Similar premises. LfLS takes place in a video game(based on a novel) and Extraordinary You takes place in a comic. The main characters in both are aware that they are in a fictictional world and have to change the original story in order to live.
-Both are supernatural romances with one person living for hundred of years and the other being a high powered CEO and heir to a fortune.
-Murder plot mystery
-Opposing personailty secondary couple including a secretary
-Traumatic past lives
-Call backs to Korean culture and history
-Lost memories of first life
-Mysterious person who knows more than let on about the supernatural
-Strong female characters
-Murder plot mystery
-Opposing personailty secondary couple including a secretary
-Traumatic past lives
-Call backs to Korean culture and history
-Lost memories of first life
-Mysterious person who knows more than let on about the supernatural
-Strong female characters