This show literally traumatized me
Mr. CEO Pond Krisda woke up one day and had a brilliant idea. "We are Be On Cloud, we do things a little bit differently!" How differently, you ask? In Be On Cloud they don't just make an audition and save up money, no, they must do a WHOLE show about lying and telling secrets, like how someone was homophobic, or how someone literally beat up his dad??! Yes, in Be On Cloud, they do it very differently. I was kinda okay with the Hidden Character game, I didn't memorize a lot of contestants, but it was fun. UNTIL they started to "act". Mr. CEO Pond Krisda can excuse grooming, but he can't excuse BAD ACTORS. And of course, they act out scenes from KinnPorsche. Let's ruin my favorite series, I don't care.I'm a simple person, I see a cute boy, and I immediately remember his name. Yes, the cute boy was Max. Then I of course remembered the loudest one, New. This dude... traumatized me the most. In the first episodes he was really good, funny, I could've seen him as a good actor... but oh boy, when he started to act, I was speechless. I could see how this everyone's favorite and funny contestant is changing. From the 7th episode on, he started to feel less confident, but when he was for a moment, he just said something wrong, and boom, Mr. CEO Pond Krisda wasn't happy. He needs good actors okay? He needs the Oscar worthy performance. (That was an irony, btw.) It was really hard to watch. I feel kinda sorry for New. And I can see that everyone feels sorry for him too. It's such a shame.
My favs were: Max, Woody, Perth, JJ, New. I didn't care about the other ones, maybe a little bit about Ta. They were cute (and Lotte extremely sexy, like wooow his muscles were godly yum yum!), but they weren't my favs.
Do I care who will win? No. Will I watch the last episode? Maybe. Will I rewatch this? NO WAY.
EDIT: So I watched the last episode, and when they announced the winners, I wasn't surprised at all. I just wasted my precious time. Nevermind. It's finally over, and I'm glad for that.
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This was a great show!
Said no one.Expectations were high. And you know what? I loved the beginning. It was a great slow-burn. But then it got worse. First of all, what did Mr. Jeng see in Pat? Yeah, Ben (the actor) is somewhat handsome, but Pat's personality is the worst! A little tip for the creators: The main character should be likeable, and we should sympathize with him. I personally hated Pat. He was crying all the time, he was annoying... The question everyone has is - why did Mr. Jeng want crybaby Pat so badly?
Don't worry, I have a ✨theory✨ for you!!! Mr. Jeng's daddy issues are hitting hard, and he needs to get this innocent boy and take care of him because his dad never cared about him. Boom. A different explanation doesn't exist. Does he love Pat because of his personality? LOL NOPE. Does he love Pat because he likes to have sex with him? Probably. Lol. (I mean those lips... Sorry, I have a dirty mind.) Nothing else comes to mind. I don't know why he likes him; well, my theories can maybe explain it, but other than that, it's a mystery.
I did not care about the other couples. Jaab and Jen were a boring couple. Pat's sister and her husband were really cute, good for them. Chot and his boyfriend were cute too. Also, Chot supremacy!!!
The last episode was sooo long. Longer than my crush list (Man and Saint were added to the list after this show, HAHAHAHA.) It was like an office simulator. Literally POV: You are working in an office. No, thank you. I'm disapointed. Will I ever rewatch it? Oh, of course I will! For a million dollars maybe :)
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It was a wild ride!
But it was worth it and, most importantly, fun. Charn (Well, actually his name is Chan, but the whole fandom ignores that and calls him Charn.) is a sociopathic lawyer whose intentions always lead towards money and power. That's totally not the typical BL main character. I mainly loved the originality: a lawyer that sets buildings on fire and manipulates people around him for his own benefits? You don't see that very often, especially with gay characters.THE PLOT: But as Britney Spears sings in "Criminal", someone fell in love with our criminal—I mean, our narak little lawyer. Well, of course they were enemies at first, but as we saw in the first episode, Charn falls for him instantly. That "him" is Tinn, whose niece got killed in a "car incident". Charn is the lawyer of the accused murderer, the son of a rich and powerful politician. But Charn doesn't believe that it's an accident, so he decides to help Tinn find the truth behind this complicated case...
