In his quest for promotion, dedicated police officer Joon Mo is tasked to infiltrate an illegal drug cartel led by Ki Chul. Little does he know, that his wife, Eui Jung, is investigating the same mission and she has known Ki Chul in the past. How will Moon Jo navigate this situation?
One of the most anticipated dramas this year, starring my first crush Ji Chang Wook. My first thought: the premise is one of my favourite setups! Hidden identity with action, so it's right down my alley!
Pacing is great, we get things going right away, but I am not hooked from the premise, and the story is nothing new. What's groundbreaking is the performances. The fight scenes are very gory, looks extremely dark and they’re done so well. More than the plot, I'm captivated by Ji Chang Wook, his performance is at its' finest, this man can be anyone! Directing-wise, I don’t like the parallel double-date set up and the strange flashbacks, but the acting by our leads is truly amazing! It shakes the JCW fandom worldwide, that you’re probably already spoiled by the scene by now.
The Worst of Evil could have been better presenting their leads. While watching it, I had discussions with a lovely friend and I totally agree with her insight, so I quote them: “There are great potentials that are set up but never utilized: either it’s Ki Chul’s gangster set up, or a believable marriage between Joon Mo and Eui Jung, or Joon Mo’s instability for the lack of a father figure. It would be interesting if Ki Chul has a stronger influence to Joon Mo and Joon Mo drawn to him as a father figure, more than money and power that he’s lacking in his low-rank police status, sucking him deeper into evil… It could have been a more heart-wrenching scenario for this noir.”
One of the most anticipated dramas this year, starring my first crush Ji Chang Wook. My first thought: the premise is one of my favourite setups! Hidden identity with action, so it's right down my alley!
Pacing is great, we get things going right away, but I am not hooked from the premise, and the story is nothing new. What's groundbreaking is the performances. The fight scenes are very gory, looks extremely dark and they’re done so well. More than the plot, I'm captivated by Ji Chang Wook, his performance is at its' finest, this man can be anyone! Directing-wise, I don’t like the parallel double-date set up and the strange flashbacks, but the acting by our leads is truly amazing! It shakes the JCW fandom worldwide, that you’re probably already spoiled by the scene by now.
The Worst of Evil could have been better presenting their leads. While watching it, I had discussions with a lovely friend and I totally agree with her insight, so I quote them: “There are great potentials that are set up but never utilized: either it’s Ki Chul’s gangster set up, or a believable marriage between Joon Mo and Eui Jung, or Joon Mo’s instability for the lack of a father figure. It would be interesting if Ki Chul has a stronger influence to Joon Mo and Joon Mo drawn to him as a father figure, more than money and power that he’s lacking in his low-rank police status, sucking him deeper into evil… It could have been a more heart-wrenching scenario for this noir.”
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