love

    Thai Drama - 2023, 8 episodes

    Came in knowing it's bad, but didn't expect it to be so bad. Annoying background music and sound effect. Rak's acting is horrible. So many unnecessary plot points that doesn't value add to the story. 

    Dino have to be my most hated BL male lead of all time. I've seen many toxic male lead, at least they are openly toxic, but they tried so hard to disguise Dino as a green flag. Said he'll be patient with Rak but kept on forcing himself on him. Crazy jealousy and possessiveness that don't allot Rak to even praise his friends. Not dating but "I am the one one who can flirt with you". 

    Forcing Rak to share his emotions on a table full of his friends because "my bf is not allowed to lie to me". What do you expect Rak to do? Tell the whole world about his own private matters? There's a time and space for everything but Dino can never respect that, he just wants Rak to comply to him 100%.

    This is a drama that pretends to talk about escaping toxic relationships, but in actual it's just jumping from one toxic relationship to another.

    I usually have high tolerance for toxic behaviors in drama (it's a drama for a reason), but Dino really have my blood boiling.

  • My Engineer

    41. My Engineer

    Thai Drama - 2020, 14 episodes

    Very typical cliche drama, unlikeable characters and boring plot. BohnDuen relationship started so weirdly and it was not well written to show why they even like each other at all. Their relationship was toxic throughout with no character development. 

    Other couples have  some minor cute scenes here and there but not enough to save the show. The friendships portrayed in the show is 100x better than any relationship. 

    All the girls other than Ting Ting are written to be so idiotic, constantly screaming at guys, that's not how actual humans behave in real life at all!!

    None of the characters are super likeable in my opinion. It seems that they are written lazily with no depth in their characters.

  • 2 Moons 2

    42. 2 Moons 2

    Thai Drama - 2019, 12 episodes

    I just want to cry for my lost time and for even giving this series a try when my friend told me it was bad. This series is not bad, it's HORRIBLE. After I watched 2moons2, I finally understand why I find 2moons watchable. 

    2moons2 has ALL THE BAD THINGS 2moons have (the bad acting, lack of personality in characters), they took away all the good things from 2moons (all the amazing friendship), added unnecessary characters with repetitive and questionable plot. PhaWayo had such a toxic relationship, MingKit just disappeared mid season and ForthBeam is basically an exact replicate MingKit relationship, what's the point even???

    My only takeaway from finishing this series is anger for wasted time :) Don't bother watching it at all. 

  • Big Dragon

    43. Big Dragon

    Thai Drama - 2022, 8 episodes

    What is the writer trying to do with this show??? The tone, character and plot is super inconsistent throughout the drama.

    Tone - Judging from the trailer/plot, you would thought this is a darker drama with 2 "evil playboy" coming together to form a relationship. Turns out some part comedic, some part attempted dark theme, so questionable???

    Character - Aren't they supposed to be 2 playboys?? Why is Yai acting so innocent throughout??

    Plot - Seriously, what the heck is wrong with the plot?? There's SO MANY plot points they tried to squeeze into 8 episode, nothing was properly elaborated at all and the drama is just A HUGE MESS! 

  • My Only 12%

    44. My Only 12%

    Thai Drama - 2022, 14 episodes

    Gave up at ep 7.

    A nostalgic show due to the time period the show is set in, the school setting and characters feels like a more accurate representation of actual students as compared to many other school dramas. 

    However there doesn't seem too much plot going on, very slice of life drama that's not suitable for everyone.

  • Cutie Pie

    45. Cutie Pie

    Thai Drama - 2022, 12 episodes

    Gave up at ep 3. 

    Plot is questionable and unrealistic. Didn't like the characters, this is a perfect example of how modern dramas are just BG drama where they just change the female lead changed into a male lead and it becomes BL dramas. 

    Feels like it's a cheesy show just for the sake of fan service (showing sexy NSFW scenes) with no purpose at all.

  • Even Sun

    46. Even Sun

    Thai Drama - 2022, 6 episodes

    Gave up on ep 3.5. The plot doesn't even make sense. Translation is questionable. I don't understand the story at all. Why try to squeeze 3-4 pairs of couple into a short series?? Why not just try to focus on 1 pair of couple and make it work properly?

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