CHARACTERS: All the characters were so original and fun. Now I'm repeating myself, but it was really that funny and good. Every character had their own story. My favorite was Charn (that smile, that damned smile..), but there was also one that stole the show in the last two episodes: Charn's ex-boyfriend, Nawin. He was the Tankhun of this series. The love between Charn and Tinn was so sweet. I love the enemies to lovers trope, and this was made so amazingly. I really, really loved them. Especially in the last episodes, they were protective of each other, and Jam and Film portrayed them very well. Film and his smile? *chef's kiss* Give him an award now!
OVERALL: Every episode was full of fun, great fight scenes, amazing actors, a great story, and much, much more. I can't recommend it enough. Yes, it had a small budget, but does it matter if it was a masterpiece? And we got a wedding in the end! I'm crying! IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I'll be rewatching for sure.
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Wait, is this a comedy, or a drama?
Gorgeous cinematography, the actors were (mostly) great, beautiful locations, well-done direction. Everyone tried and wanted to make Chains of Heart a quality and engaging series. well.... everyone except the writers. The first episodes appealed to me as they reminded me of my favorite series, KinnPorsche. Then it got worse; especially at the end things started to make no sense. But it was so funny! Especially Din's ninja moves in the forest. Or how Ken was crying 24/7. Or how someone was strangling him all the time. Too bad this wasn't a comedy. :)list of funny moments:
1) mr. lue is wearing sweater and leather gloves in bangkok where is hot all the time
2) if ken is not being choked, he is crying
3) that one dude who is literally reading minds
4) the main bad guy is illegally selling wood and.... human organs
5) no one can shoot mr. lue even if he's like 5 meters away from them
6) mr. lue's ninja moves in the end
7) payu's eyebrows
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The things I would do for ForceBook...
The story was actually really interesting in the beginning, I wasn't sure why people were hating on this series. In episode 3, Theo started to be a little bit annoying, but I gave him another chance. Oh, come on, he's not a lying manipulator. Right? Right?! Who am I kidding, he is. I was writing notes while watching and one literally says, "Everyone is blaming themselves, except for Theo. If this isn't a manipulation, I don't know what is." Couldn't agree more, past Yumi.THE PLOT: But let's start at the beginning, where we are in beautiful CGI Paris. Thank God they hired French speaking actors. Theo is starting a new college, a literature major. His dad runs the school, so he's immediately recognized by everyone. Attending with him is his childhood best friend, Akk. I love Akk. Everyone loves Akk. Couldn't say the same thing for Theo, though (no, I won't stop hating on him). Theo, being the spoiled brat he is, is bored in a library, so he writes something in French in a book called "Enchanté". Then he received an answer, written in Thai. Oh my God, who could that be? Akk doesn't wait and prints out papers where he asks the person who wrote in the book to reveal themselves. So Akk and Theo wait in the library, and then four guys appear. They all claim to be the mysterious Enchanté...
It was so interesting. I was trying not to hate Theo, but after episode 10, I couldn't help it! The reveal was... weird. Um, okay, I need to say that I knew who Enchanté was because I read spoilers. I knew it was Theo himself, but I was curious how they were going to handle the reveal. Nah, it was so and so. I mean, it was a plot twist, I guess.
CHARACTERS: I hate Theo. Poor Akk, WHY would he marry him?! Akk was a sweetheart; I kinda feel bad for Theo's parents, the scene where he was trying to get them back together was so CRINGE that I took off my headphones; Wayo was really weird, he looked like he was high (on love HAHAHA), also, was he in love with his teacher??!!!; I felt so sorry for Phupha, Theo was like, "I mean, yeah, I have money, but would I help this dude whose mother is sick and he doesn't have any money left? NAHHH."; Fluke Gawin's acting as Saifa wasn't the best, but at least he could sing.
The best thing about this show was the music. When I was listening to the main theme song, I felt like I was watching a good show. Unfortunately, I wasn't.
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This is how Brokeback Mountain should've ended
A cottage life with some adventure and drrrama. I like that the villains are family members. Sounds about right. Yeah, they had kinda a weird purpose, but still; family can hurt you the most.THE PLOT: Win and Korn (played by my parents, Earth and Mix) are childhood friends who have loved each other since the beginning of time. They are going on an adventure together after Win and his sister Lin had a car incident in which they swapped their souls. Win has Lin's body, and Lin has his. Win, in his sister's body, is not happy with him and Korn traveling together. Korn was given a quarter of his father's farm after his father died. Win is angry and blames Korn. As they are traveling to obtain sacred water that will swap Win and Lin's bodies again, they start to understand each other more and gradually speak about their love for each other. Will they end up together? This is a review with spoilers, so... YES! They will. Because if my parents Earth and Mix played in a series where they wouldn't end up together in the end... I would be REALLY angry!
