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Yohan Gaon fandom


Yohan Gaon fandom
Entertainer korean drama review
0 people found this review helpful
by djohangaon
May 19, 2024
18 of 18 episodes seen
Overall 7.0
Story 7.0
Acting/Cast 8.0
Music 7.5
Rewatch Value 6.0

Not one of my most memorable shows but it's a meaningful and fun story after all

Shin Suk Ho was a music producer at a large entertainment agency, wanting to start his own company. However, this new journey starts on the wrong foot and his plan falls flat on his face. As he's finding his way back, he meets Ha Neul, who gave up dreams to become a singer after losing his parents and being wrongly convicted of a crime. Will he be able to regain confidence and realize his abandoned dream along with Suk Ho?

Entertainer is surprisingly bold in presenting the shady side of the entertainment and music industry. The best part of it was undoubtedly Suk Ho's storyline, from cunning to sincere and the show gave it as much attention as it did. I enjoyed his hijinks with the boys of the Entertainer Band, without all the stress but lots of laughs and tears. The bonding that developed as they went through obstacles in pursuing their passion for music was touching, especially between Suk Ho and Ha Neul. The whole cast made their characters relatable and lovable in their own right. However, I didn't enjoy Hyeri's whining and crying that were so over the top, and it doesn't help her character being naive and rather foolish.

While the show had parts where I get bored (mostly due to pacing), it still delivers a lovely life-lesson well, that no matter how hard life gets, your friends can help realize your dreams. Regarding the ending, it was a little too perfect and fairy-tale-like, but the story made me happy with the everyone's journey.
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