CHARACTERS: A lot of people seem to not like Win, but I can't help it, he's so cute. Korn is a perfect boyfriend; something like Mr. Jeng in Step By Step. He's caring, loving, nice, and, of course, sexy as heck. Lin was extremely cute, and the actress is great. Their mother reminded me of Thua in The Eclipse; they forgave her a little bit too early. Other than that, I didn't like the caricature of a overly feminine gay dude. And his sister was pregnant with whom in the end???
OVERALL: I liked it. I won't rewatch it, but it was cute. Especially EarthMix. Btw, does the director have a foot fetish? Lol.
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When you're in "who's more toxic" contest and your opponent is TharnType
This is actually a psychological drama about two mentally ill people falling in love with each other. People were telling us how KinnPorsche was toxic, but it was NOTHING in comparison with TharnType. You have trauma, sexual harassment & assault, r*pe, manipulation, (probably) p3dophilia, incest... Damn, the last time I felt this uncomfortable was while reading Killing Stalking. It's a show full of red flags, or psychos.. or both. Plus, A LOT of characters should've ended up in prison.Yeah, I gasped multiple times, but in the end it was annoying, and I hated it. So many BL shows needed season two, but TharnType got it??? No way, I'm not watching it. I'm angry.
Story: Toxic, weird, I felt uncomfortable.
Acting/Cast: Fine, I guess.
Music: Ryuichi Sakamoto is shaking, crying rn.
Rewatch Value: An absolute zero. I'm never watching this again.
BTW, I'm surprised that Ryuichi Sakamoto didn't sue them for stealing the Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence theme song lol.
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Uhh, so.. are we getting the last episode?
This BL series was something different. I was TOTALLY shocked by every episode. I loved the drama. I loved the fact that everyone was evil. I loved that we didn’t know if the things were happening in real life, or if they were just in Koon’s sick mind…I was really glad that my country was „chosen“ by The Whisperer team and I could watch it on YouTube without VPN. Others weren't that lucky, tho. That's really bad if you want to get views (and money). So maybe don't do that. Anyway. I’m glad they weren’t afraid to do something else. Lately, a lot of BL watchers want more action and/or horror BL. Do you know how many times I’ve manifested something like The Whisperer? It was daring, but it paid off. I loved it!
It was also kinda funny. Especially the things that Koon’s brother's girlfriend said. Yes, she was homophobic, but when she said, „Your brother and his boy are so freaking gayish.“, I couldn’t believe what I just read :DD Or when Koon said to Taw: „I hope you don’t cheat on me.“ UMMMM…. Well… Yes, Koon, I’m cheating with a buff version of Drake Laedeke :(
The GORE! Broo I loved the gore so much. It was brutal! A little reminder: No one in this show is a good guy. (If we don’t count Dangjai. He’s my sleepy little baby!)
I still hope we get the last episode. Please. I need to know how it's gonna end!!!
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A series ruined by toxic fans, nonsensical theories and the directors themselves
A SWEET BEGINNING: Everyone was looking forward to Only Friends. It was something new. GMMTV usually aren't brave in doing sex scenes, we usually don't even get those scenes, rather they left the spicy stuff to smaller studios like Be On Cloud (KinnPorsche) or DomundiTV (Cutie Pie, Bed Friend). But this time they allowed a new writer and talented directors to add something different. This „difference“ was evident in the first minute of the trailer. We were in complete shock! A sex scene in which everything was seen and heard? With actors who hadn't been shipped before? This new thing paid off; in just a few days, the trailer received a million views. We had everything we always wanted. Messy relationships, intrigue, cheating. The filmmakers told us we could theorize. So we did and it was fun.It started in August. We were all excited. With each new episode came new theories and discussions. I was involved in them, and I loved talking to other fans on social media. The second episode came out, then the third one. The theories already seemed more insane. Every character was suddenly turning into an evil mastermind who "controlled" a group of normal college students. Probably the fans were watching too many horror and thriller movies. However, I still found it interesting.
TOXIC FANS AND CONTROVERSIES: Then came the turning point. The characters were made into manipulators. Fandoms fought each other on Twitter. "Your ship can't act!" - "No, your ship can't act!" It was a living hell. The directors watched it and cut some scenes, for example, because of the nonsensical hate on Top. I've never seen such unprofessional behavior. The show is supposed to have a SCRIPT, it‘s not suppose be guided by fans! They basically ruined the entire show because of these toxic opinions. I know Only Friends was supposed to be messy, but this much?
There were pointless arguments, the actress who portrayed Cheum had to apologize for making fun of a character, Force and Book were getting hate because of the characters they portrayed, everyone made Top out to be a manipulator and sociopath even though he had changed and really loved Mew...
It was a shitshow. It really could have been a perfect show, with great actors, but it became a toxic mix full of weird theories, arguments and hatred. And the directors didn't help either; they just added fuel to the fire.
CHARACTERS: Ahh, I loved the toxic characters that everyone hated. Boston? Love him. Boeing? Meow. Top? YES PLEASE. Every time someone was arguing about these characters, I was just sitting comfortably. Well.. Unless someone said something wrong about Top or Mew. They were my babies. Top had the best character development. And people hated him for that. They called him a manipulator. Lol. How embarrasing. In the end, he was greener than most of the characters. Sorry to break it to you. He deserved to be happy after all the episodes where he was looking like a sad puppy. I just can't argue with people who thinks he's the bad guy.. Because they are so fricking wrong about him. Every. Time. God dammit, because of this hate, they literally cut his scenes out!!!! WTF!!! Nah. I'll stop. TopMew defender till the end, my friends.
Other couples were okay. SandRay were good for each other. BostonNick were really hot together. That's all I can say to them. Toxic fans literally ruined my enjoyment for them.
OVERALL: A great series, with a lot of potential.. It's a shame what has become from this...
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A great show about trauma
I don't understand how Cheewin Wongskulphat (director) can make such a stupid show like Secret Crush on You and then make such a wonderful romantic drama dealing with heavy topics like trauma, rape and mental/physical abuse. The writers of Bed Friend handled these themes very well, without any romanticizing or toxicity. I love it when two characters slowly fall in love with each other. That's how Uea and King had it; they went from "friend with benefits" to..... well, I don't want to give up spoilers, but I was smiling like crazy. (If you know, you know.) The last episode was such a sweet spot at the end. The producers were like "Okay, we have money left over, so let's send them on a boat trip". Just kidding. It was beautiful.... "He's arrogant, moody, and likes to overthink things. But he takes a very good care of me, and I love him more than everything." :)Was this review helpful to you?

A very clever headline
"Happy birthday to me."...
Damn, I don't want to be thirty years old. Ahh, how I love people who think this is somehow brutal. It reminds me of "Postcards from London" or "The House That Jack Built". So yeah, it was a weird art film.
"Thirty Years of Adonis" is a celebration of youth. It's about a desire to be young. I guess it's also about the problem in society for most gay men (and women): when they're over thirty, they're not that desirable compared to the young blood.
Eating humans is linked to the saying that when you eat a human, the meat gives you their abilities and knowledge. Báthory (a Hungarian noblewoman and alleged serial killer) bathed in human blood because she thought it would make her younger. Everyone wants their youth back; every birthday is one step closer to our graves.
I liked the idea, but it was boring. Like every art film. The cinematography looked great, and I absolutely LOVED the reference to David Hockney's art. I saw the scene where Adonis jumps into the pool, and I was like, "Omg! It's A Bigger Splash by David Hockney!" Thank you, Mr. Director, this just raised my rating. Other than that, it was kinda mid.
"Death isn't that scary. Life can be like hell too."
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Wasted potential
It had a great potential. A good idea turned into a boring pile. Actually, the first 5 episodes were really good. I loved the idea; 10 days before the world ends, one couple is falling in love with each other, and the other couple is trying to kill them... It sounds so good, but the finished work was not that good. Like I said, wasted potential.THE STORY: The first couple, Golf and Art, met in a very unusual way. Golf literally hit him over the head with a guitar and then left the guitar in his room for THE WHOLE SHOW! What a psychopath. And he was supposed to be a doctor? Thank God the world ended before he had a chance to treat someone, lol. I don't believe they fell in love, I just can't. They had no chemistry!
CHARACTERS: They meet up with some interesting people while Golf is waiting for his brother to come back from prison. One morning, Golf dissapears (because that's a great thing to do if you're the only two people in the building) and leaves a note for Art to meet up with him on the rooftop. So Art goes there and has a "beautiful" breakfast on the rooftop with Golf in his SUIT and SUNGLASSES (he looked really funny). They were enjoying some expired sausages until someone else appeared on the rooftop with them... Hooray, it's the best actress in this show! I hope she won't die any time soon! I can't remember her name, but yeah, she was a good character.
But let's talk about someone who I totally loved. The gang that tried to kill our main group: Mike (dead in 3 minutes, lol), Joke, Long, and Long's sister. I absolutely loved Joke and Long. BL series always focuses on the uwu couples and never on the psycho couples (not counting TharnType). It's such a shame. They were awesome!!! Amazing chemistry, good schmex scenes... They were perfect. But then they fricking died!!!!!! I was so angry. What the hell.
ILLOGICAL THINGS: Welcome to a special part of my review where I'll share with you a list of illogical things that happened in the show. #1: Starting off strong, why is everyone doing it in the morning? Why not in the evening? That's only a start. #2: The biggest illogical thing was... the moon! I ain't no physicist, but it kinda doesn't make sense. A) GRAVITATION - the moon just can't fall on us. B) WHERE are all these bunkers? In the space? IF the moon will destroy everything on Earth, where are the people who took shelter? IF it was a small asteroid, it would make sense to take shelter somewhere on Earth, somewhere that the asteroid wouldn't fall, but the whole moon? What? WHERE ARE THEY? #3: How did the gang hear the gunshot if they weren't in the same building? #4: Why did Art marry a man who tried to kill him? #5: How did the psycho couple find the main couple so quickly? Yeah, I know Art left the ID there, but they took the same path as them. That's a big coincidence. #6: Yo, what? It was all a dream?
Overall, it was a very boring experience. I almost fell asleep once and then got woken up by a loud jumpscare. It could've been a lot better. Shame, shame...
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is he dating a psychopath?
forgiving your rapist is the worst thing you can do. and dating a psychopath. and a narcissist with abandonment issues. aaand daddy issues. jesus christ, fu yong jie is a walking red flag! i couldn't watch his "love story" with ye xing si. i felt extremely uncomfortable. i literally flinched when they were on the rooftop together. i thought he's gonna kill him, oh my god. creepy af!!! please put him in jail immediately.xiao li cheng and teng teng (the second couple) were really cute. i want xiao li cheng to be my boyfriend. he's perfect in every way. he's funny, passionate, ambitious, talented, handsome (extremely handsome, may i say), and a walking green flag. him and teng teng are an example of what a healthy couple should look like. incest and r*pe is not cool, guys. 😃👍🏻 (i can't believe i'm saying this in 2023.)
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The best show for the fans of Fifty Shades of Grey
Yeah, it was mostly boring, but the last 10 minutes were craaazy. The main couple was the most interesting, and (unexpectedly) the least weird. Shokun is sad all the time, poor guy, and Matteo... Well, Matteo loves BDSM. No, no.. His LIFE is BDSM. Sounds weird that this high schooler is into BDSM and his parents don't know he's got a secret room like Christian Grey? Um. Okay. The ending was kinda.. great. It wasn't boring. I don't even remember what were the previous episodes about. That speaks for itself.My fav scene:
"Are you hungry?"
"No, I was with Burger."
"So you're King?"
"Burger.... King."
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Better than I expected
I watched two episodes in September while I was on a camp with my new colllage classmates (imagine it like the trips in almost every BL) and I got back to it in November. Honestly, it was better than I expected.THE STORY: I was kinda bored in the first half, but then it got better. My thoughts about Kondiao and Hia Yi while watching Cutie Pie weren’t positive. I thought they were extremely toxic. I’m really glad they weren’t like this in Naughty Babe. They finally comunicated with each other. Their common trauma brought them together tighter then before. And also their families. Kondiao was literally like Cinderella :D He had an evil step-mom and spoiled step-siblings. No wonder he was easy to manipulate by Hia Yi. Poor boy!
CHARACTERS: Hia Yi was a manipulative guy in Cutie Pie. He’s better in here. He actually talks with Kondiao and tries to be better. Good for him… Also, his dad was HOT! (And Max’s mom too!)
OVERALL: Kinda an unpopular opinion, but I found Kondiao and Hia Yi more interesting than Kuea and Lian. MaxNat’s chemistry was incredible. I was literally blushing while watching the last NC scene… Wow. The ending was SO SWEET AND THE CUTEEEEEEST! I need more endings like this in other BLs too!
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